Why welding spoils vision: consequences after welding

Why welding spoils visionDuring operation, welding emits infrared, ultraviolet and light rays. The principle is that the higher the current, the stronger the radiation. When working with alternating current, you get less harm than with direct current, because the radiation intensity is less.

Consequences after work

The content of the article

  • Consequences after work
  • Safety measures, how to choose a protective mask

Light, the brightness of the spectrum that is visible, reaches 15,000 cd / cm ^ 2, this is more than the permissible dose for a person.

Important! The most dangerous are the electrodes in carbon dioxide, the less dangerous are the tungsten electrodes in argon.

Welding adversely affects vision, if you look at welding without the necessary protection, you can get photokeratitis or burns of the skin, exposed parts of the body.


Photokeratitis is a burn of the cornea of ​​the eye. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: redness, sensation of a foreign body, cramps, it is difficult to lift the eyelids. Symptoms appear after 6-12 hours. Symptoms disappear after 3 days. You should consult a doctor to write a prescription for drops. Also, slightly brewed tea helps to relieve symptoms, it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool and put on eyes. Well cut potatoes and cold compresses help.

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Prolonged exposure to infrared rays on the cornea of ​​the eye can lead to cataracts. Cataracts are a clouding of the lens. It can be both in one eye, and both at once. In the profession, this disease is quite rare.


The effect of welding will be painless if you are at a distance of 1 meter 15 seconds and 10 meters 25 minutes from hose welding in carbon dioxide, and 1 meter 50 seconds and 10 meters 90 minutes from tungsten electrodes in argon.

Safety measures, how to choose a protective mask

There are 2 ways to protect your eyes:

  1. Glasses. Chameleon glasses are necessary to protect the eyes from bright light and radiation, from flying debris, including metal. The advantages of this method of protection: it does not squeeze the head, have a small weight, is ventilated, the filter itself darkens the glass.
  2. Masks There are:
  • Ordinary.
  • Chameleon.

Ordinary masks are of the same hue, while the chameleon has filters and darkens the glass automatically, as needed. Masks have the following advantages: good visibility, lightweight, complete eye protection from all kinds of debris and radiation.

When working in an open area, it is necessary to install special shields that do not transmit radiation that affects up to 30 meters.

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