TV or monitor for computer

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using monitorWhen buying a new PC screen for many users, the question may arise which computer monitor or TV is better. In modern realities, it is difficult for an inexperienced buyer to understand the difference between a TV device and a monitor. Although ten years ago the difference was obvious to anyone. Indeed, at that time, large TVs were often plasma or LSD and had HD quality. And their competitors of the same price could already boast a picture in FullHD, adhering to the same technologies.

Differences also related to size. At that time, TV models with a wide diagonal were already produced, and PC screens only mastered such dimensions. Today, the differences between them are not so radical and boil down to many subtleties that are not always clear and obvious to ordinary users. Both devices are based on the LSD or OLED matrix, have various sizes, from very small to huge, and the ability to connect and the number of ports is reduced to a common standard. That is why the line between the TV and the monitor is currently blurred, but in this article we will consider all differences between the two devices, as well as compare their pros and cons when interacting with a personal by computer.

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The fundamental differences between a monitor and a TV

The content of the article

  • The fundamental differences between a monitor and a TV
  • What is better for games
  • What are the advantages of both options?

It’s worth starting with a screen characteristic that is understandable to everyone, namely with the size. TVs boast models with a diagonal of up to 100 ”, while monitors with maximum sizes rarely exceed 35”. In both cases, there are models that use various technologies, both expensive and cheap.

To interact with a computer using a screen with a diagonal of more than 35 ”is not very convenient, due to the fairly close distance from the eyes. However, there are TVs of smaller models. The size of some TV models ranges from 25-35 ”. Such dimensions allow you to safely use the TV instead of a computer monitor, without feeling discomfort. TV, like their competitors, there are different resolutions from ordinary HD to the latest 4k UHD.

An indisputable advantage of the monitor in front of the TV is the variation in the aspect ratio. To perform various tasks, there are 21: 9 screens, which have no analogues in the world of TVs, since the standard aspect ratio for TV is 16: 9

Reference! Not so long ago, screens with 8k UHD technology went on sale, which differ in the highest resolution at the moment.

monitor or tvFor a deeper analysis, consider some of the technical characteristics of these devices. Let's start with the matrix. At the moment, both televisions and monitors are manufactured using similar technologies, especially those models that provide high quality pictures and color reproduction. However, in the lower price segment, monitors are superior to TVs, since it is much easier to find a 20-25 ”FullHD monitor than a similar TV.

Ports To connect a monitor and a TV, standard connectors are usually used, such as VGA, HDMI, USB, etc. However, here is the winner the situation is TV, so it has a greater ability to switch due to the huge number of various inputs and exits. Also in favor of the TV is the possible presence of a tuner and antenna, as well as such unique functions as support for CI cards, which puts this device in a more advantageous position.

Among other things, some TV screens may have already outdated inputs, such as “tulips”, etc., which makes the use of TV more universal. Also, an undoubted advantage will be the presence of ports, because even budget models of conventional HDMI TVs can have more than three. In this regard, the PC display loses to its competitor in multifunctionality.

After the analysis and comparison of the technical component is completed, you can begin the comparison in terms of functionality, namely, the comfortable use of devices for various purposes.

What is better for games

It is generally accepted that monitors have a lower delay between pressing buttons and displaying an image on the screen (input lag). Also, many TVs allegedly sin by flickering pictures. Both facts are not entirely true. Such problems occur only on the cheapest models of TV devices. As well as uneven backlighting, all this is a problem of outdated devices.

choice for gamesOn modern models of a decent price segment, these problems do not apply. However, televisions have another parameter in which they are inferior to competitors. This setting is the frame rate, and this is the key difference between the two devices. Indeed, the number of frames displayed plays a key role in a comfortable game.

Important! Do not confuse the frequency in question in this article with FPS; these are different parameters and FPS does not depend on the selected screen.

Usually, televisions even the name of the 120Hz matrix are capable of receiving only 60Hz of the input image, and everything else is “finalized” independently. This option does not affect the viewing of movies or sports, but it can spoil the impression during gaming. Due to this frequency, artifacts and an increase in input lag time may occur. The exception here may be 4k TVs from Sony, but even here there is no complete certainty that there are no problems. From the foregoing, a simple conclusion follows: for good and high-quality gaming, monitors are much better than TV.

When working with media files such as images or videos, color rendering is very important. Not all monitors boast a rich color palette (if we consider the budget segment). In this comparison, TVs have much more color reproduction and are not prone to distort the nature of the color, which is not true for some monitors. Color distortion is a real problem, especially for low-cost displays. That is why for working with photos or videos, when performing color grading or image processing, a TV is much better than a PC monitor.

What are the advantages of both options?

So, thanks to the analysis of the parameters and characteristics of both devices, it was possible to find out the main advantages of monitors and TV devices. To summarize the above material.

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The advantages of TVs are primarily the size. It is very difficult to find a monitor with a diagonal larger than 35 ”. However, for a TV device, this is quite an average size. In addition, watching videos and movies becomes more comfortable on a large screen from 40 ”. Another undoubted advantage of TVs is the color reproduction. Here we are talking, again, only for the low price category, since premium devices have a rich palette and bright color gamut.

The undoubted advantages for monitors can serve as a higher and more stable frame rate. This is undoubtedly important for professional gamers, for whom the delay can be fatal. Also, monitors win in the ratio of price / quality in the low price segment. It is much easier to find a high-quality and inexpensive monitor for a PC than a TV. For the tighter price, the TV device is likely to be inferior in parameters to its competitor. However, this is true only in the category of up to $ 200. TVs and monitors with a price tag higher have more similar parameters.

It is very difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion, because these two devices have, as well as undoubted advantages, and disadvantages. In order to make a decision on the final choice, the user needs to decide for what purpose the personal computer screen will be used. If the main purpose of the PC is to launch and support games, then the choice should be stopped on a computer monitor. If the screen is needed to work on graphics or image editing, the use of a TV will be a definite favorite here.

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