Interactive TV is a very popular service, in addition, it can be an excellent substitute for other variants of television broadcasting. It provides high-quality broadcast TV - channels and can extend the functionality of the TV. Iptv connect to a TV receiver in several ways. One of them - it's using a router.

Iptv connect through a router
The content of the article
- Iptv connect through a router
- Lg
- Samsung
Interactive TV has a number of indisputable advantages. Among them - a lot of free TV - channels. The number of broadcast channels depends on whether it is loaded by a user list. In addition, owners of the availability of more high-definition channels.
REFERENCE. Compared with a satellite or digital broadcasting, iptv provides higher quality sound and live image.
Therefore, more and more owners of TVs with Smart-TV function connected iptv. You do not need to purchase a special antenna. The only thing that is required is to have a stable broadband Internet access and router.

REFERENCE. After connecting iptv it can be adjusted to several TV - receivers.
All Smart-TV models have the incoming signal reception function via wires or built-in Wi-Fi. The second option is more convenient because it eliminates the need to lay extra cable.
To connect to a TV iptv need to install a special program. You can download it from the appropriate application that depends on the TV model.
tuning algorithm is similar to TV sets produced by different firms - manufacturers. However, there are some nuances. Therefore it is necessary to consider how you are connecting and setting, on the most popular models.
To get started you want to download and install a special application, and then proceed to further settings:
- Log on to your TV setup menu and open it in the "app store - Lg Smart World»;
- find the store SS IPTV, download it and install it, follow the prompts;
- after the installation is completed, the utility should be run and download the list of channels required.
REFERENCE. If the utility was unable to download the store, you can do it from the official site of the company - the manufacturer. Program should be unpacked on USB - flash, then set the TV receiver.

You first need to connect to the Internet and download a special utility.
- It is necessary to open the Smart Hub. This can be done using the remote control, it is required to press the button "A".
- If an account has not been created, you need to do it. You need to enter your login and password.
- Next, go to "Settings" menu and select the tab "Development".
- In the box that appears necessary to register the user IP - address.
- After synchronization devices should be made, then press «Enter».
- In the list of available programs and applications to appear nStreamPlayer.
- The last step - loading the required channel list.
If after connecting the channel list is not displayed, it is possible that there is no connection to the network or downloaded the channel list is outdated. You should check that the Internet works properly, or to update the list.
Knowing all the stages of the connection, you can manually configure the broadcast interactive television in the home. Then enjoy watching your favorite channels.