How to find out if a TV accepts digital television: how to check if a TV supports digital television, how to understand whether a television supports digital broadcasting, how to know a smart TV or not

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Digital television has become more popular in recent years. There are many advantages - a large number of free TV channels that you can accept; high-quality reception and low cost of equipment. Not only for residents of regional centers but even distant villages. Let’s figure out what you need to receive digital television.

Digital television

How does digital television work?

The content of the article

  • How does digital television work?
    • How to setup
    • Tuner T2 Tuning
  • Necessary equipment for viewing
    • How to choose a digital tuner
  • How to know a smart TV or not?
    • How to determine the presence of a digital tuner in a TV

Transmission of picture and sound for digital television is possiblethankscoding video signal and sound through digital channels. This prevents interference from appearing on the screen. In this format, either there is an image, or it does not exist at all.

NOTE. If something interferes with the reception (inaccurate tuning, terrain, antenna), squares will appear on the screen, the signal will disappear, but will appear over time.

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Correct antenna tuning - with the most direct view of the TV tower. It can be raised or deployed. The signal is checked on the TV or on the tuner.

How to setup

The necessary equipment is already in front of you. To receive TV, you need to configure it.

The first item is setting up the antenna. We find the exact location of the tower, the distance to it and a list of packages that can be taken. We connect the tuner or find the desired menu on the TV.

TV setting:

  • Enter manual setup. Selecting “Digital TV” in advance.
  • Enter the frequency.

IMPORTANT. A list of frequencies with TV channel packages is available on the official website of the RTRS concern.

  • Check signal quality.
  • If the signal is unstable, you need to configure the antenna. Slowly rotating to the sides or tilting.

NOTE. When tuning the antenna, the signal will not appear instantly. You need to wait a few seconds, and then continue. By strong frequency, you need to find a signal, by weak - adjust to the best quality.

  • With a stable signal, start the search.

If the signal level is strong (you need to look at the “quality” item) - you can safely start the search for channels.

IMPORTANT. In order to ensure reliable reception quality, it is necessary that there are no foreign objects in the visibility range of the antenna. It can be trees, houses. Under such conditions, the signal may disappear.

If there is no signal, you should purchase powerful equipment or raise the antenna as high as possible. In megacities, the signal of high-rise buildings or trees can reflect. In small towns or villages - unstable terrain. Therefore, it is worth considering lifting the antenna to the roof and, in some cases, using the mast.

T2 setup

Tuner T2 Tuning

The tuner is worth buying if the TV does not support the built-in device. The kit includes: console, remote control, HDMI wire + tulips, instructions for use. It is necessary to remove all materials from the packaging. Determine the location of the tuner. It is important that it is not far from the TV, because there will be problems with the connection. Remember the length of the cable.

This method is similar to the above. Each tuner will have its own menu. But the principle is the same for everyone.

  • With the power turned off, connect the antenna. Tulips or HDMI connect to the TV.

ATTENTION. You need to select AV or HDMI on the TV, depending on the connection.

  • Connect the receiver to a 220V network. Wait for the full download.

NOTE. Digital receivers load up to 20 seconds.

  • At first use, the system will prompt you to select a language and enter the channel search menu.
  • The choice of automatic or manual mode.

IMPORTANT. First, manual mode will do. To do this, select the place of residence on the RTRS website and a list of frequencies will be released. Enter the frequency into the tuner. Check signal quality.

  • With a stable signal, start the search.

The TV channels will be entered into the receiver’s memory and now, when launched, they will begin to be watched. It is worth setting up the receiver only when new packages appear.

Necessary equipment for viewing

To receive digital terrestrial television, you will need:

  1. TV with digital signal support (built-in tuner).
  2. On-air digital tuner (labeled T2).
  3. Antenna for reception.

There is nothing complicated in the equipment. Newer TV models will already include a built-in set-top box. And you can receive 30 channels in Russia.

If the TV was bought a long time ago, then you should not be upset. Now sold on-air consoles for any wallet. The common thing in them is the reception of television channels. Most tuners allow you to use the Internet functions, if you have additional equipment.

