TV today, along with the Internet, is a source of information. In addition to news, you can watch entertainment shows, TV shows, sports and more. But many users do not want to buy an on-air antenna for such leisure. In the article, we will consider how to watch TV without an antenna.

Can a TV work without an antenna?
The content of the article
- Can a TV work without an antenna?
How to watch TV without antenna and cable
- Method number 1. IPTV
- Method number 2. Digital tuner
- Method number 3. Smart TV App
- How to catch channels without antenna on TV
- How to set up a TV without an antenna
There are many reasons for users to abandon the antenna cable. Holders of analog television “suffer” from poor-quality images and poor sound; cable TV subscribers are limited by the number and variety of channels. And they pay for it. I would like to refuse both the first and the second options. But how to watch TV without an antenna?
By asking this question in the last century, one could easily get into a psychiatric hospital. After all, “iron constructions” then stood on every house, if not in every apartment. In large cities, today you can notice collective antennas tuned to the tower. In most cases, their use is already a “formality”. Either stand for beauty, or are used for digital TV.
Today, owners of this technology can do without such facilities. If you need a TV purely for entertainment: watch online movies, weather, play with friends - then you should not ask this question. And for those who want to watch TV without an antenna, there are such ways:
- TV channel applications in Smart TV.
- Digital tuner.
NOTE. IPTV - access to TV channels without an antenna and cable. A wide selection of providers, TV channels for every taste and optimal prices.
Is internet speed weak? Or wires create chaos in the apartment? The option associated with buying a digital tuner is then preferable. To do this, you need to purchase an antenna. Only it will be connected to the tuner. There are also built-in receivers in modern TV models. But without an antenna, it will not work.
IMPORTANT. In summary, there are 2 options for watching television - the Internet and a digital receiver. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How to watch TV without antenna and cable
In the previous paragraph, the question was solved by what methods you can watch TV without an antenna and cable. Now we start implementation.
Method number 1. IPTV
Today is a very convenient way. There is no need to buy additional equipment if the TV has a Smart TV. All you need to do is connect an Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi adapter. And get started
But first, select a provider, register on the site, purchase a package with TV channels and follow the instructions.
NOTE. To watch interactive TV, you need good internet speed. Otherwise, freezes cannot be avoided.
IPTV can be watched:
- Using the console provided by the provider.
- Having configured the router, through a wireless connection.
- Application in Smart TV.
- Special applications.
If viewing is done through a set-top box, then connection to a TV can be done via HDMI or “tulips”. On the TV, you need to select the correct input (HDMI 1, HDMI 2) or switch to AV.
IMPORTANT. Modern TV models immediately display the ports into which the devices are connected. They either become brighter in the device menu, or priority. You must first turn on the prefix.
Then follow the instructions of the prefix. In most cases, you need to enter a username and password from the provider's site and the packages will be configured automatically.
When choosing an application in Smart TV, it’s enough to first connect to the Internet (without it you can’t access this service), download the application, enter your login and password. Enjoy watching. Such a simple principle.
Method number 2. Digital tuner
It differs from the first only in the number of television channels and without a monthly fee. We buy a tuner, an indoor antenna and connect to this device. HDMI wire - to the TV. Getting started with the setup.
IMPORTANT. To set up the indoor antenna correctly, you need to select the manual mode and frequency. The list of frequencies is available on the RTRS website.
Method number 3. Smart TV App
Similar to IPTV, only directly on the TV. Some TV channels develop TV applications and allow you to watch online. Only Internet is needed.

How to catch channels without antenna on TV
Now it's up to the small. It remains to find the necessary channels. IPTV already has a built-in list of TV channels. There is no need to search or configure anything. Using the provider's instructions, you must do the following:
- Enter the username and password in the console.
- Select the desired channel.
- Enjoy watching.
IMPORTANT. Advice for owners of the console - add channels to the "Favorites". In order not to search among hundreds of TV channels your favorite. So, it’s much easier to turn on the desired program and enjoy watching.
For owners of a digital tuner:
- Go to the menu. Select "Installation".
- Run an automatic search for TV channels.
After a simple search there will be 30 channels in excellent quality and for free! The only negative is that the channels are not added to the “Favorites” and you can’t move them.
How to set up a TV without an antenna
Setting up a TV will not take much time for a person. It all depends on the choice.
How to set up IPTV?. The first item will be an internet connection. On the console or on the TV. You need to go into the settings and select Network. In the presence of a wired network more often the TV does not require additional actions. Everything is configured automatically. With Wi-Fi connection - select the desired network, enter the password and connect.
Setting up a digital tuner. If a digital tuner - connect an HDMI cable to the TV. Select the desired port. Enter the tuner menu and configure. The material dealt with how to watch TV without an antenna. Connection methods are enough. Using any of them will have perfect quality, choice of channels and enjoyment. Enjoy watching!