How to hang a carpet on the wall correctly?

carpet on the wall in the old daysIf you have extra carpet and a desire to decorate your home, you can do this by complementing the interior with wall decoration. It doesn't matter which carpet you use. It may be old or just bought at a store. The main thing is to properly prepare it and plan a place for placement in advance. Also, you should first clean it of accumulated dirt and dust (in the case of an old carpet), update and give a beautiful appearance.

Carpet on the wall

The content of the article

  • Carpet on the wall
  • How to hang a carpet without nails?
  • How to hang a carpet on nails?
  • Tips on the topic!

The option of such placement will not only allow you to add and bring something new to the image of the familiar atmosphere of your room, but it will also perfectly retain warmth on cold winter days. Due to the thick cover of wool or other material and the air gap is created additional heat-insulating coating, which ensures heat preservation and prevents his loss.

Many believe that in the modern style there is no place for old-fashioned design options. However, this is not so and now in the designs of houses you can often find wall decoration with the help of colorful and unusual carpet products.

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If you decide to design your room in a similar style, then you should definitely decide on the method of fastening. There are many options to do this, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. In our article, we will consider several basic methods of wall mounting.

IMPORTANT: When choosing a mount, it is worth considering a number of factors: the weight of the product; wall dimensions; the material of which the walls are made; and the possibility of using various methods of hanging carpets.

How to hang a carpet without nails?

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the idea of ​​hanging a carpet on a wall in the old way with a hammer with nails. However, you should pay attention to other ways to do this. The fact is that nails spoil the material and leave holes in the wall at the attachment points. This approach can only be used if the product is hung for a long time or the walls have additional shield made of plywood, drywall or any other removable material, which will not be a pity to replace in case of necessary.

modern interiorThere are other ways to strengthen the carpet on the wall, allowing you to maintain integrity, not to spoil the coating and easy to remove the product if necessary. We will consider some of them in more detail.

The suspension method using special brackets is as follows:

  1. Twist the roll from the bottom to the top for convenience.
  2. Gradually unwind it and nail evenly on both sides with brackets using a special furniture gun.
  3. The distance between the brackets is about 10-15 cm. In this case, before each fixation, flatten and stretch the surface.
  4. Securely lock the top and check for tight fit.

The next option can be done using wire.

  1. Pull the wire from one edge of the wall to the other. Fasten the ends of the wire in the dowels.
  2. Attach the rings to the tapestry at a distance of 15 cm.
  3. Thread the rings onto the wire.
  4. Spread the surface evenly and iron it slightly if necessary.

Use of adhesive backing to hold:

  1. Prepare sheets of plywood, cardboard, polystyrene, chipboard in advance.
  2. Cut out the same shapes from them.
  3. Apply glue to the surface and stick them to the wall.
  4. Install hooks on the top edge of each part or hammer in carnations.
  5. Hang the carpet on these hooks using rings or special sewn loops.

Another option is to use a cornice. Such devices are sold in special stores, their device and the principle of fastening is no different from ordinary cornices. The carpet is also fixed, after which the uniformity of its distribution is checked and adjusted.

There are other installation methods. The most important and important condition is the calculation of weight, the number of fasteners and occupied space.

How to hang a carpet on nails?

nailsIf none of the methods discussed above were liked and you still consider the method nailing carpets to the wall the best, give some recommendations and consider possible options execution.

  1. The classic method is the standard nailing with a hammer around the entire perimeter. Here you should carefully hammer the hats and not try to drown them in the product, otherwise a gap may occur. You should also carefully calculate the distance between adjacent nails and stretch the surface of the coating well along the wall so that it evenly fills the space and does not create waves. This method is considered rough and in the event of a change of position or removal of the carpet, many holes will remain in its place.
  2. The second option is more modern and allows you to save material through the use of supporting rings. But here, too, can not do without nails. The method is quite simple to perform. First you need to nail a wooden or metal plank. After that, drive nails into it at a distance of 10 cm between them, but do not nail them to the end. By the number of nails, sew as many rings to the top of the carpet. In the final step, thread the rings onto the protruding parts of the nails. Everything is ready, beautiful design will be pleasing to the eye. In the case of transfer, the structure can be easily removed.

TIP: Use this method only in extreme cases, in the absence of the possibility of choosing other fasteners. This option can spoil the appearance of the product and the room as a whole.

Tips on the topic!

staple carpetWe hope that you have managed to achieve the desired result. For convenience, we will show you some tricks and give useful tips and tricks.

  • Before starting work, calculate and make accurate measurements. This is an important point, it is worth approaching it carefully.
  • When attaching in any way, make sure that no waves appear on the coating, and the surface remains flat, without sagging.
  • Choose sturdy mounts for easy cleaning without removing the coating from the wall.
  • To ensure that the material does not deteriorate or tear, hold it until enough fixing points have been set.
  • Do not hang products in wiring locations, close to the floor or ceiling.
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