How to cut linoleum at home, types of knives and more

A material such as linoleum is used quite often today, taking into account the richness of choice in quality and color gamut of the material. It is easy to cut, with specialized knives that allow you to work quickly and accurately. The article will talk about the types of knives for cutting linoleum at home.


The content of the article

  • Retractable
    • Universal
    • Disk
    • Scissors
    • Scalpel
  • How to choose a tool

This variety still has the name of a construction knife. The design allows you to adjust the length of the blade, if necessary, shorten it during wear along the fracture lines applied to the surface of the torch. When the blade is completely worn, it is easy to replace. Externally, the design resembles a conventional stationery knife for cutting paper, only more durable and reliable. Suitable for cutting hardboard, linoleum, wallpaper and many other similar materials. The fastening is carried out due to the adjusting screw, during the return of which the worn blade is replaced. When working with a knife of this design, it is necessary to control its progress and conduct it strictly according to the ruler, since it quite easily goes away from the intended cut line.

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linoleum knife


As a rule, this type of knife is equipped with two cutting edges, parallel and at an acute angle to the handle. Much stronger than the retractable one, and as a rule, does not have a removable blade, but implies sharpening. Options with replaceable blades are also made, but this is rather the exception. Suitable, in addition to cutting linoleum, for leather, rubber, PCB of small thickness. It is convenient in work, they can even be cut on a tree in the presence of certain skills.

universal knife

In addition to universal, there are specialized knives for cutting linoleum with a characteristic shape of a blade in the form of a crescent or hook. This form allows you to accurately trim the corners of the flooring, as well as remove excess glue from the surface of linoleum. It requires certain skills to work with this type of tool.


If there is a need to dissolve several layers of linoleum, leather or fabric at once, you can use a circular knife. For an accurate cut, it is recommended that the edges of the material being cut be attached using tape or double-sided adhesive tape to the work surface on which the cutting is carried out.


Externally, the circular knife is a sharpened steel roller on a plastic curved handle. Thanks to this design, the tool does not crumple the material being cut, with a relatively small pressure even several of its layers are cut. Often in terms of sharpness and effectiveness, this tool is significantly superior to scissors. Another advantage is the ability to change the roller knife if it becomes dull or breaks.


For cutting flooring during installation, in principle, ordinary tailor scissors are also suitable, provided that they are well-ground, but for these purposes there is a specialized tool. Externally, these scissors are more reminiscent of a pruner, and the handle is located at an angle to the cutting edge, often the saw type. This design provides reliability and ease of use. In addition to linoleum, they can easily smoothly cut plastic and carpet. The price of a product depends on its quality, in the slightest degree a professional tool will cost about a thousand rubles. The advantage over conventional tailoring scissors is that the specialized tool does not bite linoleum and does not go to the side, resulting in a much more accurate cut.

linoleum scissors


The tool itself is very sharp, it is made, as a rule, of high-quality steel, and in many ways the method of working with it is similar to work with a construction knife, except that the scalpel is designed for finer work, for example, with soft tissues in surgery. As a rule, the possibility of changing the blade is not provided, but there is the possibility of repeated sharpening. Therefore, its use may be due to the fact that it is not necessary to carry out so many cuts in order to acquire a specialized tool, and there is a scalpel in the farm. As an option, there is no economic feasibility in buying knives for linoleum due to their infrequent further use.


How to choose a tool

When choosing a tool, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • strength and reliability of the handle, because with poor quality it can break with a fairly strong pressure;
  • the availability of interchangeable blades in the case if their replacement is provided for by the design of the knife;
  • sufficient thickness, and accordingly the strength of the cutting edge of interchangeable blades of construction knives;
  • the presence of skills in one or another type of tool;
  • the thickness and strength of the cut flooring, and it will be determined by the final choice.

Attention! The quality of the cut is ensured not so much by the convenience, durability and sharpening of the knife as by the correctness and clarity of the preliminary marking. It is rightly said - measure seven times, and once let someone cut off to someone else.

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