How to remove clay from carpet? First of all, pay attention to whether he managed to smear or not. You can remove a piece that has not yet adhered with the help of an ice cube, but you will have to tinker with the smeared mass a little longer. We want to talk more about how to clean carpet from plasticine today.
How to remove plasticine ingrained in the carpet: methods
The content of the article
How to remove plasticine ingrained in the carpet: methods
- Cooling
- Iron
- Vegetable oil
- Petrol
- How to remove a plasticine stain
We offer you several ways to remove clay from carpet.
If it’s cold outside, you can take the rug to the balcony and wait until the stain freezes well. After that, we comb out the hardened plasticine with a nail file.
If the rug was dirty in the summer, then you need ice to clean the carpet. The ice is packed in a bag, air is released and tied in a knot. After that, it is put on the stain and left for thirty minutes. After that, the plasticine will begin to crumble. After that, pick out the main part of the mass, and clean off what is left with a brush. Do not forget to vacuum the place where there was a stain.
If after cleaning there are greasy marks, which, incidentally, happens very often - take a little cotton wool moistened with alcohol. Gently wipe the stain until it completely disappears.
REFERENCE! By the way, with the help of alcohol you can wipe not only traces of plasticine, but also from felt-tip pens and other pollutants.
If plasticine has already managed to stretch along the palace, then you definitely can not do with ice. To do this, iron the stain with an iron through the fabric. The stain needs to be ironed several times until the entire piece remains on the fabric. Change the shreds as necessary. After that, wipe the stain with alcohol.
Attention! Before starting to remove the stain on the carpet, check in a less noticeable area to see if the pile will melt due to elevated temperature. In some cases, some carpets cannot be cleaned like this.
Vegetable oil
Vegetable oil copes well with staining, but after that it is imperative to wash the place where the manipulations were performed. Wash the remaining vegetable oil with a liquid soap.
To remove clay with vegetable oil, remove the mass as much as possible as soon as you can. After that, put vegetable oil on a rag and wipe it with a stain. Plasticine will begin to slide and it will simply be removed by vacuuming the palace. Then stick the place where the stain was removed so that there is no oily trace of vegetable oil.
You can tear off the stain from pollution with gasoline, alcohol, ammonia, nail polish remover. But this method has one big minus - an unpleasant smell, which will remain in the apartment for a long time.
If you decide to use this particular method, then first you need to remove children and pets from the room, and only then proceed to remove the pollution.
First, test the product in a less visible area so that the carpet does not change color after work. After that, you can safely start working. Using a rag, apply the product to the damaged area and leave for 5 minutes.
After that, a sticky mass is removed with a dry sponge. Then we remove the remains with a soap solution.
IMPORTANT! Do not forget that after manipulation it is imperative to rinse the palace with water.
How to remove a plasticine stain
When you removed the main part, then in its place there may be a greasy trace. There are several methods to get rid of a greasy spot.
You can moisten a cotton pad in alcohol, and wipe the contaminated area. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse with water.
You can use laundry soap. Dilute the soap solution and thoroughly foam the contaminated part of the carpet. After that, the wet area is soaked with a dry cloth.
REFERENCE! You can also use special tools. Be sure to follow the instructions!
If you have kids, then you should be prepared for the appearance of various spots. You can’t do without it, because kids learn this world. It is good that many pollution can be easily removed at home. And stains from plasticine can also be easily eliminated. By the way, all of the above methods are also great for removing stains from upholstered furniture.
We recommend that you do not buy plasticine, which contains beeswax. If he gets on the palace, then he can not even be removed in dry cleaning. If you have such plasticine, then put the baby to be creative as far as possible from the palace and upholstered furniture.
If such plasticine got on the carpet, then only specialized tools will help get rid of it. A carpet made of synthetic fiber must be washed with a detergent and in no case should an iron be used.
The most important thing is to notice in time that clay has stuck to the carpet. The sooner you start outputting it, the easier it will be to do it.
Attention! You should not even try to scrape off the pollutant with a knife from the carpet, which has a long pile.
Palace made of natural material can be cleaned with ammonia. Apply the solution to the stain and leave for several minutes. Then rinse with soapy water.
These same tools will help get rid of the trace on clothing or the soft part. To remove pollution from clothes is even easier because we can always soak it in a soapy product. Before you begin to remove the stain with any means, be sure to test it on a less visible area, especially with regard to special stain removers.
Plasticine is a good tool for the development of babies. Our generation has also grown by sculpting various figures, and you should not deprive your children of this. But, you do not need to let the kids sculpt crafts in your absence so that there are no such problems. Keep plasticine as far away as possible from children and allow playing with it in your presence, and as far as possible from the soft part and the palace.