How to remove the smell from the carpet: the causes of unpleasant odors, store products, folk recipes.

Removing odor from the carpet.It is hard to imagine a comfortable home without a palace or a track laid on the floor. Thanks to the carpet, the living room becomes warm and cozy. Fabric products have the ability to preserve odors of objects that have been on the carpet for a long time or liquids spilled onto the surface of the coating. Removing unpleasant odors requires some effort.

Causes of Carpet Unpleasant Smell

The content of the article

  • Causes of Carpet Unpleasant Smell
  • How to remove the smell from the carpet
    • Shop Facilities
    • Folk recipes

If the palace or the path emits an unpleasant odor, then, first of all, find out the causes of its occurrence. This will allow you to choose an effective tool for removal. The reasons for the appearance of an irritating aroma can be different:

  • after the acquisition of a new coating, a specific “darling” is produced by dyes that processed the material under production conditions;
  • a persistent smell of chemistry is formed with the frequent use of active organic and chemical agents, if any, were used indoors;
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  • the annoying ammonia stench is inherent in housing, where animals and small children live, who relieve themselves directly on the carpet, after which being in this room becomes not very comfortable;
  • the persistent smell of dampness is noticeable with increased humidity in the room, if this is due either to the microclimate or to the incorrect organization of cleaning, as a result of which the coating does not dry out;
  • tobacco aroma is captured in a room in which it is periodically or constantly smoked;
  • if you pour liquid on the palace or drop food with a stable odor, it will irritate more and more until it is completely eliminated;
  • unpleasant “aroma” remains after vomiting, the removal of which does not change the situation, but requires the use of radical measures.
The choice of remedy depending on the cause of the unpleasant smell.

ATTENTION! Increased humidity may be familiar to the inhabitants of the apartment and its detection is possible only if there is a hygrometer that will show the measurement value. The prevailing value of more than 75% is unacceptable in the living room!

How to remove the smell from the carpet

Before using various cleaners that can absorb specific aromas, the product is carefully processed at the site of contamination or in its entirety, and then dried. If such measures do not eliminate the annoying smell, then they use more serious measures of elimination.

Removing odor from the carpet with store-bought products.

REFERENCE! It is not possible to independently wash or remove the entire palace because of its size and weight. Car washes do an excellent job of such a procedure, which will cost less than any dry cleaning and will completely refresh the carpet.

Shop Facilities

To remove aromas, it is effective to use specialized preparations, which are divided into:

  • oxygen purifiers;
  • enzyme-based powder stain removers;
  • neutralizers that are used on an industrial scale to remove industrial odors;
  • chlorine based products.

Oxygen purifiers are designed for domestic use and are produced by such brands as Vanish, Cinderella, Amway. Such a product is diluted with water in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, then a contaminated surface is treated, for this a sponge or brush is used. After the coating is saturated with the emulsion, it is allowed to stand for the time indicated in the application notes and then removed with water or a washing vacuum cleaner.

Removing odor from animals.

IMPORTANT! Means «Vanish» It is not recommended to use for silk and wool carpets, because the stain remover can change the color of the picture.

Enzyme-based powders are made using enzymes that can get rid of stains with an organic smell of the most unpleasant origin:

  • vomiting
  • blood
  • feces and urine.

The ability to clean organic impurities is an undeniable advantage of enzyme products. But their effectiveness is reflected in the cost - it is quite high.

To get rid of organic odors, the use of chlorine cleaners is effective. Such products are recommended for use on carpets in light shades. This is due to the ability of the drug to brighten the paint.

Industrial products are highly effective due to their ability to destroy bacteria - sources of unpleasant odors. The method of using all solutions is similar to the method described above for oxygen purifiers.

ATTENTION! The drugs used will not allow you to completely get rid of the saturated smell of tobacco. To completely eliminate such a problem, cosmetic repairs are performed, and the carpet is replaced.

Folk recipes

The absence of special cleaners in the house to remove odors makes it possible to use the available means in the household. These include:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • soap;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

A stain with an unpleasant odor on a natural carpet is removed with hydrogen peroxide, which is used to fill the contaminated area. After the solution dries, the irritating aroma will be removed.

Folk methods of removing odor from the carpet.

ATTENTION! In the presence of synthetic impurities in the palace, it can fade after processing with peroxide!

A faint odor is removed with a soapy solution. For this, a tablespoon of soap is diluted in a volume of water from 0.5 to 1 liter and the surface is treated. Then washed and dried.

Soda is diluted with water to a mushy state, imposed on a contaminated place and left for 15-20 minutes. After that, the entire consistency is removed, the treated area is allowed to dry and an odorless coating is obtained. To remove harsh aromas, essential oils are added to the soda solution.

At home, you can prepare a cleaning product that is not inferior in its properties to industrial preparations. To do this, mix vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 - 100 ml each, then add 1 teaspoon of washing powder and shake. The contaminated area is covered with soda, and the resulting liquid is distributed over the surface. The cleaning process will be visible by the reaction of the mixed components. After 1.5-2 hours, the carpet is cleaned of soda with a brush, the emulsion is removed and the product is dried.

Having familiarized themselves with various methods of removing unpleasant odors, everyone will independently choose a cleaning method, depending on the reason for the appearance and budgetary possibilities.

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