How to choose a room antenna for a TV: which antenna to buy for home and cottage

how to choose a room antenna for a TV An integral part of the interior of a living room from the middle of the last century is television. Image quality determines the possibility of obtaining complete information regardless of its orientation: will it be an advertised product or an interesting film. You can achieve good broadcasting by using cable television or a home antenna. It is installed next to the television.

Now some viewers use the so-called dish to receive a satellite signal. But this is an expensive event both when buying equipment, and when paying for the cost of installation. To view a standard set of channels, a home antenna is the most affordable and convenient tool.

Types of indoor antennas

The content of the article

  • Types of indoor antennas
    • By frequency of radio waves
    • In size and design
    • By the presence of an amplifier
  • How to choose a digital indoor antenna
  • Which antenna to choose for the cottage

By frequency of radio waves

The difference in the frequencies of transmitted radio waves requires design features of the device,

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kindsreceiving signal for image acquisition. Therefore, antennas are divided into the following types:

  • meter;
  • decimetric;
  • all-wave.

Meter waves broadcast central television channels throughout Russia, but decimeter - are used regional television companies and district television studios.

REFERENCE. To obtain both types of signals use all-wave antenna.

It has an increased size, compared with the analogue for one type of wave. But the number of channels on which you can configure your TV will increase significantly when using a universal premium device.

In size and design

Externally meter differs in larger size of used aluminum designprofiles. BUT decimeter has smaller dimensions and is made in the form of a frame structure of a rigid welded metal wire or the like.

Home indoor antenna from street distinguished by the mandatory presence of a standdue to which, the device is placed in a convenient place in the living room.

Modern models of equipment receiving a radio signal have a plastic case. Inside it are the necessary elements for the conversion of waves.

By the presence of an amplifier

Depending on the distance to the repeater, the wave signal may be stronger and weaker. The positioning range is compensated by an amplifier that improves reception quality.

The presence or absence of such an additional device divides indoor antennas into groups:

  • passive;
  • active.

A device without an amplifier is classified as a passive device. It accepts various types of waves, depending on the design. But Only a special board can distinguish the signal quality, which distinguishes the active antenna from the usual. Some types of amplifier circuits require electrical voltage, so they are connected to the network or other power sources.

ATTENTION! Active devices are necessary not only at a great distance from the repeater, but also when connecting two or more televisions to the same antenna!

This is due to the fact that, when a coaxial cable is divided into two or three connection points, the quality weakens by a multiple of the number of connected consumers!

How to choose a digital indoor antenna

An analog signal is no longer relevant and is being replaced by a digital one. repeaterthe television. The new wave format is transmitted in the decimeter range and has the DVB-T2 standard. It means that not every antenna designed for a given wave dimension can receive a digital broadcast of a repeater.

If the range of received waves is large and the height of the location is not lower than the horizon, then there is a chance to see the figure using the decimeter device used. But in the absence of such conditions you need a receiver that allows you to receive waves of the DVB-T2 standard.

The emergence of a new digital broadcasting requires additional conversion of the receiving device. The receiver is purchased separately and connected to the coaxial cable through which the signal is transmitted.

IMPORTANT! If you want to replace the antenna, get a new one, already with a receiver capable of receiving the digital standard of the desired channels.

Modern models of devices that convert the radio signal are equipped with the ability to receive waves of a new standard.

But To obtain a high-quality image, it is important to know about the correspondence of the signal gain to the distance to the radio transmitter. Theoretical calculations based on which antennas with various indicators are proposed are erroneous. So that the joy of buying a new wave receiving device is not overshadowed by the receipt of an interference image, it is purchased in specialized stores, with the possibility of replacing it with a more powerful one.

TIP! In remote areas, before acquiring the receiver, study the digital signal coverage map!

If it covers the desired territory, then the purchase of such a device will be relevant, but if not, then you should not waste money.

A large selection of new models with a receiver, produced by various enterprises, will allow you to choose the required equipment not only in technical, but also in aesthetic parameters.

Which antenna to choose for the cottage

When choosing a device for a country house, the following factors are considered:to the cottage

  • remoteness from city repeaters;
  • desired channels for viewing;
  • terrain features;
  • budget that can be used to purchase.

Having measured their wishes and possibilities, they buy and install the antenna in the country. A smaller number of programs regarding urban reception is a characteristic sign of the large distance to the TV towers from which the signal is emanating.

ATTENTION! It is recommended to place the room device in a country house under the ceiling of the top floor!

To improve the quality of reception, it is installed even in the attic or use a street model for installation outside.

Having studied the features of acquiring a room antenna, you can safely go shopping, given the need to view certain channels.

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