Scart connectors appeared at the end of the last century. The reason for their appearance was the desire to connect additional devices to the TV. Until the 1970s, there was no way to connect anything to the TV at all. The first Scart appeared abroad. But the idea of their appearance inspired domestic developers, and they decided to add a port to the Soviet TV. This allowed you to connect video and audio devices. But at that time, the ports were not so perfect (there was no possibility of remote control, and there was no protection against interference). In addition, another problem appeared - the lack of cables necessary for connecting. But over time, the technique began to develop, and all of the above problems disappeared.
What is scart on tv
The content of the article
- What is scart on tv
- How to use scart port
- Advantages and disadvantages of TVs with scart-port
The Scart connector (also called the Euro connector) is a special connector on the TV, and the devices that connect to it. Among them:
- Tape recorders.
- Set top boxes.
- DVD recorder.
- DVD player.
This standard appeared at the end of the last century.
A connector is needed to facilitate the connection of additional devices. When connected, it is able to transmit video and audio signals, and output them through the plugs. At the moment, almost all television devices are equipped with a scart port. With it, you can transmit digital and analog signals.
The scart connector consists of 20 pins. All of them transmit certain signals. The edge of the connector is plated. It connects to the cable braid. This protects the transmitted signals and helps to avoid interference.
Reference! The outer metal frame is not made symmetrically. Due to this, you can not be afraid that the connector will not be properly connected to the jack.

How to use scart port
Each of the connector pins is responsible for transmitting a specific signal. For example:
- Pin number 4 is required to transmit audio signals.
- Pin number 17 for transmitting video signals.
- Pin number 8 switches the internal signal to an external one.
- Pin 16 is required to switch the TV from RGB to Composite mode.
The contacts also provide separate colors.
The scart connector allows you to connect a computer to the TV. This can be done as follows:
- We need a cable. On one side it connects to the TV, and the other to the computer (the necessary connector is where the video card is).
- After connecting, the TV will be used as a computer monitor.
- The next step is to wait for a pop-up window to inform you that a new device has been detected.
- We are waiting for some time. The computer will independently install all the necessary drivers for working with the new device.
There are times when the computer fails to install the necessary driver (displays that the device is not installed correctly). There may be three reasons. The first is the lack of a signal. The connector may be damaged or another device that is blocking the signal transmission is working. It is recommended to turn off all third-party devices. Second - the video card on the computer is not configured correctly or the driver is outdated. You must update the graphics card software. This is done online by visiting the site. But perhaps the video card simply does not support data transfer through scart ports. The third is a low horizontal sync signal. It must be at least 15 kHz. In this case, you will have to solder the adapter. You will also need to install additional software. But not all of them will be free. It is best to ask the help of an expert.
Note! The computer has a VGA connector. Therefore, we need an appropriate cable.

Advantages and disadvantages of TVs with scart-port
Scart connectors have their advantages:
- High-quality color reproduction.
- Extensive management capabilities.
- The ability to make the image clear. This is achieved thanks to the separate supply of colors (via contacts).
- The protective coating eliminates interference well.
- Thanks to sawing, it is possible to automatically turn off and on the TV, along with additional equipment. For example, you turn on the tape recorder connected to the TV, and at the same time the TV will turn on. Scart connectors provide this feature, even if it was not installed during the manufacturing process of the optional device.
- The ability to automatically enable widescreen display.

But the connector also has disadvantages:
- If the cable is too long, the signal begins to be lost.
- The signal will work better if there is a shielding braid on the wire. But that means the cable will be very thick. It is not comfortable.
- Recently, new digital DVI and HDMI interfaces have appeared. Their data transfer density is much higher than that of Scart.
- The scart connector will not be able to turn on some of the modern entertainment video centers. For example, Dolby Surround. He needs whiter modern equipment.
- The quality of the connector depends on the type of TV. For example, liquid crystal and plasma devices provide good signal transmission. But picture tubes cannot boast of this (even modern ones).
- Not all video cards support the ability to connect to scart ports (this applies only to a computer).
But still, despite the shortcomings, Scart-ports are still present on all modern TV models.