There is sound in the LCD TV, no image: cause, remedies

lcd tv sound there is no image no reasonAlmost every person in the house has a TV. This type of technology has become an integral part of our lives. If until relatively recently it was an element of luxury that not everyone could afford, now the situation is different. Literally over the past decade, technological progress has taken great strides forward and has given us many wonderful discoveries and inventions.

The appearance of the smart TV has changed, new options and features have been added, including advanced developments. But the main task remained the same.

Despite the beautiful shell, people mostly get TVs in their home primarily to watch programs. It's nice to get together with the whole family and spend time together.

Key features include image display and good sound. It is important to choose the right model for the TV and check its work in the store. After that, it is necessary to make basic settings at home for the best work and comfortable viewing of TV shows.

It happens that these functions suffer and are not fully performed for various reasons. If this is not an expected picture, but a black (or dark) screen, then the normal functioning of the device is not ensured. This is an occasion to contact the repair service. But do not rush if the image is lost, the screen goes blank. Perhaps everything can be solved independently.

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In our article we will talk about the main problems and tell you how to fix some types of breakdowns.


The content of the article

  • Malfunction
  • The reasons for the disappearance of the image with sound
  • How to troubleshoot

Despite the use of advanced technologies and improved work, in our time it still does not work out completely to avoid malfunctions.

Depending on the choice of model, service life and operating conditions, image problems of a different nature.

  • Total image losswhen the screen is off and does not display anything.
  • Split screen and the impossibility of full viewing.
  • The picture is broken into small cubes..
  • Flicker and ripple appear on the screen.

In addition to the image, sound may also suffer.

  • The appearance of strange noises at different volume levelsthat can interrupt even the main voice.
  • Click and crackle usually occur with damage to microcircuits and overheating of the product body.
  • Complete disappearance of sound due to burnout of the chips or damage to the motherboard.

It happens that one of the described problems is manifested. But there are also cases of combining problems during work. Some devices have special indicators that give signals in case of breakdowns.. Typically, such signals are described in the instruction manual, it is worth studying it carefully, perhaps there is an answer and a way to solve the problem.

IMPORTANT! If restarting, blowing off parts from dust and following the instructions did not bring the desired result and restore functions, then the problem is serious.

In this case, it is best to give the TV for repair. Do not lose the warranty card, which will help you for free.

The reasons for the disappearance of the image with soundthe reasons

If when you turn on the LCD TV you find that the device turns on, the sound is preserved, but the screen does not light up, there is no image, which means that the problem is with the device.

You must carefully search for the source of the fault. In some cases, it may be as follows.

  • Start the test with a network connection. The electricity may not work or the wiring is faulty. In this case, you will not have a full image and sound. But it's not about the TV. Simple enough find and fix a wiring problem.
    Check carefully if the power is plugged in. After that, it is worth checking the operation of the remote control. It happens that the reason lies in it.

If all this did not help, then the source lies in the TV itself.

When the TV does not show when the speakers are working, the reason may be in such defects.

  • Chip damageresponsible for the image on the screen.
  • Failure or burnout of the backlight.
  • Motherboard damage or decoders.
  • Departure from microchips wires does not provide image transmission.

These are only the main areas that arise more often than others, but there are other situations.

Different manufacturers have differently arranged chips. Accordingly, the principle of coordinated operation of the image and sound is otherwise implemented.

  • Some models fail during long work.
  • Other do not function fully due to overheating.
  • And some may incorrectly perform their work if the operating mode is incorrectly connected.

Therefore, it is important to clarify all the nuances about the TV model you are buying and about the manufacturer's features.

When buying, do not hesitate to clarify important points with a sales assistant.

IMPORTANT! At the first start-up and further operation, constantly refer to the manual or the attached instructions and make all the settings.

This will ensure the correct principle of operation and extend the life of the equipment.

How to troubleshoot

Certainly the best solution to the problem in this case is to contact the technical support center or the nearest repair service. You will be provided with quick and professional help and rescue equipment.

But if you do not have a warranty card, and verification and consultation is quite expensive, you can try to eliminate the cause yourself and repair the TV as much as possible.


The general principle for solving the problem is as follows.

  • Before working with the screen device, make sure that the network is connected and working properly.
  • Check the power outlet and cable that matches the socket on the back of the TV.
  • Check if the selected device operating mode is correct.. Using the remote control, try changing the settings or switching the channel.
  • There are times when maximizing the volume helps restore normal functioning.
  • In extreme cases, you can look at the microcircuits and boards, for this you need to disconnect the back cover of the product.

If you doubt that you can do this and none of the proposed manipulations helps, be sure to go to the repairman for repair. Independent work can only worsen the situation.

Remember to periodically clean the surface of dust and inspect the rear panel. Take care of your technique, and it will delight you for many years.

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