TV picture adjustment: step-by-step instruction

Image AdjustmentThere are times when the image on the TV looks a little unnatural. The picture is blurry, too bright or dark. This spoils the overall viewing experience. There are some settings, making which you can increase the image quality to the maximum, making it so that it does not differ from the real one.

How to adjust images on a TV

The content of the article

  • How to adjust images on a TV
    • Model dependent
  • What parameters to set during setup
  • TV picture adjustment: step by step

The image on the device consists of five parameters:

  1. The size.
  2. Brightness.
  3. Contrast.
  4. Color.
  5. Focus.

All these components are necessary for adjusting the base image, if the user does not know how to work with the settings at a special level. Professional setup is as follows:

  1. Test. They contain test zones.
  2. Necessary for customization at a special level.
  3. Taken from real life.
Image Adjustment

Model dependent

The basic setup does not differ in different models. There will be 5 components in the menu, and the way to configure them is the same. We just need to go to the menu, select the settings and set the necessary values. The difference can only be in the interface. But the basic appearance is the same (black and white stripes for brightness, gray-white for contrast).

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Test pictures will differ. Photos choose two types:

  1. Solid colors. They are needed to check the correct operation of the pixels on the monitor.
  2. Colored. To check the correct operation of the color bands.

Attention! Depending on the model, the image format most often differs. For example, some devices require Full HD, and some Ultra HD 4K.

Image Adjustment

What parameters to set during setup

There are common errors when adjusting the picture. If allowed, the picture will be of poor quality. Errors concern all five component pictures. Therefore, we set the following parameters:

  1. Adjust image format or size. Correctly put two whole triangles. It’s wrong if one of the corners is cut off.
  2. Brightness. Consists of several black cells. The correct option is if all cells have a different tone, from black to white. Wrong if the same.
  3. Contrast. Consists of several gray cells. The correct option is if all the gray cells are in different tones from gray to white. Wrong if the same.
  4. Color or saturation. The picture will be in the form of human skin. Several shades will be presented, choose the one that suits. It is wrong if a person’s skin is unnatural in color, for example, red.
  5. Focus. He is responsible for the sharpness and clarity of the image. It’s right if we see all the lines as accurately as possible. Wrong if we see only a few lines.
Image Adjustment

TV picture adjustment: step by step

The easiest way is to go into the settings. To do this, press the appropriate button on the remote control. A menu appears with a list of all the components. We move the sliders, exposing the values ​​we need.

But there are ways to configure components on a professional level. For example:

  1. For brightness, download the image “Pluge pattern” (use the Internet). We will have a vertical strip of several cells in a row. The left cell will be completely black. We need to set the image in such a way that all cells are of different shades (starting from black, they become brighter until it turns out that the right one is completely white). It is important to clearly see the difference of all cells. Special wheels are also sold to set the brightness.
  2. The contrast is adjusted accordingly, only the left cell is completely gray. We adjust so that in each next cell the gray shade becomes whiter. The last cell is completely white. All cells must be in different tones.
  3. To determine the saturation, you need a high-quality photo. It is necessary to compare the picture on the device and on the photo, making it identical. We select several different images (it is necessary to take a photo of nature, since there are a lot of green colors on them). This shade is most difficult to perceive, so putting it on the eye will be very difficult. In addition to pictures of nature, it is necessary to have a high-quality photo of a person (for comparisons of skin tones).
  4. To adjust the focus, download the Sharpness pattern application. Using this program, we adjust the clarity. First you need to choose a comfortable location to see all the pictures on the TV. Launch the “Sharpness pattern”. We build clarity so that everything, even the thinnest lines, is visible.
Image Adjustment

To install the formats, you are unlikely to need special programs. Image sizes do not include settings at a special level, fairly standard.

Reference! The difference between the usual and professional settings is that you can adjust all the parameters of the images, taking into account the smallest details. The picture will become better.

There are many programs on the Internet that will help you set up pictures on your device. Download the appropriate ones and install on the TV.

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