How to move a heavy cabinet: on linoleum and other coatings, the use of folk methods and special devices.

How to move the closet.Each person probably had to move massive furniture at home at least once to update the interior, carry out general cleaning or repair work. Often questions arise about how to quickly and safely rearrange so as not to damage the floor covering or the product itself and to avoid other troubles. To do this, you can use one of the folk recipes or modern methods.

Ways to move a heavy cabinet

The content of the article

  • Ways to move a heavy cabinet
    • Using Raw Potatoes
    • Using a wool rug
    • Apply wax or soap
    • Furniture conveyor to help
  • Modern ways to move the cabinet
  • The choice of method depending on the flooring
  • Precautions when moving the cabinet

Ways to move a heavy cabinet.In order to move bulky pieces of furniture requires a lot of effort and dexterity. It is especially difficult to move massive chests of drawers and cabinets without legs when there is nothing to grab at. Attraction of loaders could solve the task, but this method is very costly. You can do it yourself, if you use some tricks. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a little preparatory work, namely:

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  1. Release the product from its contents. A wardrobe or bookcase already has a large mass, and things give it extra weight. Also, during the permutation, something may fall out, this will complicate an already difficult work. When storing things, arrange them so that they do not interfere with carrying them in the future.
  2. Remove the shelves, drawers and rods. Of course, it is not worthwhile to completely disassemble the entire structure, you just need to lighten it as much as possible.
  3. Lock the doors that open (otherwise they will interfere at the most crucial moment). You can use ordinary masking tape.
  4. Wash the floor thoroughly with any cleaning agent - this will not only facilitate the movement of the heavy cabinet, but also reduce the risk of damage to the floor covering.

REFERENCE! It is contraindicated to move massive furniture in a room with a freshly painted floor - at least a week must pass before the surface can become strong enough.

After all the preparatory work, proceed to the main business. Some methods can greatly facilitate the movement of a heavy cabinet to the desired location. The following is a description of popular methods, just select the best option for your case.

Using Raw Potatoes

Ways to move a heavy cabinet.One of the simplest folk recipes is the use of ordinary potatoes. Fresh root crop containing starch provides glide and allows you to rearrange heavy objects without causing damage to the floor. The movement of the cabinet in this way can be carried out on the following floor coverings:

  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • parquet;
  • plank floor (only if there are no large gaps and differences between the elements).

To conduct the work, the tubers are thoroughly washed and cut into circles about 1 cm thick (the most common option) or cut in half.

ATTENTION! Potatoes need to be prepared immediately before use, so that its surface does not have time to lose the moisture necessary to slide the furniture.

To rearrange the cabinet, you need to slightly raise it and place pieces of potatoes under the bottom. If the product is too massive, more linings should be made so that the cabinet simply does not crush them. Next, carefully move the structure to the right place, remove the potatoes and wipe the wet traces. Similarly, you can use skins from fat, placing them at the corners of the cabinet. True, in the end you will have to carefully wash the parquet from the remaining greasy traces and a specific aroma.

Using a wool rug

Another “grandfather” method is to move bulky furniture on a blanket or thick woolen rug (it is recommended to use old things so as not to worry about them especially in the process). By carefully distributing the fabric under the cabinet, it will be possible to move it without much effort, while protecting the parquet from scratches and the product from possible damage.

IMPORTANT! Rearrangement by this method should be carried out at least together, so that one pulls on the rug, and the other person pushes the cabinet itself from behind. Otherwise, the substrate may slip out, and you will have to once again lift the weighty furniture.

Apply wax or soap

It is relatively easy to move a heavy object using some improvised means:

  • laundry soap or soap solution;Rub the floor with wax to move the cabinet.
  • paraffin or wax.

Carefully rub the floor along the intended trajectory of movement so that a visible lubricant layer is formed on the surface, which ensures sliding. After completion of work, everything is easily washed off with warm water.

ATTENTION! This method is permissible to apply only on smooth and hard flooring without any unevenness.

Furniture conveyor to help

Not so long ago, a device appeared for weighty racks and chests of drawers, which is a special jack for lifting furniture and small stands with wheels. Thanks to this invention, you can independently, without outside assistance, transport the cabinet to the right place and at the same time:

  • save time, nerves and health;
  • Do not scratch the floor and protect the piece of furniture from chips;
  • move furniture on any surface, including a carpet with a large pile (for this you only need to choose a model with large wheels);
  • save on the services of a loader - it is easier to purchase a small set once and use it for a long time time, than every time to call a team and pay a lot of money, in addition, in many cities you can take a conveyor for rent.

Modern ways to move the cabinet

Coupling belts for moving the cabinet.The effectiveness of folk methods has been tested for more than a dozen years. However, progress does not stand still, various modern tools can greatly facilitate the rearrangement of large furniture. These include the aforementioned furniture conveyor, as well as:

  • coupling belts;
  • garden or hand truck.

Coupling belts are textile elastic bands with fasteners that tightly wrap around the cabinet during relocation. The design is designed for two people. Belts are highly durable and easy to use. Many craftsmen also use an ordinary cart. With its help, it is possible to rearrange weighty objects with a significant saving of time and effort. Only if the cabinet is quite wide, someone needs help to secure it to hold the opposite edge of the product.

The choice of method depending on the flooring

We have already named the most popular folk and modern methods of moving heavy furniture. Once again, we recall which of them are suitable for work on a particular coating:

  1. For smooth surfaces (such as laminate, parquet or linoleum), any of the solutions described is acceptable. Choose what is easier and more affordable for your situation.
  2. For soft surfaces (palace or carpet) options with wheels, like a furniture conveyor or trolley, are suitable. Sometimes 3-4 kitchen rolling pins are placed under the cabinet and moved during transportation, but this is a rather time-consuming process.

Precautions when moving the cabinet

It is important to think in advance how you will carry out the entire process of rearrangement, to assess your physical capabilities. Whatever work option you choose, you need to remember about safety. Observing simple rules when moving the cabinet will help to avoid injuries and other unpleasant consequences:

  • first release the product from things and removable elements, fix the doors;Movement of the cabinet.
  • wash the floor of the room and make sure that no objects obstruct you during the transfer;
  • check in advance the availability of all necessary tools;
  • do not try to lift and move heavy elements without special devices, additional working hands;
  • watch the correct position of furniture during movement.

The risk of injury increases if you do not take a stable position, it is inconvenient to hold the furniture. No need to rush and make sudden movements. It is also important to correctly assess your physical abilities and ask your friends for help or still hire a loader crew, because health is priceless.

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