The TV does not turn on. The lamp does not light: types of malfunctions, causes of malfunction of TVs of different brands.

The TV does not turn on.In the world of modern technology and advanced developments, we are less likely to encounter problems with malfunctions. Manufacturers have learned to make high-tech equipment at the highest level. Due to this, they win customers, enter a leading position in the field of sales. However, all possible options and causes of breakdowns cannot be completely eliminated. Until now, people are faced with various defects when buying or with breakdowns during long-term operation of the TV. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine the source of the defect and contact the master. But there are situations when it is not necessary to immediately contact the service center - you yourself can deal with the problem.

The TV does not turn on: types of malfunctions

The content of the article

  • The TV does not turn on: types of malfunctions
    • The light is off
    • Indicator flashes
    • The light is on continuously.
  • Extraneous sounds when the indicator is off and the TV does not turn on
  • Causes of malfunction of TVs of different brands
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The first step is to determine the cause of the problem. If you find the source of the problem, you can proceed with the restoration and repair.

Here are a few reasons why your TV may not work:

  1. Incorrect power connection or lack of network. In this case, the problem is not in the TV, but the wiring should be checked and changed if necessary.
  2. The remote control is broken.
  3. The power supply is damaged - you just need to replace it.
  4. Incorrect setting of the operating mode.
  5. Chip malfunctions and technical problems. In this case, the help of a specialist is definitely needed.
The TV does not turn on: types of malfunctions.

IMPORTANT! Depending on the situation, the device may tell you what the problem is. Pay attention to the indicator and its operation. In different cases, it glows in a special way. This will make it easier to identify the source of the problem and help in choosing a repair method.

The light is off

As mentioned above, the indicator, in addition to performing the main function, may indicate a malfunction. At the same time, its backlight mode will change. The most common sign is the complete lack of backlight bulbs. This reason is the most common, but the most "harmless." The fact is that with an inactive indicator and no image on the screen, most likely the reason is a power failure:

  1. Check the cable connection to the TV.
  2. See if the device is plugged in and is functioning properly.
  3. Pay attention to the electrical panel, there is a possibility that the plugs are knocked out.
  4. Perhaps the whole house is de-energized, in this case, you just have to wait for the planned inclusion of electricity.

IMPORTANT! If the indicator itself burned out, but there are no problems with electricity, then the image would appear.

Indicator flashes

If the network is working, the indicator works, but it flashes randomly, perhaps the reason lies in the remote control. Try checking its appearance and performance:

  • case integrity;
  • lack of defects on buttons;
  • the presence of batteries - try replacing both batteries with new ones.
Turn on the TV on the panel.

If the problem persists after checking, you can try turning on the TV using the control panel on the equipment body itself. The absence of a result indicates that the setting of the operating mode was chosen incorrectly or accidentally lost. The TV has several playback modes: standard mode, standby (sleep), connect to a computer, output video from the player. Try using the settings to change the mode to standard and a picture should appear.

IMPORTANT! Some manufacturers specifically set blink parameters for quick troubleshooting. In this case, this should be written in the manual.

The light is on continuously.

The continuous operation of the light bulb tells us that the equipment is connected to the network and electricity reaches it. Therefore, the problem, as in the previous version, is worth looking for in the remote control. Perform all the same manipulations that were mentioned above. Try to press the buttons harder, sometimes they sink. If the problem is resolved, replace the control panel with a new one for convenience.

The indicator on the TV is constantly on.

If there is no image, even when turned on using the keypad on the case, the motherboard may be damaged. In this case, you must contact the service center and check all the electronics.

Extraneous sounds when the indicator is off and the TV does not turn on

On some models, in addition to the light, an audio sensor can be built in, which can say a lot about possible problems. But it is worth distinguishing normal sounds from signs of breakage.

Turn on the TV.

Normal sounds are as follows:

  • a single click when turned on by the remote control indicates stable operation;
  • Slight noise and cracking of the case may occur when the plastic structural elements are heated.

At factory settings, there may be characteristic signals that indicate problems. In such situations, you should study the instructions in detail or contact technical support for help.

When you click at the time of turning on the TV starts. In the absence of further work and images, damage to the chips can be assumed. Look under the cover, a possibly burnt out part will be revealed without difficulty.

Causes of malfunction of TVs of different brands

There are several varieties of the TV device: plasma, liquid crystal, LED. Nowadays, there are several leading manufacturers of equipment, and each of the companies has its own characteristics.

Samsung TV does not turn on.

If the equipment of any company breaks down, the principle of verification is the same, see everything according to the plan described above. If the problem persists, and the indicators somehow work in a peculiar way, read the instruction manual, perhaps the manufacturer described the alleged causes.

So, Supra TVs break down due to frequent problems with microchips, Samsung often has a damaged power supply, and Philips can turn off from overheating.

In the case when it is impossible to pinpoint the problem, contact the service center for help. Do not throw away the warranty card - upon presentation of it, they will provide assistance for free.

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