How to install skirting boards on linoleum: features of installing various types of skirting boards, how to put a skirting board on linoleum, mounting a skirting board with a cable channel.

Plinth installation.When the bulk of the repair work is completed, it remains to complete the finishing touches, which will give the room a finished look. Such a small detail as a baseboard plays a significant role in this. It masks the formed defects, gaps between the floor and the wall, the uneven edges of linoleum, hides various cables. Proper installation of the product requires knowledge and skills.

Features of installing various types of skirting boards

The content of the article

  • Features of installing various types of skirting boards
    • The nuances of installing wooden skirting boards
    • The nuances of installing plastic skirting boards
  • How to put a skirting board on linoleum
  • Mounting the skirting board with cable duct

Before installation, you must select the appropriate option. There are two most common categories of skirting boards:

  • made of wood and its analogues;
  • plastic products.
What do plinths consist of?

Each of these options has its own characteristics during installation. However, the toolbox will need the same:

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  • dowels, nails or screws;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw.

The nuances of installing wooden skirting boards

Skirting boards made of wood must be treated with an abrasive-coated tool, after which they are primed and painted in the required color. Installation is completed by coating the product with a protective compound. The fastening elements must be selected durable, which will serve a sufficient amount of time.

ATTENTION! Unlike plastic, wooden products are quite difficult to dock with each other, since this requires almost a jewelry fit in size.

Phased installation:

  1. Products must be sized to fit them with a hacksaw.
  2. Trim the ends at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. On the base it is necessary to mark where the fasteners will be installed. The distance should be about 10-15 cm.
  4. Using a drill, drill holes in marked areas. Their diameter should be equal to the used fasteners.
  5. Then lay the skirting board using dowels. Sometimes long nails are used for this. In this case, before hammering a nail, it must be treated with a special tool. This is done in order to prevent cracking or deformation of the product. The cap of the fastener must fully enter into the finishing material.
  6. If minor defects appear during installation, they can be masked with putty.
Installation of wooden skirting boards.

IMPORTANT! Trimming products is recommended strictly at an angle of 45 degrees, as this will facilitate their docking around the perimeter of the room. Lay a wooden support under the product itself. It will protect the floor from damage and become a backup.

The nuances of installing plastic skirting boards

For installation, you will need the same set of tools that is used when installing the wooden version. The installation itself is much simpler than working with wood. Plastic is much lighter and has good flexibility. It is mounted on a pre-installed base.

Installation steps:

  1. Clips, on which the product will be attached, must be pressed against the wall and mark the resulting places.
  2. The marks are drilled with a drill or punch. The distance between them should be 20-30 cm.
  3. Skirting boards must be given the desired length. This is done using a hacksaw.
  4. Fasteners are mounted on the wall using fasteners.
  5. Next, the product is installed in the clips. This is preferably done from the corners of the room.
Installation of a plastic baseboard in the corner of the room.

ATTENTION! When installing plastic products, the use of a hammer is not recommended, as this can lead to surface damage.

How to put a skirting board on linoleum

Most often, if the flooring is linoleum, plastic options are used. It is advisable to start the installation from the door jamb.

Installation steps:

  1. First you need to remove the decorative profile, and at the end, which will dock with the doorway, put on a cap.
  2. Skirting board is fitted to the wall.
  3. Places where holes will be drilled should be marked.
  4. Holes are made on the marks.
  5. The garbage that appears in the process, it is advisable to clean with a vacuum cleaner - including from the holes.
  6. In the holes you need to install the dowels and nail the material.

IMPORTANT! It is not recommended to make mounting holes near wires, sockets and switches.

Mounting the skirting board with cable duct

This version of the product is in great demand, since it allows you to hide all the available wires. They are quite flexible, which allows for installation even with uneven walls.

Skirting board with cable channel.

Installation steps:

  1. The preparatory stages do not differ from the installation of an ordinary PVC skirting board.
  2. The back of the product is attached to the wall on the installed clips.
  3. It is advisable to avoid the appearance of large gaps between the baseboard and the wall.
  4. Liquid nails are not recommended for installation of this option. Mounting is necessary with dowels or screws. The distance between the holes for the fasteners should be about 40 cm.
  5. After installation, the cable must be laid in the channel and secured with tape.

Installation of the skirting board, subject to the entire technology, does not cause any difficulties. A correctly selected and installed product will give the room a neat appearance and hide all unnecessary wires.

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