Black spot on the TV screen: what to do, how to eliminate

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In today's world, high technology and man are inextricably linked. TV is one of the most important devices, it is available in almost every home. From it we learn news, watch entertainment programs, films and much more. But with any equipment, malfunctions can happen, the TV is no exception, especially if you do not pay proper attention to it. One of the most common problems is black spots on the screen.

Black spot on the TV screen: reasons

The content of the article

  • Black spot on the TV screen: reasons
    • Plasma
    • Lcd tv
  • What to do if black spots appear

There are several reasons for the appearance of black spots:

Factory marriage. In this case, spots may appear after several days of use, so it should be urgently returned under warranty.

Damage. Spots can also appear if you press hard on the screen, which destroys its matrix. In addition to black spots, cracks may appear.

Water. Care should be taken of the device wisely. You need to wipe it in moderation with a damp cloth. And too much moisture can provoke the appearance of black spots on the screen.

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Dust. If you do not take care of the TV at all, then the dust along with other particles will certainly get inside, which can lead to sad consequences.

Black spot on tv


These terrible spots can appear on both plasma and LCD TVs. But plasma owners can feel better, as these models have a thicker case.

Lcd tv

But owners of LCD TVs are better off being careful. After all, they are much more sensitive to damage. In addition, they are almost always more expensive, multi-functional, have the best picture quality, so any damage will be very offensive to the buyer.

Black spot on tv

What to do if black spots appear

You can get rid of the problem by following these recommendations:

  1. If spots appeared due to dust, then when wiping, you should lightly tap on the screen in order to better knock out dust particles from there. If the dust has penetrated too deeply, then you can resort to using household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner. But you do not need to bring it close to the screen, vacuum it at a distance of 2-5 cm from it.
  2. If they appeared because of water, then you just need to wash the screen with boiled water. But without fanaticism. With severe contamination, you can prepare a solution of alcohol, vinegar and boiling water, then wipe the TV display. For this purpose, a special napkin is best suited, for example, from a material such as microfiber.
  3. With mechanical damage, it will not work to remove the problems on its own. The most correct solution here is an immediate trip to the service center.
Black spot on tv

Black spots may appear on the TV, however, if you properly treat the problem, you can quickly get rid of it.

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