How to Recover button on your TV remote: how to fix a button does not work the TV remote button that do not work on the remote button

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How to Recover button on your TV remoteOne of the most important components is the TV remote. With his help, there is all management channels, additional features and by telereceiver. But after prolonged use buttons can sink down, fall off, or simply cease to function. Why is this happening? Is it possible to remedy the situation on their own, without the help of professionals? Of course, you can. To learn how to do it correctly and not to spoil the console finally, you will learn in this article.

What to do if you do not work the remote button on the TV?

The content of the article

  • What to do if you do not work the remote button on the TV?
    • Causes and symptoms of malfunction
  • How to fix a button on your TV remote
  • How to extend the life of the console

Using the device can make it difficult to damage even a single button, for example, the most important - on and off the device. To begin, it is important to understand the causes of failure. Since the console is often used by many members of the family, it can be contaminated in the same way as other appliances.

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Causes and symptoms of malfunction

Fault causes can be:

  • pollution;
  • malfunction internal elements;
  • discharged batteries.

cleaning remoteCheck the batteries, if the TV does not respond to commands. This can be done using a normal camera in the phone, which is capable to capture infrared light. For this aim the camera at a diode located on front housing, and check whether or not it is ignited. If there is no signal, possibly also damage occurs one of the internal elements of the device. Another reason may be the accumulation of condensate with it. This is due to the prolonged use device. After contact with the dirt inside could happen oxidation important elements, because of what the buttons are no longer perform its tasks.

When not working, one or a few buttons, it is likely that they erased carbon coating. And after fall of the remote could damage the inside of the quartz ceramic.

Possible reasons for failure are many, so further action is determined only after the installation of these reasons. So I have to spend time on careful inspection device.

How to fix a button on your TV remote

So, if you have replaced the batteries, but the problem persists, you have to think about how to restore a button on your TV remote.

The first step, clean the unit, both outside and inside. This is done using wet wipes, very carefully so as not to harm the device. Grease and dirt accumulates under both the buttons and the external surface and the inside, for example, from the fact that many remote dropped into the dusty carpet.

IMPORTANT! Wipe the panel regularly to bring it to a state of failure. Wet wipes or swab with alcohol certain there will be in every home, and cleaning itself does not take much time. But you can forget about the problems of pollution and will use TV for your pleasure.

cleaning remoteThen inspect the spring contacts of the batteries. They can be sealed-off from the chip, so that the remote control will cease to perform its functions. Then should be carefully solder part and the problem will disappear by itself. In addition, some devices have a contact with a graphite coating, and it can wear off over time. Do not panic. You just have to find a foil from chocolate, cut into small squares and attach the paper side of the contacts.

If the console has been dropped many, the problem is rooted in the failure of quartz. Then you have to replace it. To assure that the reason for failure in quartz, it is necessary to shake the device. A malfunction will light noise.

How to extend the life of the console

After you have repaired your remote would be nice to think about some of the regular activities that will allow for a long time to use it without damage.

The first and most important rule, already mentioned above, will be a constant clearing of dirt. It is better to clean at least once every six months, so that the dirt is not clogged inside the device. Also, the more often you wash your hands, the less dirt gets on it.

Another tip is to use a device more accurately. Permanent fall do not contribute to long-term operation of any household appliance.

Now that you know how to repair the console and how to keep it in good condition for many years to enjoy watching television without interference.

cleaning remote
12.25.2018 at 12:10

Button on the remote control it is necessary to glue the foil from chocolate, but only from those with one-sided foil, and the second side of paper. Here are just sticking it to the contacts easy. The author does not explain how to do it. For graphite on buttons glue does not stick, it is necessary to remove graphite (it is partially storsya and reliable contact is not present). I know from experience that this is a fairly laborious process. Clay time does not stick, some glue to stick the foil without removing the graphite residues do not know. Article can say crude, it was necessary to explain in detail the process of attaching a foil.

To answer
12.26.2018 at 08:12

Where an example of how to restore a button that had fallen son or chewed off

To answer
26.12.2018 at 14:12

to feed his son ...

To answer
26.12.2018 at 14:32

And I wipe with alcohol. Contact pencil button simple rubs (graphite). And working…

To answer
26.12.2018 at 15:51

The radio stores sold repair kit for repairs. It includes a tidy and heels and glue.

To answer
AvatarVyacheslav Pavlovich:
26.12.2018 at 20:26

Keep the remote in a narrow transparent plastic bag and he will be long and well served!

To answer
27.12.2018 at 00:14

The battery is a sealed-off from the chip!
The author confuses the printed circuit board and chip.

To answer
12.27.2018 at 02:17

In FIG glue foil? Enough hot tip of the soldering iron to walk on non-working Piglet (5-6 seconds) and it will work.

To answer
27.12.2018 at 16:26

I personally wrap it in plastic wrap and duct tape and do not forget about the long play button batteries do not you apply the same luck the entire rubber

To answer
Avatarthank uncle:
27.12.2018 at 16:56

as well as to attach the foil?

To answer
29.12.2018 at 20:50

That's all write and how to replace quartz?

To answer
29.12.2018 at 23:48

Rub shaving slate buttons from a simple pencil and everything will work

To answer
04.01.2019 at 19:21

Yeah, the author wanted to do better, but it turned out as always... In addition to the loss of contact buttons, neither of which has not, and on fault rectification for extremely competent. Properly written in comments in any store selling radio detail Kit for 150r, which can solve a lot of problems, and for a few years. Well, if you do not work through a series of buttons? what to do then?

To answer
AvatarDmitry Aleksandrovich:
05.01.2019 at 19:58

Possible without the foil, just crumble graphite from a pencil on the reverse side buttons. And smudge.

To answer
27.04.2019 at 19:34

Thanks, helped foil. The most sensible advice in RuNet!

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