Where to turn in the old TV for money: why can’t you just throw the old TV away.

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Old tv.The age of modern household appliances, especially televisions, is short - you will not have time to enjoy the purchase or it will break or become hopelessly outdated. The issue of recycling old equipment arises from every resident of the country. The options are to put it in a landfill, dispose of it, sell it, give it to parts, give it to those in need. We will analyze each.

Why you can’t just throw away the old TV

The content of the article

  • Why you can’t just throw away the old TV
  • Where to rent an old TV for money
    • Find a buyer
    • We rent in the workshop for scrap
    • We rent to a pawnshop or thrift store
    • Another way to get rid of unnecessary equipment
  • Free old TV

This is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about a faulty technique. But a citizen who is not indifferent to environmental problems will not begin to transport the old TV to a landfill. The body of the device, electronic filling, under the influence of natural factors, decompose and cause irreparable harm to the environment.

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Why the old TV cannot be thrown away.

This applies to old tube televisions with a kinescope, which contain a huge amount of elements dangerous to human health and nature. Here is just a part: barium, which has a negative effect on the muscles, strontium, when oxidized by air causes burns of the mucous membrane, hematopoietic organs suffer from an excess of lead, mercury, dangerous in pairs. Such devices have not been produced for a long time, but according to environmentalists, landfills are still full of such broken appliances.

ATTENTION! A citizen who throws the television in a household waste bin will pay a heavy fine. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 89-ФЗ dated 06.24.1998, TV receivers, according to the degree of negative impact on the environment, belong to the third class of waste. Only specialized companies can dispose of them.

Where to rent an old TV for money

There are several ways to get rid of the old unit, while helping out a certain amount.

Find a buyer

A simple, effective way to get rid of boring equipment and get money is to put up an offer on the trading floors - Avito, Youla or advertise on social networks. You won’t get much for the old receiver - the prices vary greatly, count on a minimum. Take a picture of the machine turned on from all sides, attach a full description, write bright text. Focus on a narrow circle of potential buyers - collectors, designers, students. Demand for such equipment exists. They are taken:

  • for country houses, garages;
  • for use with a game console;
  • for apartments for rent, security rooms;
  • for the design of a special interior, recreation of the atmosphere of 70–80 years.
Selling a TV ad.

IMPORTANT! Collectors and designers “hunt” for TVs older than 50 years in good condition. They can be more expensive than modern ones. For example, the first KVN TV set in 1952 in good condition was put up for sale at Youla for 100 thousand; the KVN-49 apparatus with a lens and documents was estimated at 50 thousand.

We rent in the workshop for scrap

We take it to the repair shop. The option will not bring millions, but some amount can be obtained. There is no longer any demand for old picture tubes, and LED, plasma models will be taken. They are especially appreciated: matrices, power systems, IR receivers. Owners of old TVs do not have information about the real cost of spare parts and materials, but in such devices there may be parts worth the money.

Hand over the old TV to the workshop.

ATTENTION! Before the trip, call the master, discuss the feasibility. There is no guarantee that the workshop requires just such a model.

By law, specialized workshops and centers are only allowed to use new materials, but usually they save and buy used materials. This is an indicator of unfair attitude to duties, entirely on their conscience. But it’s possible to sell the old device.

Scrap metal collection points operate in every city. Older models contain non-ferrous and precious metals. True, there are few of them. To get normal money, it’s better to go through several points, compare prices. But it’s more profitable to rent in the near future - you don’t have to spend on gas and you can save time.

IMPORTANT! They say that if you disassemble the TV yourself, you can gain 2 kg of copper, several grams of precious metals. But you have to be an engineer to do this.

We rent to a pawnshop or thrift store

This is a good option, having its own nuances. You need to do this in a trusted store. The device should have a presentable appearance, be operable, not a very outdated model. Get the maximum amount possible only after its sale. If you want to receive money immediately, then depending on the internal policy of the store, you can count on no more than 60% of the real price. Delivery is yours. But there are pluses - having passed the equipment, you can free up the space at home, and the money will be transferred to you after some time.

Hand over the old TV for money to a thrift store.

Another way to get rid of unnecessary equipment

Not so popular, but many use it. Large stores organize promotions - when you buy new equipment, you get a discount if you rent an old model. Everything seems to be fine - I passed the old one, got a cheaper new one. The carriage may also be at the seller. But do not flatter yourself much, the store does not work at a loss - the price wraps up first, then drops slightly. You help out the minimum amount for an old device that still works. But you get rid of trash - this is a plus.

Free old TV

If you want to do a noble cause - to help those in need, get rid of unnecessary equipment - give it for free. Such a gift will be accepted:

  • large and single mothers;
  • young families;
  • tenants of rented apartments;
  • the elderly and single people;
  • the poor.

Their "thank you" will be much more important and more enjoyable than the money that you can help out for the old unit.

If you want to clean up a place for a new TV at home, and give the old one for money, then you should not count on a large amount. Each product, after some time of operation, loses value. And the longer the time, the lower the cost. Sometimes it’s more pleasant to give it free to those who need it.

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