Do I need a smart TV in my TV?

what does smart tv look likeThe development of modern digital technologies has made conventional bulky kinescope TVs at first light and elegant, and then smart. After all, it is how “smart” that Smart (smart) is translated. Now it is not a simple device for watching TV shows, but a full-fledged entertainment and multifunctional center.

What Smart tv

The content of the article

  • What is Smart TV?
  • Features with Smart TV
  • Is it worth it to pay for Smart TV: pros and cons

the functions“Smart TV”, unlike usual, expands the available functions of the TV receiver. It allows you to choose and view the necessary content yourself thanks to additional programs and services installed on it. Such devices try to combine the functions of a TV receiver and a computer. In order to take advantage of all the available features, you only need a wifi or cable to connect the TV to the network. As a rule, each TV-receiver already has a pre-installed kit with an additional service. Moreover, each manufacturer sets its platform, both on a computer and on a TV.

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REFERENCE! After accessing the Internet, using the installed browser, you can find additional collections of media materials for each specific TV model.

Installed packages allow you to view the desired movies or clips without using a browser.

Features with Smart TV

To start using all the services offered by the “smart device”, you must first connect it to the Internet. There are several ways to do this:

  • Using a LAN cord. All TV models have this port. It is usually located on the back of the device;
  • By wireless Wi-fi. Modern models are equipped with adapters at the factory manufacturers. However, not all devices have a built-in receiver. You can buy and connect it yourself;
  • If the device model is quite old, then a special prefix for connecting to the Internet is attached to it;

functions with smart tvAfter the Internet is connected and configured, you can move on to the basic functions that the “smart TV receiver” offers. These include:

  • The ability to access the Internet. This can be done either using a browser or using special widgets already available in the package. For the convenience of the company, manufacturers take out separately such services as YuoTube and social networks - Facebook or Twitter. Some TV models have pre-installed widgets and Russian social networks;
  • The ability to voice and video using Skype. Some models of TV receivers are already equipped with a built-in video camera. However, for most TVs, you will have to buy and connect it yourself;
  • Play video and audio content from external media. It is also possible to view files from a tablet or smartphone over a wireless Wi-fi network;
  • You can control the functions of a “smart device” using a smartphone or tablet running on Android and iOS operating systems. To do this, they need to install a special program. More expensive TVs support voice and gesture control. Also available control from a wireless keyboard;
  • If an interesting program is being broadcast, but there is no possibility to watch it, then you can record the program to a USB flash drive or external hard drive. Dear models can do this, even in the absence of the owner’s house, you only need to make the necessary settings;

REFERENCE! Recording to external media is possible only for digital broadcasting, and also if there is no copy protection.

Is it worth it to pay for Smart TV: pros and cons

smart tvSmart devices have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • It is possible to view and record only the necessary content;
  • In addition to music and cinema, there is access to a huge number of Full HD videos, radio stations, a full browser, voice chat, and games. You can wirelessly connect to a PC and further expand the functions of the TV;
  • Unlimited access to Google Play. These are various applications, maps, training materials, mail service, office applications;
  • Convenience in management. After all, it is possible to do this both from a conventional remote control, and from a keyboard or voice;
  • You can not be afraid that a couple of years after the purchase, the device will be useless. As the technology develops, which means the service expands and there are more functions;

REFERENCE! The listed Google Play features are only available for models running the Android operating system.

Among the minuses are:

  • A regular LCD TV when connected to a computer can perform exactly the same functions and even more. Since Smart TV mainly contains entertainment content;
  • The availability of certain content and available services is regulated by the manufacturer;

Summing up, we can say that if you have a good LCD TV, then you can refuse to buy his more advanced brother. Since a conventional LCD, when connecting a PC or set-top box to it, can carry out the same functions as Smart TV, however, it costs less.

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