Do-it-yourself cabinet under the sink in the bathroom: what to make a cabinet in the bathroom

Arranging a bathroom is a difficult process, especially if it is not too large in size. A separate issue is always the sink, problems with the choice of its type and location. A fairly popular way to install a washbasin in a bathroom is to install it on a special cabinet in which bath accessories or household chemicals are usually stored. This article will discuss how to independently build a washbasin cabinet in the bathroom.

Classifications of pedestals

The content of the article

  • Classifications of pedestals
  • What to make a cabinet in the bathroom
  • How to make a cabinet under the sink with your own hands

There are two main types of classification of cabinets for sinks: according to the installation method and the type of sink. According to the installation method, the products are ranked as follows:

  1. Floor standing.Floor-standing washbasin cabinet.
  2. Outboard.wall-hung washbasin cabinet.
  3. Corner floor / hanging.Corner pedestal.

The first type of product is quite versatile and widespread, and pendant have a fairly stylish design, save “precious” centimeters of bathroom space and harmoniously fit into modern design clearance. Corner cabinets are perfect for small rooms and unused sections of the room that are not included in its “working” area.

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As for the classification according to the type of shells, according to it, the products are distinguished:

  1. Under the mortise type sink.
  2. Under the invoice type of sink.

The cabinets of the first type are made with a solid worktop, after which a hole corresponding to the size of the bowl is cut in the upper part of the cabinet. As for the overhead sinks, they (this is a surprise!) Are “superimposed” on the pedestal supports without a tabletop, after which they are fixed using brackets or waterproof glue.

Reference! If you cannot be called a jack of all trades, but you really want to build a bedside table, then the option with a washbasin is just for you, because cutting a hole under the sink in the countertop requires not only patience and perseverance, but also certain carpentry skills.

What to make a cabinet in the bathroom

At the disposal of modern home masters in this matter is not only the "traditional" MDF, but also waterproof gypsum board, plastic or even glass. Each type of material has its drawbacks: drywall does not "hold" the load well enough, plastic quickly it is scratched and loses its original appearance, and glass, even if it looks luxurious, is quite difficult to handle and install.

Reference! There are also “hybrids” collected from different materials. For example, products with a body made of MDF and glass doors look quite stylish.

After the material is selected, it is worth thinking about its lining. Glass, for example, can be decorated with a special mosaic, and wood with curly painting. It should not be forgotten that the cladding should be in harmony with the general style of the room.

How to make a cabinet under the sink with your own hands

Before you start joinery, you need to prepare the room and the necessary tools for assembly and installation. Make all the basic measurements: the height of the bowl, the space around the washbasin, the distance to the water supply and drain pipes, the diameter of all pipes, etc. Do not be shy in the drawings and sketches: the better the future design will be visualized, the more errors in its assembly will be avoided.An example of a drawing under the sink.

After the measurements are made and the drafts are completed, it is necessary to draw up a detailed diagram of the product with the dimensions of each part plotted. When the circuit is ready, you can go for the tool. You will need:

  • hammer, screwdriver, pliers;
  • electric drill, jigsaw, screwdriver;
  • saw, chisel;
  • sandpaper;
  • tape measure, simple pencil, square;
  • building level.

With the help of a jigsaw, a hacksaw and a drill, all of the parts indicated in the diagram are cut. If we are talking about a product made of MDF, then first of all the details of the frame of the cabinet are cut out from sheets of material, and then all the other parts (doors, drawers, etc.). All sections are processed with sandpaper or a grinder.

Attention! Despite the fact that in the manufacture of products for bathrooms waterproof material is used, all of it lateral sections must be primed with water repellents, sealant or glue.

To give the structure greater strength, it is necessary to fasten its side panels with the base using prefabricated wooden corners. The “pedestal” frame for the overhead washbasin is sized according to the dimensions of the washbasin itself. When the frame is assembled, you can go to the doors, shelves, drawers and handles. If the cabinet is supposed to be made on legs, then the bottom should be fixed at a distance of not less than 10 cm from the floor covering.

Attention! Before installing an overhead sink on a finished bedside table, it is worth fixing on the last siphon and mixer: this will facilitate the installation process and save a little time.

If we are talking about a mortise sink, then before proceeding to insert, it is necessary to mark the countertop. To do this, you can make a cardboard template by the dimensions of the bowl, or you can simply turn the sink upside down, attaching it to the tabletop and outlining the contour of the bowl on it, then measure its rim in several places and apply a second, inner circle to the outlined circle circuit. When the markings are applied, you can proceed to the cutout.Home-made cabinet under the sink.

First of all, a hole for the jigsaw blade should be made in the future worktop. To do this, use a drill: drill a wide diameter hole on the surface of the inner contour (without leaving the contour). After that, insert the jigsaw file into the hole and begin to cut out the “nest” for future washing, carefully following the exact line.

In order for the cut-out part of the countertop not to fall prematurely, small self-tapping screws can be periodically screwed around the cut perimeter. When the cutout is finished, they can be turned out and the cutted part of the product can be carefully removed.

The slice must be cleaned with sandpaper and treated with sealant. After all the manipulations and installation of the sink to the wall, you can proceed to the connection of communications and facing work.

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