ATV - what is it on TV?

Many years have passed since the invention of television. At first, the signal was transmitted mechanically, and only by the middle of the 20th century did it become possible to transmit sound and images using analog technology. And only after 40 years it began to be replaced by digital. The technology consists in transmitting audio and video using a special analog signal.

ATV - what is it on TV?

ATV on TV - what is it?

The content of the article

  • ATV on TV - what is it?
  • Features and Benefits of Analog TV

This television signal is transmitted using radio waves or a cable, after which it is received by a TV receiver and, using the equipment built into it, is processed into a picture and sound.

Initially, it was by such technology that all television channels were broadcast. Moreover, the reception could be carried out both on a common house and on a conventional antenna.

The analog signal is broadcast continuously and this is its drawback, as it is subject to external influences. That is, in case of bad weather, the quality of the picture can significantly decrease. However, this can be avoided by using cable TV services.

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ATV - what is it on TV?

REFERENCE. Even with the development of digital data transmission technologies, analog television remains the most widespread, although inferior to the "figure" in the quality of the transmitted image, and also does not have the same number of channels.

Although all models of modern TVs are configured to work with a digital signal, all of them are equipped with connectors for analog TV. True, it cannot reveal their potential in transmitting images and sound.

Features and Benefits of Analog TV

Indoor antennaThe biggest advantage of this technology is its availability. That is, the owner of the TV is enough to purchase and install a television antenna, and then search for channels on the TV. For such purposes, there are compact indoor and outdoor antennas that allow you to search for a signal in hard-to-reach places. Also, you do not need to buy special receivers or decoders. The development of modern digital technology is gradually replacing the analog method of data transfer. And many countries have already switched completely to digital broadcasting. However, in remote settlements it is the analogue that remains in demand.

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