Colorful gaylard - the elegant decoration of the garden

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When there is a question about the choice of garden flowers for the country plot, it seems that all of them are beautiful in their own way. But among this set of living ornaments, especially impressive is the colorful gaylard. This unusual flower has chic large buds of rich and bright tones. Looking at them, the idea of ​​a cinderella is born in the mind, which was going to go to the ball and put on an exquisite dress. It is like a simple chamomile turned into a colorful gaylard.

The plant belongs to the family "Astrovye" and is one of the most popular flowers on the planet. Among them are asters and persistent chrysanthemums, curly dahlias and smiling sunflowers, gerbera and even artichoke. It is practically impossible to list all close relatives of a colorful flower.

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DAilardia is a chic decoration of the landscape design of the homestead territory. It is planted on mixed flower beds and flower beds. It is an integral part of the Alpine hills and low curbs. Against the background of flowering bushes, the plant looks simply irresistible. And in tandem with daisies, gaylardia evokes an unprecedented delight, because she looks like an elegant princess at a flower ball.

Botanical characteristics

This garden flower grows to 70 cm in height and forms a magnificent bush of bright buds. Each of them resembles a colorful basket, in the center of which a miniature sun shines. Inflorescences are held on flexible, but long peduncles. Shoots branched, slightly pubescent, covered with a set of regular leaves. They are lanceolate or oval in shape. Edges dentate, which emphasizes the originality of the flower. At the base of the bush is a small rosette resembling a green blanket, which gives the plant a chic look.

Large and extraordinarily cute flowers gaylardii differ rich and bright color. The central part they have different tones, but the edging is always yellow. Buds begin to blossom with the onset of summer and continue to please their fans until the first frost. It is interesting that the inflorescence consists of reed and tubular petals, which have a different color. Extreme (reed) petals are:

  • yellow;
  • scarlet;
  • orange;
  • maroon.

Those that are centered (tubular) are usually:

  • dark brown:
  • purple;
  • light brown.

The middle of buds is velvety, of relief character, which, in combination with petals, looks particularly attractive. The original baskets of the plant can be terry or semi-double. In terry varieties, especially the middle flowers are funnel-shaped. Semi-double specimens have 2 or 3 rows of ligulate petals, which look gorgeous against the green background of the plant.On the given photo, gaylardiya looks like a real queen on the backyard.

The flower is grown not only in the garden, but on the balcony or as an indoor plant.

When the process of lush flowering ends, a seed ball remains on the high peduncle. To the touch it is a little prickly and looks like a tiny brown hedgehog. Often such fluffy decorative shishechki used in the formation of compositions from dry plants.

To the plant always looked chic on the garden site, wilted inflorescences should be regularly ripped off.

Secrets of cultivation

To grow a colorful flower on a home flowerbed, it should be borne in mind that this plant can be of two main types: annual and perennial. One-year-old gaylard can be planted by sowing seeds and growing seedlings. In late February or early March, seeds of large sizes are spread on the prepared moist soil. Then they are neatly sprinkled with a small amount of vermiculite. It is a natural substrate that is able to effectively control the moisture on the surface of the soil. Thanks to him, the plant quickly takes root in a new place.

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Keep containers with crops preferably in a well-lit room at an optimum temperature of not more than 23 degrees. The greens will appear after 10 or 15 days. If you know how to grow gaylard from seeds and when to plant it in the open ground, there will always be a place for such a sweet "princess" in the garden. Therefore, growing seedlings in an enclosed space, you should consider such factors:

  • in the room should be an increased level of humidity;
  • when the first shoots of a flower appear, they must be planted in separate pots or cells;
  • The soil should be watered as it dries;
  • To increase the daylight use additional lighting with fluorescent lights.

Since the annual gaylardia is a plant for open ground, the seedlings are planted in September or even in the middle of August. For this, choose a sunny place in the garden, where there is good fertile soil. In addition, it should have good drainage, because the plant does not like stagnation of fluid in the root system. Distance between seedlings - 25 cm. The plant will blossom next year.

When preparing the soil for planting seedlings, fertilizer is introduced into it. On 1 m² of the plot, a 10 l bucket of compost or quality humus is poured out. Carefully digging up the soil, it adds 1 cup of ash from the wood and a handful of ready-made mineral fertilizers.

Planting a multi-year gailardy performed in the autumn, when it is a warm and sunny day. You can also sow seeds in July, scattering them on the plowed land. Closing the soil is not necessary, the main regular watering as the drying. Before the winter, the seedlings will rise, forming a radical green outlet of 15 leaf plates. In addition, they will have time to take root well, and the plant will blossom next year. Thus, perennial gaylard can grow on one site without transplantation for more than 5 years.

To a plant could long please your fans, it is important to have the right care. First of all, a motley beauty is desirable to provide enough light. Therefore, it is better not to plant the flower under branching trees, spreading bushes or in the shaded part of the country plot.

