Without warm water to live not too comfortable. Rely on centralized hot water can only lucky few, and that it is not always the clock. Will help solve the problem of installing an electric water heater or gas heater. About the installation rules, with diagrams and descriptions of important nuances, will be discussed in the article.
Preparatory work
The content of the article
- Preparatory work
- Stroke connection
Installation of safety valve
- Connection to the water mains
- Important recommendations for installing water heater gas type
The first thing you need to decide - cylinder model. Depending on what the family size, where it will be, taking into account the material of the walls and the space available and the taste preferences selected device requested parameter. The main parameters of the storage cylinder are its performance, consumption capacity, dimensions and location - vertical or horizontal, or floor attachments.
Location of the heater should consider such a way that, on the one hand, to ensure easy access to it - as the adjustment knob and valves water supply, and to provide for its easy maintenance - the ability to easily remove from the wall if necessary cleaning, if the boiler hinged. In addition, the water heater does not clutter the space.
After selecting the pattern and location device, start phase preparatory installation. After reading the instructions attached to the unit, check its assembly, including fasteners, certified according to the wiring required for the power supply of the boiler, prepare tools, pipes, fittings, valves.
Stroke connection
If the heater is connected outdoor version, then it is put in a preselected location for these purposes. Particular trouble with the puncher in this case is not required. Wall boiler fasteners provided as anchors to which he is suspended. Immediately it is worth noting that the divisions of the gas and foam - not a place for the installation of boilers, such experiments better not to.
Once the fastener has been promoted, turn off the cold water in the system, which will be inset. When divert water to the heater are mounted in ball valve, strainer water treatment, as well as a check valve, and then supplied to the boiler tube. The drain pipe with the hot water coming from the boiler is put through the mixer with cold water to consumers - showers, wash basins and so on.
After the wiring of the water boiler, a separate machine is connected to the mains. It can be powered through the socket and the usual way, but the first option is more reliable and safer. Upon completion of installation work, open the valve with cold water and provide power to the water heater. Check operation is performed so - awaiting response thermostat, then check the temperature of the heated water.
Installation of safety valve
Automation does not always work, and at failure of the thermostat when the certain temperature shutdown may not occur. In the best case, the host time to notice that the water in the boiler starts to bubble, slowly boils. In a worse outcome, overpressure bulb bursts, and hot water fills the contact, causing a short circuit. Total - defective heater and wiring.
To avoid this, the relief valve is installed in the system. Place it in the pipeline with cold water before the boiler. Actuation it occurs at a pressure of 8 bar. He operates - if the pressure in the boiler is lower than the inlet pipe with the cold water, the water flows into it. Once pressure is equalized, the valve drawdown occurs. In operation, the heater upset conditions, with a pressure of 8 bar and above, there is a small actuation valve and draining excess fluid. It should take care of its retraction, the valve connecting the conclusion rubber or plastic tube of corresponding diameter.
For the implementation of the pressure control, it is recommended to connect to the valve pressure gauge and use it to control the situation.
Connection to the water mains
Below is a schematic diagram of the connection of the boiler to the water system:
Figure shows where the risers are located with cold water, they are signed appropriately. The numerals 1 and 2 denote stop valves for cold and hot water, 3 and 4 - as valves regulating the flow of water through the apartment. Crane 3 overlap if necessary to block water in the apartment, and the fourth when the boiler is shut off to avoid leaving the hot water riser home. Number 5 indicates the place where the check valve is mounted. Number 6 - tap to drain water from the boiler. It is used when necessary cleaning, repair or disassembly of the device.
In these cases, the water from the boiler is fully discharged, and this rule should be followed strictly. Crane is not a mandatory element, but in some situations, can greatly simplify life.
For the water supply of metal special problems in connection should arise.

To the steel water pipe:
Here, not to engage in welding, use a special clamp for steel pipes.
For polypropylene water supply - important detail is the quality of soldering and the use of polypropylene pipes for hot water.

Connection to the mains:

Important recommendations for installing water heater gas type
For proper operation of the gas cylinder must have traction. It can be created as a force, and be natural. To create a forced draft used exhaust and supply ventilation, while the natural draft is based on the laws of physics and does not require additional equipment. The rest of the gas cylinder assembly similar to electrical. It should also be noted that the installation of gas water heater mandatory Gorgaz consistent with, and best left to connect it to the Pipeline qualified, because this type of device is much more demanding on the quality of installation work, than that electric.