How to remove cat urine from a carpet without ruining its cover

remove the smellCat urine contains a lot of ammonia, proteins and pheromones. Due to this, the fragrance lasts a very long time and can even cause allergies. In order to avoid this, you need to eliminate the smell as soon as you see a wet spot. There are several proven ways to help bring out an unpleasant odor. So, how to clean and wash the carpet from cat and dog urine.

How to remove a fresh stain

The content of the article

  • How to remove a fresh stain
  • Withdraw dried urine
  • What carpets are the hardest to bring out?
  • How to remove a smell

To eliminate the unpleasant odor from the floor, you can just wash the surface with water with the addition of a chlorine-containing substance. But in the case of a carpet, washing is not so simple. Especially when it comes to colored carpet, bleach can completely ruin it.

If you saw how the animal does its dirty deeds on the carpet, then first of all it is necessary to neutralize the unpleasant odor, and only then deal with the pet. To remove a fresh stain is much easier and you do not even need household chemicals, you can use the means at hand.

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IMPORTANT! While you are cleaning the carpet, put the cat next to him so that he understands that he has done bad things.

In order to eliminate the smell of a fresh spot we will need: acetic acid, soda, detergent, hydrogen peroxide.

  • First we remove the urine. To do this, take a napkin and soak the stain until the liquid ceases to stand out.
  • After that, we make a bite solution in a ratio of 1 to 3. Apply the liquid to the stain and leave for three hours. Be sure to open the windows, because after vinegar there will be an unpleasant smell.
  • After the carpet dries a little, sprinkle the soda on the stain.
  • Next, mix the dishwashing detergent and hydrogen peroxide and apply on top of the soda.
  • Rub the product on the stain.
  • After that it is necessary to vacuum the carpet.

You can hang a cat lobe from a dark carpet with iodine or manganese. For one liter of water - 10 drops of the product.

After that, it is recommended to sprinkle the stain with lemon juice. After this smell, the cat’s desire to mark territory will disappear.

Withdraw dried urine

It is much more difficult to remove urine if several hours have passed and you just noticed an unpleasant odor. In this case, it is necessary to act a little differently.

IMPORTANT! First you need to remove the liquid as much as possible with a dry washcloth. After that, you must carefully vacuum the area of ​​the carpet.

Next, we move on to soaking up an old spot. Water with the addition of soda is well suited for this. Then sweep or vacuum.

fresh spotAfter we proceed to washing the carpet. If it is a palace with a small pile, then it can be stretched in the bathroom. Using special carpet detergents, you can easily remove unpleasant odor residues.

If you decide to wash the palace with your own hands, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner or just wash it with your own hands in the bathroom. You may need to repeat the manipulation a couple of times.

After drying, it is advisable to treat the carpet with agents that will deter the animal. Otherwise, he may spoil repeatedly.

What carpets are the hardest to bring out?

how to cleanTo remove the pungent smell of urine from the carpet is not an easy task. Due to uric acid, urine crystallizes and it becomes very difficult to remove it. When you wash urine stains, you eliminate the smell only for a while, but after a certain period of time it reappears.

Worst of all odors are removed from carpets with a large pile, it is better to give them dry cleaning. It is better to wash such carpets under a strong stream of water with special means.

REFERENCE! The hardest thing to clean will be with a product that absorbs moisture well.

How to remove a smell

As practice shows, in order to get rid of the smell of urine, there is absolutely no need to buy expensive drugs. You can get rid of an unpleasant aroma using improvised means.

Vodka. With undiluted vodka, you can eliminate the unpleasant odor from the carpet. She copes with the smell of cat urine with a bang. The disadvantage of this method is the smell of alcohol, which will remain on the carpet and will disappear for a few more days.

carpetManganese. With a cool solution of manganese, you can get rid of an unpleasant odor. To do this, it is necessary to treat the spots with liquid. This method is more suitable for dark carpets, because it can leave a mark on light pile.

Lemon zest. An excellent remedy for eliminating the smell of urine. Squeezed lemon peel, divorced with water and used to process the carpet.

Vinegar. Vinegar diluted with water also eliminates the smell of cat urine. You can wipe with a liquid, but you can spray with a spray bottle and then allow to dry. After that, the carpet is washed with a detergent, because unpleasant aroma may remain from vinegar.

These were the most reliable ways to remove the smell of urine from the carpet, which option to stop is for you to decide.

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