Combined wallpaper in the kitchen: photos, rules and design ideas

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Combining kitchen wallpaper
When repairing a kitchen, many apartment owners use wallpaper. Usually all walls are glued with this material. The canvases fixed on the surfaces have the same pattern, but this design does not allow creating a highlight of the room. You can make the design of the room original if you choose a combined wallpaper in the kitchen. This option is a good way to create an unusual interior (photo below).

It also makes it easy to divide the kitchen into functional zones. Using a combination, you can eliminate not too good room geometry. With this decoration approach, you can raise low ceilings or push walls into too narrow a space, thereby making it more spacious.

Combined wallpaper in the kitchen

What is a good combination of wallpaper in the kitchen?

The kitchen in dark pink
The use of combination when creating an interior in the kitchen has its advantages. We list the most important below:
  • you can hide the flaws of the layout, as well as the defects present on the surfaces of the walls;
  • combination allows to visually soften high or too low ceilings, to make the room more spacious and eliminate unpleasant moments associated with a disproportionate width or length rooms;
    instagram viewer
  • There is an opportunity for convenient separation of this room into functional zones. This is especially true if the apartment has a studio layout. Even if the kitchen is small in size, you can resort to separation by combining the working and dining areas;
  • the combination of adjacent rooms provides an opportunity for their visual association, while in each room individuality and independence are maintained;
  • Using wallpaper, you can dilute the monotonous atmosphere of the existing environment through combination. At the same time, the interior will gain special dynamics;
  • the combination allows you to select one of the walls in the kitchen, which becomes accented;
  • tricks that designers actively prefer, make it possible to draw attention to the highlights that are present in the layout. These include bay windows, niches and columns.
Combining wallpaper in the kitchen

The combination of wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen: the rules for the repair

Horizontal combination of kitchen
If you decide to resort to combining when creating the interior of your kitchen, then in no case should you combine elite wallpapers and cheap paintings. Materials that have the same quality and belong to the same price category, but at the same time have differences in color or texture, are perfectly combined with each other. Being engaged in repair yourself, you can combine matte and glossy or smooth and rough surfaces with each other.

For a successful combination of wallpaper it is necessary to select them so that the paintings do not differ in thickness. In this case, problems associated with their docking with each other, as well as the selection of edging for them, will be excluded.

The combination option chosen by the owner of the apartment should go well with the style. In addition, it should fully reflect the specifics of this room. In order to avoid the atmosphere of kitsch, it is necessary to do everything possible so that a harmonious atmosphere appears in the kitchen. To do this, you should choose wallpaper, on the canvases of which design elements overlap. They should have a single style of ornament, while the shades of the same color should vary.

If you are planning to decorate your kitchen with bright large-format panels, then to balance it presence, you can apply plain wallpaper or opt for paintings that have discreet pattern. The floral pattern goes well with wood patterns and textures. Present geometric motifs can be easily combined with abstractions. If the owner has chosen the walls of saturated colors, it is best to combine them with muted and neutral.

The combination of wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

Ideas for combined wallpaper in the kitchen

Before creating a modern design using combined wallpapers, you should think about preliminary planning. First of all, you need to determine the color, as well as the texture of your material. If the kitchen in your apartment is small in size, then preference should be given to light shades that will not steal free space.

After you have decided on the color, you need to calculate how many rolls you will need to carry out the repair. Being engaged in calculations, you should build on the area of ​​your room. Also of great importance is the way to create a combination. Combination examples can be seen in the photo.

Ideas for combined wallpaper in the kitchen

Vertical combination

Vertical Combination Views
When carrying out repairs, the use of a vertical combination method on the walls of the kitchen provides the owner with the opportunity to balance a narrow and long room. An idea with such a room design should also be considered as a great way to raise the ceiling. In most cases, when carrying out vertical zoning, wallpaper with stripes is used as a material.. With this approach, the owner of the apartment can choose in favor of one of the following decisions:
  • Symmetrical. Walls need to be pasted over with wide strips on both sides of the center. An excellent solution is the use of materials that contrast against each other and distract their expressive lines from imbalances;
  • Asymmetric. This zoning approach involves the use of material with wide stripes that form one of the walls. On the other, wallpapers with differently sized stripes are fixed. This solution looks quite dynamic. Its implementation helps to make the room wider.

