What is PVC floor tile: types of PVC tiles, sizes of PVC tiles, the pros and cons of PVC tiles.

PVC tile.The choice of flooring is a responsible task that must be solved during repairs or after moving to a new place of residence. I want to arrange everything to my liking, beautifully and inexpensively. One of the most popular coatings is tile and its various variations. This is an excellent material in characteristics that meets most of the requirements for the floor.

But what is PVC tile and what are its significant differences? What rooms is this tile suitable for and what are its advantages?

What is PVC floor tile

The content of the article

  • What is PVC floor tile
  • Types of PVC Tiles
  • PVC tile sizes
  • Pros and Cons of PVC Tiles

This product has appeared on the modern market recently, so not everyone knows even about the existence of such tiles. Its other name is vinyl, it is a bit like linoleum. But there are some significant differences that make PVC a great option when choosing a coating.

PVC tiles in the interior.

There are a large number of varieties of such tiles, which allows you to choose the appropriate option. In composition it is almost the same linoleum, but the appearance of PVC can be very diverse: it is a design that resembles marble or laminate, as well as other unusual variations.

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The tile can be cut into squares, triangles or in some other shape, which is very convenient for creating different patterns, the implementation of unusual design solutions and the realization of any customer’s dream of an ideal field in his apartment.

Types of PVC Tiles

PVC coatings differ from each other in different parameters. For example, there are such models that can be laid on the basis exclusively with glue, but there are self-adhesive ones. There is no fundamental difference in their quality, so you can choose what will be more convenient during work.

There are more original options - this is a tile in which parts of each other are interconnected using special “locks”. They can be either metal or adhesive. Thus, the PVC will be joined together and in such a continuous state laid on the base without any additional connections to the floor. Such a "floating" floor is gaining popularity due to the ability to easily replace it, if the need arises.

In addition, there is a classification that allows you to determine the wear resistance and strength of the coating - it is similar to a similar scale for linoleum.

  1. Tiles of class 23–31 are not the most durable and are suitable exclusively for rooms with low traffic.
  2. Another class 32–42 is an already more durable coating that can withstand more intensive use. This is a great option for urban apartments or private homes.
  3. Class 43 is the ideal PVC to withstand any load. Most often it is used in the manufacturing sector.
PVC tile design.

IMPORTANT! Please note that its cost directly depends on the class of the tile. Obviously, a better coating will cost significantly more than PVC for rooms with low traffic.

PVC tile sizes

An important point that must be considered when choosing such a tile is its size.

Design option for PVC tiles.

There are several parameters in this category at once, on which exactly how the coating will look on the floor depends. This is the width, length and thickness of PVC. Some models are multilayer, which increases the level of wear resistance and strength.

Before choosing, be sure to calculate the amount of coating that will be required for installation. It is very simple to do this: you need to find out the area of ​​the room, and then divide it by the size of the required tile. Individual elements can be 30x30, 50x50 or 65x65 centimeters.

In addition, consider multi-layer and coatings with additional substrates will be thicker.

Pros and Cons of PVC Tiles

Now consider the advantages and disadvantages that may affect your choice. No option can be perfect, so it’s important to understand what is more important for you from the list below.

The pros include:

  • high strength;
  • an easy way of styling, which you can cope on your own without resorting to the help of professionals;
  • ease in leaving and processing of a covering;
  • comfortable tactile sensations when moving on such a vinyl tile;
  • soundproofing.
PVC tile is easy to install.

But there are such disadvantages:

  • unnatural components in the composition;
  • relatively high price, as this is a new product that has not yet gained absolute popularity;
  • the risk of future surprises - due to the novelty of the tile, there is no evidence of what happens to it after a long time.

Thus, PVC tile is a great option, which still has more advantages than disadvantages. Now you know the features of such a coating and what you should pay attention to when choosing. Undoubtedly, such a model will become very successful in the market and will be used for many more years due to its versatility and ease of operation. In the meantime, it is up to you to decide whether to purchase it right away or whether it is better to wait a while to make sure of the quality.

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