What is the resolution of the TV screen: what does the resolution affect

What is the TV screen resolutionA TV is available in almost every home. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range, among which you can choose a device in accordance with any requirements. Each buyer selects a TV based on personal parameters and desires. One important aspect is the resolution of the home appliance.

TV screen resolution

The content of the article

  • TV screen resolution
    • Definition
    • Permission value
  • TV Resolution Types
    • 640x480
    • 1024x720
    • 1920x1080 (LCD)
    • 3840x2160 or 4k

Let’s take a closer look at what it is.


Monitor resolution is a certain number of pixels that make up the screen. The final image quality when viewing media content depends on this parameter.


Each format has a certain number of pixels, the final quality of the video signal and its own value.

REFERENCE. This option is used not only when creating a TV. It also matters when designing computers, laptops, or mobile devices.

Permission valuevalue

The main objective of the resolution is the transmission of high-quality video signal.

Pixels located in special cells are arranged in a special structure: both horizontally and vertically. They are responsible for transmitting contrast, sharpness and proper dimming of the image.

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Special attention should be paid to the fact that resolution affects the final structure of the resulting image, regardless of the installed matrix or diagonal of the home appliance.

Among buyers erroneous opinion that the extension directly depends on the parameters of the device itself. Specialists recommend paying special attention to the quality of the video images that will be viewed on the device when purchasing.

REFERENCE. High resolution will not be able to positively affect the unsatisfactory quality of the movie or program being watched.

An important addition is the scan type.. Interlaced updates once every half a minute. Updating depends on the position: even and odd cells. With the progressive type, both lines are updated at the same time.


IMPORTANT! Experts call the progressive scan better, since it has a positive effect on the final performance of the image.

When watching TV with interlaced scanning, a flicker effect occurs.

TV Resolution Types

When buying a TV, the user immediately notes a wide range of products that manufacturers offer. Models have differences in many respects: sizes, additional functions, quality. A mandatory list also includes monitor resolution. Several types are distinguished for a given value.



It is the sample with the lowest quality.. Such devices are the least cost among the proposed range.

TV with a resolution of 640x480 suitable for watching terrestrial television. For higher image quality, an important aspect is the selection of a special antenna.


Belongs to the DLT type. Is different better video image and favorable price at the time of buying.

Almost all television broadcasts are issued in this formatthat allows him to remain in demand.

1920x1080 (LCD)

Refers to the most common model at the moment. WITHModern LCD televisions are equipped with this view.

This extension allows you to get an image in Full HD.

3840x2160 or 4k

Is applied in the most expensive types of TVs. Such devices are equipped with a wide range of built-in additional functions: voice control, WI-FI distribution, Scype and others. It also supports 3D.

TVs of this type have a high quality image. When viewing, a visual effect is created that is as close to natural as possible. Such models are called Ultra HD.

REFERENCE. The first LCD models had parameters of 1366x768 pixels.

TV is one of the main satellites of the living room. When buying, each user puts forward special requirements for a household appliance, among which the screen resolution is the main one. A few recommendations and a detailed description of each type will help to make the right and profitable purchase.

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