What temperature should be in the refrigerator and freezer

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People in most civilized countries cannot imagine their life without a refrigerator. This unit is one of the first acquisitions in a new home. Knowing what temperature should be in the refrigerator is extremely important. After all, the quality of food consumed by a person and, accordingly, his health depends on this.

The freshness of the products is guaranteed not only by a properly selected temperature regime, but also by their location in the refrigerator. It is no secret that each shelf and compartment of this equipment is designed for a certain group of products (dairy, vegetable, animals ...) In addition to the refrigerator, there is also a freezer. It is designed to store frozen convenience foods. In addition, knowledge of the optimal temperature for this department will help to properly freeze vegetables and berries for the winter.


What is the optimal temperature in the refrigerator

Ideally, all products have their own storage temperature at which they remain fresh as long as possible. But since this is not possible, manufacturers have determined averages.

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Positive indicators are set on the main unit - from 2 to 5 degrees Celsius. This is optimal for most foods. If the refrigeration unit does not show the temperature value, then you need to measure it yourself. To do this, you need to place the thermometer in the main unit. If the indicator is less than 2, then it should be increased, if higher than 5 degrees, then reduced. Try adjusting with the rotary switch as instructed.

It should be noted that brands of different manufacturers may have different temperature conditions for the refrigerator.

Recommended Freezer Temperature

Probably, many wondered what temperature in the freezer is optimal. This is especially true for people engaged in harvesting from the cottage. The proper storage of food in the freezer can be maintained with a maximum value of 18 degrees Celsius. The minimum value in most modern models is not less than 24 degrees below zero.

You also need to build on the degree of camera load. With a small amount of food and rare use, you can limit yourself to a temperature of -14 degrees. On the contrary, if you often use the freezer, while loading it more than half, you should lower the parameters to -20, -14 degrees.

In new freezers there is a function of "shock" freezing. Freezing occurs at ~ -30 degrees for several hours, which is considered quick freezing. This option helps to preserve all useful trace elements, vitamins and preserve taste.

Refrigerator temperature

How to find out the temperature

The easiest way is to have a refrigerator with a built-in thermometer. So you can keep abreast of the temperature regime around the clock. Perhaps you have already bought a refrigerator for a long time and did not even think about what temperature is in the freezer and other compartments. There is nothing to worry about. In addition, if you are satisfied with the quality of the food, it does not spoil for a long time, then there is no reason for excitement.

For your own peace of mind, you should buy special thermometers (2 pieces), which you can find in any household store in your locality. You need to install on the inner wall of the refrigerator and freezer.

If you want to measure the temperature once, you can use a conventional room thermometer, laying it on one of the shelves.

Thermometer for the refrigerator

Cold distribution

  • As mentioned earlier, the temperature in the refrigerator is not uniform throughout the space, but varies depending on the location (upper, lower middle).

We will analyze how cold is distributed using a specific example at a total temperature of 4 degrees.

  1. Thus, the coldest place will be the area near the wall of the upper part of the chamber - + 2, + 3 degrees. Perishable products are stored here: meat and meat semi-finished products.
  2. Middle shelves will be with a mark of + 3, + 5 degrees. This place is for dairy, sausage, cheese products, as well as bread and some fruits.
  3. There is a "freshness zone" here the temperature varies in the range from 3 to 8 degrees. This is an ideal place to store fresh herbs, as it has a special climate.
  4. A place with a very high temperature compared to others is the door. It usually stores medicines, sauces, drinks.

If you do not open the refrigerator compartment door for a long time, the temperature will gradually equalize.

We find out how many degrees in the freezer of the refrigerator Atlant, LG, Samsung, Bosch and their refrigerator:

  • Antlant: in the refrigerator - 3-5 degrees, in the freezer - -18;
  • LG: in the refrigerator - 2-6 degrees, in the freezer - -20;
  • Bosch: in the refrigerator - 2-6, in the freezer - -24.

Food distribution by refrigerator

Useful Tips

  • Before setting the temperature, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Do not refrigerate hot foods.
  • Good to know: in addition to the refrigerator, there are other refrigeration designs - the cold element (a plastic box that is often taken on a trip) and a refrigerator (transportation vehicle products).
  • The refrigerator should be defrosted regularly (frequency depends on the make and model).
  • Do not set maximum values ​​on the refrigerator, this will negatively affect both the durability of the device and your budget.
  • Do not open the door too often, this violates the normal temperature regime.

Now you know how to set the temperature in the refrigerator correctly. This is a very expensive household appliance, therefore, proper operation will significantly extend the service life, increase its efficiency, as well as keep products fresh.

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