Wine cabinet with his own hands: step by step instructions how to make wine cabinet

Wine cabinetspecial conditions are required for the storage of fine wine, especially collectible. In the cellars it is stored in special racks or shelves with individual cells for each unit. In a typical apartment this would require a wine cabinet. It can be bought off the shelf, but for a small collection of significant material costs for the purchase of such a technique impractical.

Reference! Ready-cabinet refrigerator is designed for the cooling chamber with a compressor type, so its value is high enough.

How to make their own wine cabinet

The content of the article

  • How to make their own wine cabinet
  • Wine cabinet made of wood with their hands
  • Step by step guide how to make wine cabinet

For storing ordinary wine at home can make the cabinet with his own hands a few simple ways. Before you begin, you must decide on the venue of the future wine storage. This requires adherence to the simple rules:

  1. Determine the location of a stationary installation of the cabinet.
  2. The ideal wine storage temperature 10-15 degrees. In a city apartment to ensure this condition without special cooling equipment is impossible, so the storage space should be located as far away from radiators. Installation in rooms with the system "warm floor" is also excluded, as is the wine cooling effect.
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  3. Indoor humidity should be maintained at 60-70%.
  4. Place of storage is necessary to ensure a constant influx of fresh air.
  5. The cabinet should not be in the area from sunlight.Wine cabinet

For wine rack device can use several options:

  1. Use the existing dividing partitions its diagonal X-shaped different sizes for each bottle individually or on the basis of Storage 2-3 bottles per cell, after putting them on one another or divided into equal-sized square cells for each individual storage bottle.
  2. Adapt existing niche in the apartment.
  3. To manufacture the base in an arc shape with perforations under standard wine bottles of 0.7 liters, to be stored upside down. Such perforated arc can become an ornament to the kitchen or living room.
  4. For rooms small area when valued each quarter. m, make a narrow vertical shelf from floor to ceiling with shelves underneath each individual bottle and punching one of the sides of the round holes of the diameter of the bottle. This design can act as a partition of the space of a small room.
  5. Arrange shelf storage of wine cylindrical clay blocks (ideal for storing wine cellar) or of PVC pipes of different diameter (structure obtained unusual and spectacular).

The best places for wine storage are:

  • cellar;
  • kitchen;
  • dining room;
  • attic;
  • podlestnichnoe space;
  • freestanding worktop.

Wine cabinet made of wood with their hands

Despite the wide variety of design finds for the device wine storage places, remains a classic version of a wine cabinet made of wood.

Important! Wooden structures allow wine to breathe.Wine cabinet

His greatest advantage in contrast to the shelves and racks, which are made by a certain space, is:

  • mobility (possibility of transport to another location);
  • Beautiful design.

The advantage of the wine cabinet wood is considered the possibility of self-repair.

There are many different models of wood. Getting to the manufacture of the cabinet with their hands should be defined with its size and shape.

Attention! Be sure to provide an additional amount of cells in the case of increasing the collection of wines.

The design may have one or two doors, or none at all. Production wine rack differs from the production of shelves and shelves only by a housing. Internal shelves are made by the methods described above: X-shaped, square or round holes for each bottle. These can be individual modules, then assembled together. Effectively fit into the interior of the combined model with internal shelves for storage.

Reference! The optimum is considered one storage bottle individual cell, preventing possible tangency bottles during their removal from the cabinet.

For the production of wine cabinets, which will be located in a cool place, it is recommended to use fine wood with a high moisture resistance:

  • oak;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • nut;
  • cherry;
  • Karelian birch;
  • acacia.

The wood of these species are durable and beautiful design products from them, even though the cost of this model will be rather big.Wine cabinet

Important! It is not recommended to use coniferous wood is resistant resinous smell.

In practice, for the production of wine cabinets with their hands often used pine or spruce easier to handle than valuable species and more than acceptable for the price.

Step by step guide how to make wine cabinet

Consider the step by step instructions wine cabinet without doors with individual cells inside.Wine cabinet

Step 1. Prepare a drawing showing all sizes and circuitry internal shelves. The depth of the cabinet should be at least the height of the bottles.

Step 2. Make a calculation of all the necessary materials.

needed for the manufacture of:

  • solid board of 20 mm thick;
  • wooden beams 30x30 mm;
  • thick plywood sheets;
  • metal corners;
  • fasteners;
  • lacquer.

Important! When buying wood to pay attention to the uniformity of the relief, absence of knots and layers that reduce the strength and reduce the life of the product.

Step 3. Prepare the necessary tools (tape measure, saw, hammer, sander, jig saw, electric drill, chisel, level, stapler).

Step 4. From timber to collect the back and the front frame, secure with screws, for stiffening the corners use the corners.

Step 5. Sheathing frame preformed board, which should be well dried, sanded and coated with special protective structures.

Step 6. From sheets of plywood cut the required number of partitions. The width of the walls is equal to the depth of the cabinet.

Step 7. Make cuts in horizontal partitions 90 degrees cell size and rigidly connect them to the vertical into a unitary structure. With good rigidity and the dimension properly fastened to the walls of the structure of the cabinet is not required. Likewise, you can do a breakdown on the diagonal cell partitions. In this case, the cuts are made at an angle of 45 degrees.

The partitions can be made of boards, the technology of creating design is the same as with plywood. Fully wooden wine rack will look impressive in any interior.

Important! Cell size should be such that it includes a bottle freely, but rolls.

Step 8. Cover external and internal walls matte varnish.

Important! The wine is stored in bottles placed on its side or upside down much longer it retains its taste.

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