How to clean up the closet: how to pack things compactly and organize their storage correctly.

How to clean up the closet.From the point of view of physics, cleaning is a miracle that can turn three cubic meters of clothes into one, increasing the density three times in a couple of hours. Every few months, spending half a day sorting things, all women carry out a general audit of the cabinets. In addition to those who have learned to maintain order constantly.

The process of cleaning the wardrobe: getting rid of excess

The content of the article

  • The process of cleaning the wardrobe: getting rid of excess
  • Proper organization of space in the closet
    • Sort Secrets
    • What to do with the laundry
    • Where to store shoes
    • What to do with accessories
  • Principles of Cleaning the Cabinet
    • Save space
    • Save time

If the hangers and shelves have not been removed for a long time, you will have to remove the clothes, wipe the closet and put everything back. Not bad - in the process you can revise the distribution scheme of things so that it is comfortable to use. Recommendations and axioms to help:

  1. It is worth putting aside things that are not suitable for the current season, after checking if everything is in order with them. If the zipper is broken on the jacket or there are no buttons on the trousers, these deficiencies must be eliminated before being sent for storage. It makes no sense to leave a silk shirt in the closet in winter, and a down jacket in summer. It is better to carefully pack inappropriate wardrobe items in cellophane and put in a pantry or on the mezzanine.
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  2. No need to be afraid to throw it away. Surely part of the carefully stored things can be safely put on rags or children's crafts. Jeans with a hole on the knee can be patched up, the stain on the blouse can be covered with applique or embroidery, and a torn pocket can be sewn to the jacket. But let's be honest: now is not wartime and not a shortage. We refuse the suit without good reason - simply because it is tired, out of fashion or bought something better. 90% of plans for breathing new life into old things will not materialize. But the torn and dirty will lie on the shelf for years, displacing what you really want to wear.The process of cleaning the wardrobe.
  3. Most likely, what is buried under a pile of T-shirts and jeans (especially if the cabinet has not been taken apart for a long time) is forgotten and will not be worn. It happens that the right thing falls into this pile by accident and is considered lost (here is another plus of the audit), but most often this is what you can and should give. In any city, charitable organizations will gladly accept wearable items if they do not like the previous owners.
  4. Japanese Marie Kondo wrote about the art of cleaning a book that has become popular around the world. She advises to leave at home only things that bring joy. This is simple at first glance, but oriental wise advice.
  5. There is clothing that is rarely used for objective reasons - a tuxedo, evening dress with a train, pajamas in the form of a unicorn. But often with each cleaning we put on the shelves again what we don’t wear for a long time, regretting throwing it away or giving it away. When encountering such an item, it’s appropriate to ask yourself: will I really wear it or just get ready and never really wear it? Many people make it a rule to part with a thing if it has not been used for a year. This applies not only to clothing, but also to appliances or furniture. Why do we need a coffee table that stands in the corner for 12 months and only takes up space?

Proper organization of space in the closet

When all the unnecessary and irrelevant is prepared for release, return and "in the long box", you can do what will be applied regularly.

Sort Secrets

To follow the system, you need to develop it. To begin with, we will decide on what principle the things remaining after getting rid of unnecessary will be distributed in the closet. You can come up with your own idea or use someone else's:

  • to arrange everything compactly, by color (some even hang dresses in a rainbow order);
  • sort by category (skirts to the right, shorts to the left);Proper organization of space in the closet.
  • use the Japanese method: twist dense rolls of non-wrinkling things and fold them into boxes outwards so that you can identify what you need and pull it out without disturbing the general order;
  • fold sets, arranging them (for example, trousers and a pair of sweaters that suit them best) - this method eliminates the need to choose the right one for a long time in the morning;
  • to classify things according to the type of matter - the method is good so that, after washing all synthetics or wool, not to spread it all over the wardrobe, but to put it in one pile.

What to do with the laundry

The box with underwear should be divided into small sections, so that when you try to pull the stocking out of it, the entire contents do not appear on the floor. Practice shows that in a space divided into cells, it is more difficult to lose the necessary trifle.

ON A NOTE! If there is not enough space, but there is a lot of linen, you can put a set of sets for a week on the nearest shelf, and put the rest in a plastic container and put in the back of the cabinet. If the procedure is repeated once a week, the question “What to wear?” Will not arise.

Where to store shoes

Where to store shoes in the closet.Best of all - in boxes! This will protect it from dust - especially true for textile and suede pairs. So that the boxes are not the same, you can stick on the ends of the photographs of the shoes inside. Before at the end of the season to send boots or clogs to rest until the next, it is worth:

  • thoroughly clean them, sprinkle with deodorant, repair;
  • insert the pads with which they were equipped, or stuff with paper so that the shoes do not lose their shape for many months;
  • it is better to keep the boots suspended so as to avoid creases and cracks on the shafts in the places of bends;
  • the skin must be pre-treated with cream or oil.

IMPORTANT! Keeping shoes in tightly closed plastic containers is harmful - they should “breathe”. The lack of air circulation adversely affects the condition of the material.

What to do with accessories

Girls love jewelry, and do not like to untie elemental knots on tangled chains and beads. In order for jewelry to be stored beautifully and accurately, it is necessary to have coasters. A metal towel rack with several handles is suitable for long necklaces: it can be attached to the wall, and the beads will decorate the interior.

For rings, there are caskets and mannequins in the form of a miniature female handle. Earrings can be packaged in an organizer, which is easy to make on your own, covering a piece of cardboard folded by a book with cloth and making holes for hanging the earpiece. Such a system will help you not to get lost in small accessories, and you won’t have to spend time choosing a pair.

Principles of Cleaning the Cabinet

If everything is stacked, and there is free space in the closet, things have the ability to “breathe”. In addition, it simplifies the shifting of clothes when choosing outfit options.

Choosing the structure of the wardrobe, it is worth evaluating your ability to adhere to the chosen scheme in the future. If it seems too complicated for daily maintenance of order, it is better to dwell on something simple: as they say, "done is better than perfect" - done better than ideal.

Save space

Now there are many devices for storing clothes on sale - not only cabinets. You can buy or do it yourself:

  • a rack of boxes or baskets with “windows” on the sides for ease of access (a sachet or a bar of soap with aroma is placed inside to create a mood - for example, Wall stand for hanging shoes by heels.flower smell to a woman, sandalwood to a man, caramel to a child);
  • wall mesh for hanging shoes for heels (a collection of sandals will become an element of decor);
  • multi-layer hangers clinging to each other and allowing you to hang five things at once in one place (another way to store sets) - you can make such a hanger yourself by putting a ring from a can with soda;
  • an organizer with small compartments, each with a pair of turtlenecks, is hung on the wall or on the outside of the cabinet;
  • portable rack for hangers - it is convenient to select a dozen of your favorite items used constantly.

Save time

In order not to arrange a global campaign of cleaning once every six months, five minutes of labor daily and half an hour once a week are enough. If every day to put in place what was worn, it will not turn into a shapeless pile in which it is difficult to find a T-shirt.

It is useful to establish a tradition on Sundays (or any other day) to spend 30 minutes to restore order on just one shelf. If you follow this rule, the wardrobe will be clean and always taken apart: by the time the cleaning of the last drawer is finished, the first one will just need attention. This is an endless cycle, but it takes almost no time and effort.

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