How to wash crystal to make it shine: housewives tips

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Crystal ware at all times symbolized luxury, prosperity, sophistication. But unfortunately, it is used infrequently, which cannot but affect its appearance. Therefore, the question of how to wash and care for the crystal so that it shines and sparkles is very relevant.

How to wash crystal to make it shine

Features of crystal products

The peculiar luster, refraction of light in crystal products look very solemn and beautiful. In order for the crystal glassware to serve for a long time and please the owners, it should be stored separately from each other, at a small distance. If it happened that two glasses stuck to one another as a result of storage, do not try to immediately separate them. They can simply burst. In such cases, you should fill one glass with warm water, and the second with cool (but not hot and cold). Glasses easily peel off from each other.

Water in crystal glasses

Cleaning crystal from various contaminants

For quick cleaning of dishes from dust, you need to use a solution of 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l vinegar and 0.5 tbsp. l salt. Wash the crystal with this solution, then rinse in warm water and wipe dry.

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Water salt vinegar crystal

If crystal things have stood idle for a long time and darkened with time, they should be soaked in a solution of any dishwashing detergent. Then rinse with water and vinegar and wipe.

If the crystal is very dirty, do not wash off traces of juice or wine, place it in a decoction of potatoes for a while.


Antique items may turn yellow. Here, half the raw potatoes come to the rescue. It is necessary to grate the surface with it, and then rinse in a light solution of blue.

By what means and how to wash dishes made of crystal to make it shine 

To begin with, first of all, crystal ware needs to be washed. To avoid breaking dishes, put a towel in the washing container. The washing solution can be prepared either with the addition of crushed soap, or with any other detergent. The washing process itself is almost the same as in the case with any other dishes, only more carefully.

How to wash dishes made of crystal

When washing, glasses should be kept at the bottom to avoid damage. After that, all glassware should be rinsed from soap in clean water and wiped dry with a cotton towel. Water temperature is of the utmost importance: crystal should be washed only in room temperature water. From hot it can burst, and cold water contributes to tarnishing.

And only after thorough washing can you begin procedures that can restore crystal shine. There are a lot of such methods:

  • 2 tbsp. l crushed chalk, 1/4 h. l blue, 2 tbsp. l mix water, apply to the product, thoroughly wipe with a flannel or woolen cloth until it completely dries and eliminates the blue color;
  • apply ordinary potato starch with a napkin to products and wipe until stains disappear;
  • 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l vinegar, 0.5 tbsp. l salts: in such a mixture it is possible to soak crystal further if it has more significant impurities, for example, green dried plaque on flower vases;
  • sea ​​salt and vinegar are mixed in water, the dishes are also soaked in this solution. This is done to remove green or brown sediment;
  • Acetic solution is used to clean dishes made of crystal with gilded fragments. After soaking and washing, the product is wiped with a woolen cloth. For products with gilding, it is not recommended to use detergents with aggressive components, they contribute to the erasing of gilding;
  • the liquid in which the potatoes were cooked. In order to soak the dishes in it, it must first be cooled to room temperature. It is recommended to leave the dishes in the broth for a few minutes, and then rinse in clean water and rub with a towel. Such a decoction perfectly eliminates severe pollution and greasy spots;
  • soda solution will perfectly cope with the removal of traces of vinegar;
  • raw potatoes can be grated, clean the crystal with this mass. Then rinse the product in a weak solution of blue, rub it with a woolen cloth until blue stains are removed;
  • To give crystal ware noble shine, you can rub it with medical alcohol. Just apply it to the cloth and rub it into the crystal.

Purification of a crystal vase from white plaque

Crystal vase
  1. In order to remove an old white coating from hard water from a vase, first you need to fill it with water with a dissolved aspirin tablet and leave it for 10 hours. When time passes, you need to pour this water and pour a solution of water with vinegar into a vase (3 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water). After that, the product is cleaned with a clean cloth to shine. If the vase has a narrow neck and you need to use a brush, you need to do this very carefully so as not to scratch the surface.

