How to record TV on a flash card: how to write a movie on the USB flash drive from the TV program with the TV on a USB flash drive

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Many people have a favorite or an important transfer of the film, which I would like to save and have access to view at any time. For this case, there is such a function, as a TV recording to USB memory. In this article, we will tell you how to do this, to answer questions that will help to understand the principle of action, we will try to describe in detail the process to fully satisfy your request.

How to record TV on a USB flash drive

How to record a program from TV on a USB flash drive

The content of the article

  • How to record a program from TV on a USB flash drive
    • What is a USB flash drive select
    • Are all devices support video capture
  • The process of copying video

NOTE. Recording can be done only with cable and digital programming! With analog copying will not be carried out.

To record can be as it is now, and postpone it for some time. This is a very convenient feature for the transmission, which will start later, but you will not be able to attend this time. Postpone it you can in the menu. Just in a particular column indicate the hour and minutes of start of recording. Your TV will remember, then carry out the task given you.

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It is important to know that you can view a TV program recorded only on the device, which the recording was made.

Play you can transfer at any time. The principle of operation is very simple:

  1. Press the Home button / Source.
  2. Select "sources".
  3. Select USB-drive.
  4. Enable the desired video.

What is a USB flash drive select

Storage deviceAn important part of this device you will be recording the transfer. If you do not go right to the choice of flash memory cards, television simply can not see it or have any problems with file playback. So how do you choose the USB-drive? First - this is the amount of memory. The most optimal - 4 gigabytes. Each TV has its own limit on the amount of memory stick inserted. A larger amount is not recommended, as it may in the future be problems with the playback of the video / audio and recording in general. Before using the USB-drive must be formatted. Most often, a new flash drive is NTFS format, on the PC with the help of specialized software, you can change it to FAT32. Most SMART TV is supported him. On separate televisions, for example, Samsung, has the ability to format. If your flash drive has something important, you need to think in advance about his transfer to her, since all files after formatting will be removed.

Are all devices support video capture

First we need to make sure whether it is possible to record to it on your TV. The apparatus should have such a characteristic as Smart TV. Make sure whether your TV with this requirement, and look at its properties. The instructions you will surely find out if this is possible.

The process of copying video

We have examined the entire process of preparation and now for the main: the recording of the flash card. On each TV their own procedures. But basically they are similar. The only difference is the name of different menu items. Therefore, we will not give step by step instructions in order not to mislead you. On one device will need to call the "Schedule Manager", select the desired channel, date, time and duration (beginning and end of recording) and schedule (will redo and redo the frequency or no repeat).

In other devices, video capture takes place through the "Multimedia" or "Photos can be seen, the music." In it there is an application "Recorded TV". Selecting it agree to format the stick and fill the parameters of the recording.

Copying, as you can see, a simple process. We hope that after reading this article, you will no longer issues that directly or indirectly relate to this topic.

How to record TV on a USB flash drive
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