Watering a colorful "daisy" is better as the soil dries. In a strong summer heat - more often, in the rainy season - on demand. Competent planting gaylardii perennial and care for the plant implies regular loosening of the soil and weeding from weeds. After buds wither, they should be removed from the bush to prolong the flowering period. Tall types of gaylard should be tied up. In addition, throughout the season it is important to feed it:

  • during the release of buds;
  • luxuriant flowering;
  • late autumn 30 days before the winter cold.
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If the bush grows on one site for more than 5 years, it must be transplanted. To do this, you must dig out the curtain of gaylard, divide it into parts, and then plant it in a new flowerbed. Do the procedure better in the spring, the main thing is that on the cuttings there are enough roots and young shoots

It is strictly forbidden to use manure for fertilizing gaylard. From it the plant is sick and can die.

Variety of varieties of the kingdom "Gaylardiya"

Its exotic name flower was received in memory of the French figure Gayar de Charentonno. Like this man, the plant endures arid times, cold winters and always magnificently decorate the flowerbeds. If the flower grows in areas where the winter is warm, additional shelter is not required. And you can sow seeds only after the snow comes off the ground. Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant has received universal recognition. Therefore, more than 20 different types of cute garden decoration were bred. Having carefully examined the photos of the flowers of gaylard, you can lift the veil of bright furniture of unsurpassed plants.

Gaylardia "Beautiful"

Wild beauty of this species is found on the territory of Mexico and can often turn into a spreading flowering shrub up to 50 cm in diameter. It lushly blooms throughout the summer with large buds, representing rainbow baskets. In each of them a yellow center and purple reed lobes.

After gaylardia beautiful blossoms on the shoots, fruits are formed, resembling rounded balls with a tuft. Seeds retain their germination for a long time, so the plant was used for selection of new varieties. They differ in the structure of the bud and in the coloring of the petals. In ornamental gardening, such plant variants are especially valued:

  1. The "Pict". Translated into Russian, this word means "painted". Therefore, flowers of this variety are often two-color and necessarily double.
  2. "Lorentz". The plant is distinguished by globular buds, which are formed by tubular petals. Gaylardia Lorentz strikes his fans with bright yellow flowers that appear on the bush in early summer.
  3. "Lorentzian". Especially I want to mention a charming sort with terry buds. They are located on high shoots-peduncles (about half a meter) and resemble shaggy pom-poms. Elegant ligulate petals with a jagged edging reveal themselves, like bright morning stars. Gaylardia Lorentiana magnificently blossoms in the middle of summer and pleases with its beauty until the November cold.

Unique types of beautiful gaylardia are used to decorate the country landscapes. They are also suitable for the formation of bouquets of cut flowers.


Gaylardy "Arizona san"

This variety is considered one of the most sought-after flowers for country cottages. Its main feature - blooms in the very same year when it was sown. In addition, arizona san gaylardia throws out buds before all other species of this flower. Lush flowering lasts the entire season before the onset of cold weather.

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The plant grows only up to 25 cm in height, therefore it is considered a dwarf species. Inflorescences in the form of baskets are held on strong peduncles. The diameter of the bud of gaylard arizona during flowering reaches 9 cm, which turns the garden bed into a bright bouquet of sunny flowers.

Arizona Red Shades Guillardia

With proper cultivation, the plant forms a small compact shrub up to 30 cm high. Some variants can reach 70 cm. Buds bloom on high pedicels, 6 or 8 pieces per plant. They come out of the ground outlet, attracting everyone's attention. Gaylardia Arizona red shades miraculously feels in open areas, where there is a lot of sunlight. Blossoms almost all summer, until the first autumn frosts. Long enough does not lose its properties, being in a decorative vase after the cut. Use a flower to decorate the homestead landscapes of country houses.

Gaylardia "Awning"

The plant from this series is characterized by the presence of dense shoots with thick villi along the entire length. They grow up to 75 cm high, so they require a garter. Leaf plates gaylardia awned have three different forms:

  • oval;
  • oblong;
  • lanceolate.

The edges of its foliage are either serrated or whole. The back is with soft fibers resembling white spider webs. Wide inflorescences consist of variegated flowers of copper, yellow or orange. Sometimes they are painted in two or three colors. In the center of the bud of gaylardia large-flowered (as it is sometimes called) is a round disc of a purple or brown color.

It begins to blossom gaily in June, continuing to please fans before the fall. Perfectly tolerates winters, does not need additional shelter.

Gaylardy "Burgundy"

Exquisite bright perennial - gaylardia burgundy is often used to decorate curbs or mixborders (complex multi-tiered flower beds). The plant is quite high (about 70 cm). Shoots come from a ground outlet, decorated with wide buds in the form of decorative baskets. Often, the inflorescence of wine-red saturated color. The variety refers to the decorative varieties of gaylardia hybrid and is in demand among gardeners.

To the bushes do not lose their attractiveness, they need support. They can be neatly installed near the flower bed and tie the flowers with green ropes.

Perennial and annual colorful "chamomile" harmoniously look in any variants of garden beds. Therefore, they are widely used in landscape design for country houses. Those who grow this wonderful flower, always find joy during its lush flowering.

Reproduction of gaylard with bush division - video

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