Linoleum, which is laid as a laminate as they are called

A relatively new material, combining the advantages of both of the above, and recently appeared on the market, has received the name modular linoleum. In fact, the material used is the same as roll linoleum, but is available in the form of rectangular or square trims with sizes of 32.4 × 65.5, 16.3 × 98.0 and 49 × 49 cm, respectively. Different manufacturers vary in size. Locks, unlike a laminate, do not click, and sit on a special glue, so the joints between the lamellas are almost impossible to notice.

pvc tile

This type of linoleum is called PVC tile, vinyl tile.

Distinctive features

The content of the article

  • Distinctive features
    • What happens
    • What are the features of such a material

Many will ask the question - if both materials fit into the lock, then what is the difference between them during operation? Laminate seems to be thicker and more impressive in terms of strength. We will examine in more detail the properties of the new material:

  • linoleum thickness is from 2 to 6 mm, while it has 4 layers - an adhesive base, a decorative layer with a pattern - imitation wood, stone, any texture, a protective polyvinyl chloride layer, and varnish, which gives gloss to linoleum or dullness;
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  • not harmful to human and animal health from an environmental point of view, consistent in this sense laminate flooring, although the latter is made from more natural materials (pressed cardboard, waste wood);
  • good insulating properties of polyvinyl chloride, which prevents dirt from absorbing into the material, penetrating moisture (including at the joints), combined with good mechanical strength and the absence of drying after a certain time;
  • the possibility of using underfloor heating, due to the resistance of PVC linoleum to deformation under the influence of heat;
  • noise insulation is at a fairly high level, steps along the linoleum are much less audible to the neighbors below, inaudibly characteristic clatter when walking on it in heels.

pvc tile
According to the results of the examination carried out by the international commission, according to the European classification EN 685, the modular linoleum itself high quality of the produced ones, the wear resistance class 43 was assigned, meaning properties approaching porcelain stoneware strength. When buying material, you should pay attention to this criterion, and take the material with this class. It is not cheap - a worthy linoleum costs in the region of 1000-1500 rubles per square meter, but it pays off for a long time service life and the possibility of replacing individual worn out fragments in the presence of the above merits.

What happens

It is divided by application into:

  • office - with increased resistance to stepping loads or to armchairs traveling on it, rather thin, not possessing to a large extent soundproofing properties;
  • home - thicker and softer than the commercial version, having a layer of pile in the substrate, giving the best noise and heat insulation properties of the material.

The official classification divides the material into three classes - household, semi-commercial and commercial.


The shape of the lamellas can be classified into:

  • square;
  • rectangular.

Depending on the technology used, the locks at the joints can be either self-adhesive or with adhesive applied to them.

Different classes are assigned depending on the technology and material of manufacture. fire safety: G2, V3, RP2, D2, T2 and so on, if anyone is interested, detailed information can be found on the internet.

The thickness varies from 2 to 6 millimeters, depending on what the purpose of the material is, a particular layer (substrate, or protective PVC) is made thicker.

What are the features of such a material

linoleum as a laminate

Most models in this category are made from polyvinyl chloride, in contrast to the roll version made from cork flour, PVC, rubber or nitrocellulose. It has a smaller thickness than the roll version (in the latter case, the thickness in some cases reaches 10 mm).

And the last question - why lay lamellas at all, if you can roll the roll? The answer is simple - in case of mechanical damage to the surface, just replace it with a small fragment, and easily and quickly, instead of completely replacing the roll or inventing some patchwork.

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