A bright spot on the TV screen: how to fix cloud spots on LCD TVs

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Unfortunately, the reality is that LCD screens (usually using fluorescent backlighting) can suffer from clouding. This is a phenomenon in which lighting “seeps” into the visible part of the screen, causing uneven black color.

A bright spot on the TV screen

How to fix cloud spots on LCD TVs

The content of the article

  • How to fix cloud spots on LCD TVs
    • Internal settings
    • Manual removal

The defect appears in areas that appear more gray than black in dark scenes, along with uneven brightness in ordinary shots. Sometimes corrected with a little pressure and adjusting the settings of the TV.

Things you need

  • Clean, soft cloth.
  • Remote control.

Internal settings

Access the TV menu using the remote control. Scroll to areas of the menu that adjust the backlight and screen brightness.

A bright spot on the TV screenLower the backlight to the minimum acceptable level. Often, the backlight can be turned off (or very close to this state) without noticeable deterioration in image quality. This will be an exercise to get used to low brightness compared to cloud visibility.

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Turn off all automatic settings that adjust brightness depending on the lighting in the room. Often referred to as the “iris” or “smart sensor”, they disable the degree of control necessary to reduce cloud visibility under all viewing conditions.

Manual removal

Turn off the TV. Take a clean, lint-free (preferably new) cloth and wipe gently from the center of the screen to the edges. Repeat until cloud visibility decreases.

Loosen (but do not remove) the screws along the top rear of the TV. Often these screws are so tight that they cause the screen to deform slightly, causing a visible uneven backlight. Remember to put the screws tight enough, however, to prevent the set from collapsing. Usually 1/4 turn is enough

Rotate the LCD housing slightly until the screws are tightened. Turn on the technique to determine if the clouds have decreased. If not, retighten the screws on the back of the TV close to their previous density. Thus, you can remove a bright spot on the TV screen.

A bright spot on the TV screen - elimination
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