The main device for receiving a signal is an antenna. You can use the old one to receive on-air television, including collective. Or buy a new one to receive T2.

NOTE. The farther the user lives from the tower, the more powerful the antenna must be purchased. At close proximity to the receiving location, a indoor antenna may also be suitable for viewing.

How to choose a digital tuner

Digital tunerMost people wonder: how to choose the right receiver for T2 reception. After all, there are a lot of manufacturers, different price ranges, and properties. Everything is much simpler: the price depends on the brand and functionality. On certain tuners you can watch photos, videos, listen to music via USB, connect a WI-Fi modem and use Internet services like weather forecasts, videos from YouTube, IPTV.

First you need to decide on the goals for which the T2 tuner will be used, this can be understood depending on your preferences. For most users, this is a modern media device that has great functionality, and not only broadcasts. Speaking of EPG (electronic program guide that shows the schedule of TV shows on the channel) - then it is present in each receiver. The tuner comes in the following types:

  1. Simple devices exclusively for viewing T2. Low price, small functionality. Not equipped with USB-outs, without Internet support. There are no display and buttons on the front. Such devices are suitable for pensioners and low-income slots.
  1. A tuner with media support. Equipped with USB inputs and support photos, videos, music. Contain the display and buttons on the front of the receiver.
  2. T2 receivers with additional features. Support for Internet access when purchasing additional equipment (wireless modem). 2 USB inputs, a display and buttons on the front panel. To date, the most numerous

IMPORTANT. When choosing a tuner, it is recommended to pay attention not to price, but to quality. The material from which the prefix is ​​made (plastic or metal), the presence of buttons and a display on the front panel. Also, if desired, the number of USB inputs and the model of the receiver. If you already have such a device with friends or relatives - it is worth clarifying its brand, cost and functionality. Perhaps you will like this one and it will be easier to choose.

How to know a smart TV or not?

How to determine the presence of a T2 tunerIt is hard to imagine a modern world without the Internet. Chatting with friends, reading information, watching videos and the whole world without leaving home. This can be done on a smartphone or computer, but it is much more pleasant and convenient to do this on a large screen. Smart TV is a useful feature in all aspects. Allows you to watch TV shows in recordings, as well as films and series in online cinemas. Access to social networks, viewing news, weather forecasts. This application is for the convenience of users.

Different models of TVs with this application differ in characteristics and functions. Popular brands: Samsung, LG, Sony. Almost all TV models support built-in Wi-Fi. The device will find the network within range and offer to connect. It remains for the user to select the desired one and enter the password if necessary.

Also differences in operating systems. Sony runs on Android, Samsung on Linux, and LG uses WebOS.

IMPORTANT. You can detect the presence of Smart on the remote control in the TV menu. Or finding out directly in the electronics store when buying.

Smart TV Features

  • Alternative to broadcasting.
  • Watching movies and programs in the recording.
  • Access to social networks.
  • Communication. If the TV has a camera, you can chat via Skype.
  • Games.
  • View photos and videos.

Smart TVs are a new use for the device. And access to the global network without leaving the big screen.

How to determine the presence of a digital tuner in a TV

The built-in DVB-T2 receiver allows you to receive digital TV channels without a set-top box. The user only needs to install and configure the antenna for a reliable broadcast reception. For the first time such gadgets appeared on the market in 2013 and such functionality was in the top models. Today, such TVs are many times more.

But not all brands are equipped with this convenience. How to find out if the TV accepts digital television? You can determine the availability by asking at the store or by looking at the instructions on the global network. It is also possible to check in practice: connect the TV to a properly tuned broadcast antenna and start auto search.

NOTE. DVB-S2 standard channels have the best quality, display the channel name and the current program. There you can watch a TV program with a description for the current week.

The convenience of the built-in tuner is as follows:

  • Only one remote control is used to switch channels.
  • The digital set-top box does not need to allocate additional space.
  • Electricity is taken only by the TV.

Having decided to connect to digital television, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the selected method. It is hoped that the consumer, having read the article, will make an informed, and most importantly, the right choice. Enjoy watching!

Tuner connection
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