How to get rid of mold in a closet with clothes: proven methods

bring out mold Mold occurs due to exposure to fungus. On the surface, it is in the form of spots of blue or yellowish color, develops rapidly, affecting objects that are around. Mold propagation in the cabinet results in an unpleasant odor that is difficult to remove.

Cabinet mold control methods

The content of the article

  • Cabinet mold control methods
  • If mold appears on clothes in a closet
  • Custom mold removal methods in the closet
  • Preventive actions

In the wardrobe, processing can be carried out only after it is released from things. There are two simple methods that will destroy the spores of the fungus, as well as save the wood from damage.

The first method is the processing of wood with soda. This option is suitable even for a children's locker, as it is completely safe. In 1 liter of water, dilute 4 tbsp. l soda, after wash this composition inside the cabinet. Leave the door open for about a week.

The next method is bleach bleach. But this method is not suitable for everyone, since in some people bleaching powder can cause allergies. This option can be used to process the wardrobe, which is the clothing of adults.

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First you need to get all the things and dry the interior of the furniture with a fan, only then you can start disinfection. It is advisable to move the cabinet to fresh air so as not to inhale toxic fumes.mold in the closet

Mix water and bleach in equal parts and with the resulting composition treat all surfaces of the chiffonier inside and out, and then wash it with plain water. It is best that the furniture is on the street for at least 2 days, this will eliminate the smell of bleach.

Important! During the processing of objects in this way, you do not need to mix various detergents with water, so you can only cause damage to health. Chlorine helps to completely disinfect the surface, which soda does not cope with, which is desirable to use only at the initial stage of the appearance of the fungus.

If mold appears on clothes in a closet

All things must be soaked for half an hour in a solution of washing powder and vinegar. Why 2 liters of water will require 2 tbsp. l vinegar and the same amount of powder. Then the clothes must be washed in the usual way and hung to dry outside. After the manipulations, dry clothes must be ironed on both sides.

You can also use the following methods:

  1. The affected area must be treated with lemon juice and leave for 10 minutes. After sprinkle the contaminated area with salt and when the stain dries, clothes should be stretched in warm water.
  2. Stir 2-3 tablets of ascorbic acid in 70 ml of alcohol, wipe the contaminated area with a cotton pad with this compound. Then the clothes must be washed and dried.
  3. On woolen clothing, dirt is removed with turpentine. Why do you need to moisten a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the stain. Then apply clay to this place, wrap it with a cloth and iron it thoroughly. Then wash and dry clothes on the street.
  4. If stains from the fungus appeared on colored things, then ammonia can best cope with this problem, it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Then a cotton pad must be treated contaminated area. After that, the laundry must be washed several times.mold

Custom mold removal methods in the closet

You can remove mold in the following ways:

  1. An ultraviolet lamp will help to perfectly remove mold, it has a detrimental effect on spores of the fungus. But before disinfection of the premises, it is necessary to remove all pets and indoor flowers.
  2. Extract from grapefruit seeds. Quite a non-standard, even exotic method of getting rid of fungus. The main advantage is that this option is completely safe and is not accompanied by any smell. You can buy the extract in a health food store. Method of application: add 2 drops of extract to 2 glasses of water, pour the composition into a spray bottle and treat the affected surface.
  3. Tea tree oil. The oil is completely safe for animals and humans, it can be used in any room. There is only one minus - a pungent smell at the beginning of processing, but it quickly disappears. This tool is detrimental to many fungi, bacteria and other pests and therefore will help to quickly get rid of mold. Method of application: mix oil with water in a ratio of 1: 1, pour into a spray bottle, shake and spray over the surface.remove mold from fabric

Preventive actions

Getting rid of mold by chemical or other drugs will not give the proper effect if preventive measures are not taken:

  1. The walls of the chiffonier inside after getting rid of the mold must be treated with drying oil or varnished.
  2. Periodically ventilate the room, arrange for maximum access of sunlight to the room, for which do not keep the curtains closed during the day.
  3. If the back of the cabinet is made of plywood sheet, then this wall can simply be replaced with a new one.
  4. Make holes in the bottom of the chiffonier for extra air circulation.
  5. It is necessary to periodically leave the cabinet doors open.
  6. Do not put dirty and clean things together.Mold on clothes

Attention! These preventative measures can be supplemented by installing aromatic sachets in the wardrobe, they will not allow an unpleasant odor to accumulate.

Mold can be the cause of many diseases in humans. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly monitor the condition of clothing and furniture. Periodic wet cleaning using disinfectants will significantly reduce the likelihood of fungus formation.

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