How to use Smart TV on a TV: Internet connection on a TV with Smart function, Smart TV capabilities.

Smart TV.Technological progress does not stand still and is actively developing. Until recently, the first so-called smart technologies were used in telephones, players, and video players. Now televisions began to provide similar capabilities. Many people like the new features and options that come up with the developers of leading world companies, so TV receivers with smart TV go to the forefront of sales. However, when choosing such devices, one should take into account the features of functioning and understand their principle of operation.

Connecting to the Internet on a Smart TV

The content of the article

  • Connecting to the Internet on a Smart TV
  • Smart TV Features
  • How to use Smart TV on TV

Before you begin to work and fully experience all the advantages of using it, you must provide access to the network. It is important to connect the TV to the Internet correctly, since all the functions of Smart TV are available only if there is a network and free access to it. There are two ways to connect:

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  • using a wi-fi router;
  • through the cable.

Depending on what goal you are pursuing, choose one of the possible options. Using a cable, you will get a more reliable connection and high-speed Internet, but this method is more difficult to implement. It is much more convenient to use a router - it will provide a network with several devices at once.

Connecting to the Internet on a Smart TV.

For convenience, we suggest you use step-by-step instructions.

Wi-fi connection:

  1. Turn on the router.
  2. In the main menu of the TV, select “Network Settings”.
  3. Then go to the “Wireless Networks” section.
  4. Select the name of your device, click on it and in the pop-up window select the “Connect” function.
  5. After that, enter the password for the router and enjoy the capabilities of smart TV.

Cable Internet:

  1. Connect the TV receiver to the power source and connect the cable.
  2. Then enter the menu as described above.
  3. In this case, select “Wired networks”.
  4. Select your device from the list.
  5. After that, it will automatically turn on, which will provide access to the Internet at high speed.
Wired or wireless connection.

IMPORTANT! Different companies have their own characteristics in connection, so check out the instruction manual, which is usually attached to the equipment.

Smart TV Features

Now that you have the necessary connection, you can get started and take advantage of the new features of the TV receiver. By itself, this technology allows you to use additional features that can be accessed with a network.

Like any technology with Smart capabilities, TVs combine the function of watching TV shows and the capabilities of a computer. Everything that you can do through a PC will be displayed on a large screen.

Among the main and most important options are the following:

  1. Thanks to Internet access, you can use any search engine.
  2. If you have a front camera, you can provide video communication with any user.
  3. It is possible to connect a keyboard and work as a full-fledged computer.
  4. A special system for recognizing and reading information from any external media.
  5. Synchronization with any archives and databases of your devices.
  6. Depending on the model of the manufacturer you have chosen, special programs may be available that are designed only for this type of TV.
  7. Change interface settings and adjust the appearance to your preference.
  8. Access to games and entertainment, watching high-quality video, a virtual control system and much more.

In addition to the advantages, modern technologies have a number of disadvantages. Among these users include the load of programs with unnecessary files and the inconvenience of managing some systems.

Smart TV features.

IMPORTANT! Before choosing and buying a TV, compare different models with each other and choose the most suitable one. You can refuse to use unnecessary programs that are not needed.

How to use Smart TV on TV

A complete instruction manual should be included with the equipment. Since different companies use different software and load the device with their options, the principle of operation may vary slightly. We offer a general use plan:

  1. As mentioned above, first of all, it is necessary to provide access to the network.
  2. After that, connect the keyboard or use a conventional remote control.
  3. Some systems require user registration. If this is not necessary, you can start work immediately.
  4. Thanks to convenient navigation, you can easily find the application or file you are interested in. Just click on it and the launch will happen automatically.

You can further customize the option to control gestures or voice. Choose the configuration scheme and interface that is convenient for you and use all the functions with comfort.

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