No sound via hdmi on the TV: troubleshooting

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Modern laptop computers have digital audio and video output. Using the cord through it, you can display video and audio materials on the TV screen. Using a universal wire, you can watch movies, flip pages on the Internet or listen to music through a large TV screen with surround sound. This is very convenient when the TV goes without the ability to connect to the Internet.

However, a problem often arises when connecting one device to another. Some do not have an image on the screen, others do not have a sound. What to do in this situation? There is a solution, follow the clearly set instructions and the problem will be quickly resolved.

Why when connecting hdmi there is no sound on the TV

The content of the article

  • Why when connecting hdmi there is no sound on the TV
    • Check the volume level
    • Installing the driver
    • Replace the playback device
  • How to switch sound from computer to TV
  • How to switch sound from laptop to TV

when connecting hdmi there is no sound on the TVAn hdmi cable transmits both audio and video. That is, when connecting it to a PC and TV, the sound should come from the second device. So, the reproduced video or audio sounds more voluminous, richer and louder. Therefore, if there is no sound when connecting the cord, you should figure out what is the cause of the malfunction. Indeed, sometimes a seemingly insignificant problem can lead to serious malfunctions.

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To solve the problem, most often, you just need to change the settings. In different PC operating systems, this is not so difficult. Even an inexperienced user of technology can cope with this task. All you need is to clearly follow the instructions and correctly connect the cable to the connector.

Remember! The interface of Windows 7.8 and 10 is slightly different, because of this, the settings can be located not only in the bottom panel, but also in the menu.

Check the volume level

when connecting hdmi there is no sound on the TVIf, when you turn on the computer and the TV, sound comes only from the first device. The first thing to do is check the volume on the TV. Sometimes owners of equipment can set the sound on the device to a minimum or completely turn off. Therefore, there is no sound when playing back files. You should also check the volume on the TV when watching channels. Perhaps it is faulty, and TV repair is required.

Important! When you configure devices for viewing, they must be connected to each other and to the network. If when connecting the cable the laptop does not see the digital technology, you just need to reboot the device and try again.

Installing the driver

driver installationIf there is no sound on the TV when connecting hdmi, a problem with the volume may be a driver malfunction. This happens extremely rarely. However, such a reason should not be ruled out. The driver may fail if it was previously manually installed. And by chance, when setting up, a check mark was unchecked from the HD Audio component. In addition, the driver version plays an important role. If it is out of date, audio may not play. In that case, you will need to update the driver on the PC.

To fix this problem, do the following:

  1. We find the task manager in the control panel. For a quick search, you can simultaneously press Win and X. Of all the options, we find the “sound and gaming devices” section.
  2. If only a sound card is specified in the settings, then the reason is in the driver. However, if there is still NVIDIA HDA in the lists, then in the menu (opens by pressing the right button), select the "Enable" item.

To install the driver and connect the desired device, do the following:

  1. Open the official website of the video adapter developer or a third-party page with drivers.
  2. Find among the options the latest version of the driver and download it to your PC.
  3. After starting the installation, uncheck the automatic mode, this is necessary to control all actions.
  4. In a manual installation, when displaying installation components, check the box next to "HD audio driver."
  5. After completing all the actions, you need to close all windows and click on restart the device.

Important! If you are a beginner and do not know how to manually install drivers, then Driver Booster is useful for you, it will simplify the process of installing and finding firewood for your PC.

Replace the playback device

Replace the playback device on tvHow to switch sound to TV via hdmi? To replace playback devices, you first need to connect an hdmi cable to two devices. After connecting, the image of the computer desktop should appear on the TV screen. Now you should check if the sound is turned on on the devices.

On the computer, open the menu with the right mouse button and find the sound control item. Then we find the item “Playback device”. A window with available devices should appear on the screen. Among them we find a connected TV. Next, click on this icon with the right mouse button and select "Use by default" and click "OK" to confirm. After these steps, sound should appear on the TV. If you reconnect the device to digital technology, you will not need to repeat the steps.

On hdmi does not go sound to the TV? If you need to return the sound to a laptop or speakers. You will need to do the same actions, just choose not a TV, but a speaker or a computer.

How to switch sound from computer to TV

How to switch sound from computer to TVHow to play sound on TV via hdmi? Today, displaying multimedia on a TV screen is the most popular way to comfortably view different content. There are no problems with the cable and it is convenient to use.

How to transfer sound from a computer to a TV? The hdmi cord comes bundled with some televisions and home theaters. It can also be purchased at any household appliance store.

How to output sound from a computer to a TV? To output sound to a digital device, follow the following procedure:

  1. Disconnect all devices from power.
  2. Connect one end of the cord to the computer and the other to the TV.
  3. Turn on two units.
  4. In the TV settings, select the HDMI audio source.
  5. Everything is ready for viewing and listening!

On a note: how to switch sound from a computer to a TV? Do not buy expensive cables, since the price does not affect the sound quality, it is better to give preference to the verified brands of the manufacturer.

How to switch sound from laptop to TV

How to switch sound from laptop to TVHow to switch sound from laptop to TV? In Windows 7.8 and 10 operating systems, all settings are similar to each other. Names of items may vary slightly.

How to connect a laptop to a TV with sound? When connecting a laptop to a TV, you usually do not need additional settings. Everything takes place automatically. You just need to connect the hdmi cord and turn on the desired mode on the device.

There is no sound via hdmi on the TV? If the sound and image did not automatically appear on the screen. Then you will need to manually configure the unit.

If you have installed Windows 7 or version 8. Then we find the sound icon in the taskbar and right-click on it. We find the column "Playback devices." If version 10 of the operating system is used, the menu will display the item “Open sound parameters”. After clicking, a window will appear where you will already need to find the “Sound Control Panel”.

Sound via hdmi does not go to the TV? In the window that appears, there must be a connected device. We select it by default. A green circle should appear near the icon. After which the sound should sound independently from the TV speakers. This action needs to be done only once at the first pairing. Subsequently, when the cord is connected, the sound will be automatically output to another device.

Sometimes in the displayed window there is no necessary device icon. In this case, you need to find the item "Show disabled devices" and put a checkmark next to it. After that, the connected TV should appear in the list. You will need to click on it and turn it on, and only then make it the default device.

In the new version of Windows 10, you can change the type of device to output sound in a simplified version, immediately in the parameters. In the control panel, you need to select the desired TV in the "Select output device" and "Intel audio for displays."

If, even after all the actions, the icon did not appear. Often the problem is in the cord itself, laptop or TV. If so, then you should look for the cause of the malfunction and solve it. It is best to consult a specialist if you have never dealt with such a technique.

Hdmi cable is a convenient device that helps to reproduce various contents of a laptop computer on a large screen. The user is very easy for them. It is enough to connect the two sides of the cord to the devices and turn them on. However, quite often, users have a problem with sound or image. To display the image and sound you need only a little knowledge and skills to use technology. And everything will work out. Do not be afraid to try!

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