  2. Another good tool to wash from yellowness and white plaque is tooth powder. In a solution of tooth powder, it is necessary to soak a vase so that it is completely covered with liquid. A few hours of soaking is enough, then you need to thoroughly dry the vase and clean to a shine.

  3. A swab dipped in medical alcohol can very well and easily remove the white spots of plaque inside the vase.

  4. An aqueous solution of sea salt with the addition of vinegar perfectly fights against white spots of plaque. To do this, it is only necessary to pour this mixture into the vase and leave for several minutes, then rinse the vase with warm water and dry with a towel, bringing to shine.

How to wash from yellowness a crystal chandelier to shine

A crystal chandelier is an excellent decoration of the interior. To look expensive and delight the eye with a play of light, it must be perfectly clean. Contaminated, shades and pendant elements let in less light and look very unpresentable.

Crystal chandelier - how to clean

If the chandelier has removable pendants, it will be better to remove them. To clean them, you can prepare any of the following solutions:

  • water with ammonia. Such a tool will help restore the former shine and radiance;
  • water, vinegar and salt in equal proportions;
  • water, soda and soap;
  • water and dishwashing detergent. This solution is indispensable for eliminating fat and soot.

For effective cleaning, the crystal elements must be held in solution, then thoroughly and gently washed in it. After this, rinse in clean water and smooth to a shine using a fiber cloth.

Part of the chandelier that cannot be removed from the ceiling will have to be washed directly on the ceiling.

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to disconnect it. All non-removable elements of the chandelier should be wiped with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of water (1 l) with ammonia (1 h. l.) or ammonia (1 h. l.).

Also, pollution can be eliminated using vodka. To do this, apply vodka on a cotton pad and wipe the dirt. After cleaning the chandelier, you must wait until it is completely dry, only then you can turn on the light.

Can I wash crystal in the dishwasher?

Today, there are many options for dishwashers with different functions and modes. But with crystal products you need to be extremely careful. Manufacturers generally do not recommend using a dishwasher to clean crystal. But some models still allow you to use this function, although the risk of damage remains. The first thing that negatively affects the appearance of such dishes is water temperature drops. Usually, the crystal is washed with warm water, but due to a sharp temperature drop, the glass may lose its luster.

How to wash crystal in a dishwasher

Before placing crystal dishes in the dishwasher, you need to know the composition of the crystal. If it contains barium, then cleaning in the machine can be used. If the dishes are made on the basis of lead, then upon contact with a detergent, a reaction will occur that will ruin the dishes.

Another important point is the choice of detergent. Here you should give preference to delicate mixtures, since there are abrasive particles in the powders that can scratch the crystal.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that crystal products can be washed in a dishwasher. There are only three main rules to follow:

  1. Select a dishwasher with delicate mode.
  2. Use exclusively non-abrasive detergents.
  3. Wash crystal without lead in the composition.

Crystal Care Rules

In order for the dishes to have a brilliant shine, they must be wiped with a soft cloth previously moistened with alcohol. Alcohol will evaporate very quickly, and only gloss will remain on the surface.

It is strictly forbidden to use soda to clean crystal - it darkens.

If products with a gilded decor, they need to be washed with plain warm water. Then rinse in water with vinegar and wipe dry.

Crystal Glassware

Since the crystal itself is a very fragile material, it is contraindicated to wash it in hot or cold water. The same applies to food - it’s better to put already slightly cooled food in such dishes.

Modern dishwashers can simply rinse the crystal to a shine with a simple rinse. After washing, wipe the crystal dry with a cotton towel. It is undesirable to use terry cloth in this case, since it will leave fibers on the surface.

Never place the crystal in a microwave or oven.

Using these simple tips and rules for caring for crystal products, your dishes will sparkle on the festive table and delight everyone with their splendor.

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