A combination of motley stripes combined with multi-colored wallpapers can be used for competent placement of accents. To avoid boredom in a monochrome design, you should use canvases of various colors, which alternate as 1-1 or 1-2. As a result of such a combination, you will get a wonderful color game. However, it is best with this approach to pay attention to the contrast of the combinations so that the kitchen does not turn out to be aggressive.

Vertical combination

You can use bold combinations, for example, red and blue or raspberry with green. However, people who consider themselves to be fans of traditional design most often prefer calm contrasts. They usually opt for one of the following options:

  • red and black;
  • white and black;
  • blue and gold.

Horizontal combination

Horizontal combination views
When creating a modern design in a kitchen with high ceilings, the use of this option is quite appropriate. Also, this design idea is the right decision in a room with any style. The designers ’favorite method is dividing walls in a horizontal plane, when it is necessary to expose a room that is too elongated upward to undergo a slight transformation.

If we talk about the simplest combination approach in the interior, then this is undoubtedly the alternation of wallpaper, differing in color and texture, but overlapping with each other and perfectly combined with decor.

People who have an idea to use the horizontal combination method when repairing their kitchen, experts recommend combining wallpaper with cork or wood paneling.

When the horizontal combination of wallpaper is performed, the first thing to do is to divide the height of the walls, as 1 to 2. And from below it is necessary to arrange a less wide strip. At the moment, there are many classic combinations that look pretty attractive in the photo:

  • the top is decorated with geometric patterns, large flowers or stripes, and the bottom is plain or has small designs;
  • the bottom is decorated with an ornament that stands out for its expressiveness. It can be geometric or floral. The top is monochrome;
  • the bottom is made in stripes, and up - a small pattern. Or the choice is made in favor of a monophonic design.

An approach is also attractive when top-bottom will be selected in one color scheme. The main thing is that you need to correctly approach the selection of the border, which should have a suitable color and theme of the picture.

If we talk about tying the height, then it can be done at the level of the windowsill. If the ceiling is very high in the kitchen, then in this case the lower part should occupy 2/3 of the room.

Example of horizontal combination of kitchen wallpaper

With horizontal combination, a separator will be required, which can be a special molding, border or bar. Designers recommend combining contrasting materials or, when using this method of wall decoration in the kitchen, use wallpaper that is similar in color. In any case, do not forget about the game of textures. In this case, a vinyl wallpaper with a relief that mimics the plaster will be perfectly combined with options from textiles.

Select the active wall

Active Wall Combination
Among the favorite techniques of modern designers is the accent wall. This option is used for zoning kitchens and decorating them. Photo examples can be easily found on the Internet. After reviewing the photo, each owner will immediately understand how advantageous this method is.

However, using this decoration option, you need to monitor the balance. She must not be lost. In most cases, designers use bright colors to design accent walls.

Wallpaper can be used to emphasize the beauty of the kitchen set or to make this piece of furniture more interesting.

It is also worth saying that this method can be used to create a wonderful emphasis on certain architectural nuances. Wall niches or ledges in the kitchen do not have to be hidden. They can be beautifully distinguished with the help of a successful combination of wallpapers, which will differ in color or texture.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen


When repairing a kitchen, many people paste over all the walls of the room with the same wallpaper. As a result, they get a modern, but quite ordinary interior, in which there is nothing unusual. If you want to have a room with a unique design, then to realize this desire is quite simple. Their decoration must be performed by a combination method. This method involves a combination of two types of material. They should be of the same price category and not differ in quality. But the texture and color may be different.

Using the combination method, due to the emerging contrast, it is possible to create a truly bright interior. Before you engage in this fascinating activity, you need to determine the color, and also calculate how many rolls of material you will need to transform your kitchen. Using popular techniques of designers, you can get a kitchen with a unique interior, which will be pleasant to be in.

Photo: design options for a modern apartment kitchen design

Kitchen in bright colors.
Light color combination
Blue color combination
Dark accent

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