The distance to the TV, depending on the diagonal: how to calculate

Distance watching tvIn order not to spoil your eyes, you need to know what should be the distance from the TV to the person. After all, if you neglect the recommendations, then you can prematurely spoil your eyesight.

From what distance to watch 4K TV

The content of the article

  • From what distance to watch 4K TV
  • Recommended distance from person to TV
  • How to calculate the distance depending on the diagonal
  • Beyond Rule

The value of this indicator depends on two main factors: the diagonal of the TV and screen resolution. 4K displays 4 times more pixels than regular HDs. This allows you to notice the smallest details at a closer distance. At the same time, it should be such that the viewing comfort is not lost. In other words, you need to find both an ideal and convenient location for watching TV.

Experts for 4k devices recommend a distance of 1.2 -1.7 diagonal sizes. It is easy to calculate that for a TV with a diagonal of 55 inches it will be 1.68 - 2.38 m. However, in order to take full advantage of 4K capabilities, the value should be less than 1.2 m. This is an inconvenient and unsafe distance for the user from a large bright screen. More correct for watching a 4K TV with such a diagonal would be the distance to the sofa or bed 1.5 - 2.2 m, which makes it possible to feel the comfort and advantageous features of a higher resolution.

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Attention! To appreciate all the advantages of 4K at a distance of 2.5 m from the screen, the diagonal should be 80 inches.

For such a screen you need a large room. In practice, most potential viewers cannot decide where to install 4K. In addition, many television broadcasts of Russian television are in 720p or 1080p format, which does not allow using high definition 4K. This also applies to Internet content and streaming television.

Reference! Streaming television is a streaming service in which content is broadcast in real time, depending on the Internet speed of the viewer.

Distance watching tv

Recommended distance from person to TV

Modern screens are constantly growing and becoming very thin. For a TV with a diagonal of 65 inches or 1.65 m, you need to work hard to find the right place. It can be hung on a wall or mounted on a bracket. The main thing is that watching TV does not cause a feeling of fatigue from the load on the whole organism as a whole.

According to the advice of ophthalmologists, the TV screen should be on the same level with the eyes of the viewer. The permissible deviation in any direction is not more than 10-15 cm. The guide is determined for a person in a sitting position.

Important! Watching TV while lying down significantly increases eye strain.

A bad option is the position of the screen "under the ceiling", which is often found in modern interiors. Viewing with a raised head causes tension in the muscles of the neck, which can cause pinched nerve endings. The distance from the floor should be more than 70 cm, so as not to tilt the neck, on the contrary, down, which is also not very convenient for long-term viewing.

Modern LCD and LED TVs are considered safe for the eyes. However, discomfort arises both at close viewing, and at remote. In the latter case, visual tension occurs and myopia forms.

The viewing angle for completeness seen by different standards should be 30-60 degrees. For example, according to THX standards, a 40 degree angle is considered the best for viewing. It provides a screen with a diagonal of 60 inches at a distance of 2.74 m from it. According to SMPTE standards, an angle of at least 30 degrees is considered the best, with the same distance of 2.74 m, the length of the diagonal increases to 68 inches.

Distance watching tv

How to calculate the distance depending on the diagonal

There is a rule according to which the distance between the eyes and the screen should be equal to the size of the screen diagonal, increased in 3-4 times the size. For example, with a diagonal of 65 inches or 1.65 m, the required value will be 4.95 - 6.6 m. With increasing distance from the screen, the necessary length of the diagonal that it should have increases.

Reference! Plasma and LCD flat screens do not cause eye fatigue from glare, so the distance to the screen can be reduced to 1.7 times the diagonal.

You can choose the distance depending on the diagonal and resolution using one of the numerous tables offering their own version, obtained by mathematical calculation taking into account viewing angle:

Diagonal length Minimum screen distance

 depending on resolution, m

inches cm 720r 1080p 4K
26 66 1,55 1,03 0,5
32 81 1,9 1,27 0,63
37 94 2,2 1,47 0,72
40 102 2,38 1,59 0,8
42 107 2,5 1,66 0,83
46 117 2,74 1,82 0,9
50 127 2,97 1,98 1,0
52 132 3,09 2,06 1,03
55 140 3,27 2,18 1,09
58 147 3,45 2,3 1,15
60 152 3,56 2,39 1,1
65 165 3,86 2,58 1,3
70 178 4,17 2,77 1,4

In addition to tables, charts and graphs are created to determine the optimal distance. The minimum calculated value implies viewing, in which the pixelation effect (individual pixels) is not visible, but all the details of the image are visible.

Existing tables of recommended distances, depending on the length of the diagonal, do not take into account the factor that TVs can watch 2-3 people at the same time, for whom viewing from a distance of 1.5 m, even with a 60-inch screen, will be uncomfortable due to an increase in the angle review. Therefore, recommendations always come up against a reality that brings in its nuances.

Distance watching tv

Tables help in choosing a TV and installing it depending on the size of the room. Table data can always be adjusted for specific viewing conditions.

Reference! To watch TV in 3D format, the same calculations and tables are used. Viewing angle is recommended to be increased to 50-60 degrees.

Beyond Rule

According to this rule, when choosing the size of the diagonal, two factors matter: resolution and distance to the screen. The basic requirement is the need to make the TV a non-dominant item in the room. He must not dominate the permissible space. Therefore, the main task is to choose a TV with a diagonal of such a length that the TV does not become the main object of attention for anyone who enters the room. Attention should not be focused specifically on the device.

According to the Beyond rule, the location of the TV can be determined in two ways.

The first one suggests making a mock-up according to the size of the TV, placing it in the planned installation location, visually assessing whether the device is the dominant object in the room. In reality, the TV will always be larger and larger than the layout, which must also be taken into account. The rule offers to know the opinion of the whole family when determining the location of the TV.Distance watching tv

The second is to use the existing table of distances depending on the size of the diagonal: 17 - 1.5; 25 to 2; 32 - 2.5; 37-2.7; 40 - 3; 50 to 4; 55 - 4.5, where the first digit is the size of the diagonal in inches, the second is the distance in meters. You can use the table above.

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