Cupboard for shoes with his hands: the composition of the drawing, the blank parts, assembly

Hallway every home, no doubt - the person of its owner. Scattered everywhere shoes will cause confusion among the unexpected guest. To avoid similar incidents designed to help shoe cabinet.

Its function is not only the sorting and storage of shoes, but also to extend their lives. After all, shoes, furniture stored in a special, less susceptible to external factors. Dust does not settle on the shoes to them will get pets and small children.

But, unfortunately, choose fit well with the interior design of your shoe cabinet is quite difficult. So it makes sense to make her own hands.

ATTENTION! Before starting the assembly of cabinets of your dreams, you need to decide on its type.

In today's world there are many different variants of the shoe shelves. They can be made from different materials and are limited only by your imagination. Here are just some of them:

  • Wardrobe (Great for small apartments);
  • Showcase (interesting, but are unstable structure);
  • Slim cabinet (Interesting design, where footwear is angled. As the name implies, it is usually very thin);
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  • Kaloshnitsa (Classical design appearance which is suitable for most balcony or loggia than hallway);
  • Rack (simple but unstable construction. Also unlikely to fit into whatever was design).

Drafting drawing to create tables

The content of the article

  • Drafting drawing to create tables
  • Harvesting of the necessary details
  • Rules build cabinets for shoes
  • Interesting options makeshift pedestals

Cupboard for shoes with his handsDetermine the type of future construction, you need to choose a material for manufacturing. In creating the pedestals for shoes can be used plastic, metal, wood and plywood.

REFERENCE! The cabinet for shoes, in the manufacture of which uses metal or plastic, it is necessary to provide ventilation! It is best to make the open design, as submissions bad passair, thereby causing damage to certain types of footwear.

Preferred as the base material used to manufacture wood or plywood. They perfectly breathe. Of these, just to make all the necessary details, even on their own.

TIP! The drawing is better applied to the inner side of the material from which will be made shelf shoes. This will help you in the subsequent assembly! And should be marked every detail!

Now, taking into account all the factors necessary to create a blueprint for future furniture. The figure takes into account:

  • The width, length and height of the future shoe shelf (Considering the thickness manufacturing material!);
  • The number of shelves and their size;
  • Other details of the structure, if any!

ATTENTION! On the Internet you can find a large quantity of finished drawings! However, before you start to work on them, you must adjust the size of the design to suit your requirements. Measure the width, height and length of the space in the apartment for which you want to install a shelf for shoes, and then adjust the size of the drawing under it!

Harvesting of the necessary details

The blank parts for cabinetsNow you need to make parts for cabinets for shoes with his hands. Having the finished drawing, the easiest way is to contact the store where you made parts and components design. However, all this can be done, and with his own hands. To create the parts and subsequent assembly of tables, we need:

  • Roulette and simple pencil (marker);
  • The jig (tool for machining holes in a drilling machine or milled);
  • Drill;
  • Hammer and nails;
  • Drill under the SCREW.

So, you must:

  1. Following the scheme and following the dimensions draw cutting card using a pencil or marker. Every detail must be clearly visible!
  2. Using a jigsaw cut parts, shelves, walls and struts. Paste over the edge every detail.
  3. Purchase SCREW, regulatory legs, shelf supports, guides and other necessary accessories.

Rules build cabinets for shoes

Assembling tables for shoesAssembly of different models of furniture principle from each other is no different. It is recommended in a well-lit room. And also worth to equip the workplace, and conveniently positioned instruments. For successful build you need to clearly follow the following order:

  1. Drill drilled provided the drawing space in detail. This will speed up and simplify the assembly process.
  2. Fasten metal corners and install guides for drawers.
  3. Install the tightening SCREW.
  4. We measure the thickness of the material used. It is necessary to drill two holes through the 6 mm from the edge. From the rear wall have to withdraw at least 50 mm.
  5. We produce the position calculation for holes inside the rack with the formula - the material thickness + the width of the intended shelf 50 +% of the thickness of the material.
  6. Drilled holes for shelf support. It is necessary to calculate their position according to the formula: rack height - the thickness of the partition, and then divide by the number of installed shelves.
  7. Install metal corners to cover tables.
  8. We collect the boxes following the drawing.
  9. Putting on konfirmat. Set the rack.
  10. Fasten the protective cover on each corner.
  11. Install shelves and drawers on rails.
  12. Build completed successfully!

Interesting options makeshift pedestals

options makeshift pedestals for shoesCupboard for shoes with his hands is unique. There are hundreds of varieties of supplements that can emphasize the individuality of your product. For example, a self-made furniture handle can become a memorable feature of the design of your interior. It is possible to provide structural elements such as:

  • Additional side shelves, allowing to store shoes of different seasons;
  • Mirror or carved curly insertion;
  • Worktop for things.

Craftsmen often painted doors and glass inserts. Put clear or mirrored doors. Often taken for itself and pedestal, painting the it. Decorating your product can be used rhinestones or wallpaper with a variety of drawings. Handmade furniture - a decent decoration for the home, the beauty of which is limited only by your imagination.

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