How to make a plug for the TV antenna yourself: instructions on how to do everything correctly

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plugThe plug is used to connect antennas and set-top boxes to televisions, VCRs, and DVDs. The cables of this connector usually transmit analog Tv signals, and the plug connection is easily determined by its thread. The plugs are supplied with and without threads, both suitable for the threaded antenna socket.

What to make a plug with your own hands

The content of the article

  • What to make a plug with your own hands
  • Instruction: DIY plug

The coaxial cable used to transmit electronic signals to a television or other electronic device ends with a plug called F-connector,which is the connector which actually plugs into a TV or wall outlet.

Tools and materials you need:

  • Knife
  • Wire stripper
  • Crimp or swivel F-connector
  • Cable tong (for connectors only)

Instruction: DIY plug

First of all, disassemble the connector TV into separate parts by unscrewing the upper part from the main body. Inside there will be a female connector that will slide over an open copper section with a cable and clip to hold the cable in place and prevent it from being pulled out.

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REFERENCE! Before than to go further, put the upper part with a female thread on the cable, because you should not collect all this and you understand that you you need to take it all apart to put on the plug!

Then, very carefully, draw a knife along the length of 5 centimeters of the outer sleeve of the coaxial cable. Not deep enough to cut through the sleeve, or you can cut the braid from below. Using your nails and twisting slightly, open the outer sleeve to reveal the braid. Then cut off the excess outer sleeve.

manufacturing plugSlip the braid over the top of the inner sleeve. Slide the sheet cable clamp onto the inner sleeve next to it and press it firmly against the outer sleeve while holding the braid inside. Gently press the leaves closed around the outer sleeve to lock it in place and hold it firmly in the slot. This will help prevent the cord from being disconnected, dropped out or torn out by mistake.

Take a fork and press it to a clip. You will see that the plug is slightly extended inward to get a clip. Cut the inner sleeve where it reaches the end of the plug so that the plug slides slightly over the leaf clip.

Remove insulation from the inner core, leaving 2 mm of insulation that will slide inside the plug. Take the plug and put it on the end of the cable, making sure that the copper wire of the inner core goes down into the thin hollow sleeve at the end of the plug.

IMPORTANT! Now that the plug is in place at the end of the cable, grab the main body and slide it onto the plug. The end of the leaf clip should slightly push the end of the main body.

With everything that is fastened now, everything is ready! It remains to connect the cable to the TV and make sure that everything works as it should.

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