How to wash iodine from linoleum: improvised means for removing iodine from linoleum

iodineDespite the emergence of various antiseptic agents, iodine is still popular among many housewives. He is able to help not only with wounds, but also in other matters, possessing many useful properties. And it may happen that this tool will spill and leave a stain on the floor. For tiles, this is not scary, but for linoleum it is. But here you can also cope, and remove the iodine stain from linoleum using various means.

Features of iodine

The content of the article

  • Features of iodine
  • How can iodine be removed from linoleum from improvised means
    • Let's start with soda
    • The next place is starch.
    • Lemon to help
    • The next acid is ascorbic.

Before you start cleaning, you need to understand the features of linoleum and iodine itself. Why is this spot considered difficult to remove?

Features of iodineThe biggest problem is the structure of the flooring. Linoleum has a ribbed structure, as a result of which iodine penetrates between the small folds of the pattern and firmly rests there. Therefore, to remove such a stain, you have to try.

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A nice feature of iodine is that it dissolves in an aqueous medium, as well as alkaline and acidic. Therefore, there are many ways to remove such a stain.

On a note! Over time, the iodine spot can disappear on its own.

An even more pleasant feature is that this substance is volatile in its structure. This means that it is capable of independently evaporating under certain conditions. For iodine, just the presence of sunlight is sufficient. So, if the resulting stain is not important for you, you can wait 2-3 weeks until it evaporates on its own. Well, if the matter is urgent, we offer ways to remove stains.

How can iodine be removed from linoleum from improvised means

that will help to remove the stainFirst, pay attention to the means at hand. Firstly, they are more gentle, and when used, the risk of damage to linoleum is minimal. Secondly, you do not have to buy expensive substances, but just use what you already have in your medicine cabinet or kitchen arsenal. Of the available tools, the most common are the following:

  • soda;
  • starch;
  • lemon or citric acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • alcohol-containing solutions.

Let's start with soda

This is a universal tool that helps us cope with various pollution, including iodine stain.

  1. sodaWipe the stain with warm water without rubbing it into the surface.
  2. Pour a small amount of soda and moisten with water to form a slurry.
  3. Cover with a damp cloth and let the soda dry.
  4. Wipe the area with a damp cloth.
  5. If the stain is less noticeable but still remains, repeat the procedure.

Soda is a very gentle means, but you also need to be careful with it, because if used improperly, it can cause a chemical burn, although not severe.

The next place is starch.

Perhaps, not everyone has this powder in the form of a powder, but there are definitely potatoes in any kitchen. In the case of using a powder, the procedure is similar to the previous one. If using potatoes, follow the instructions:

  1. starchCut fresh potatoes in half.
  2. Wipe the stain with a slice until the surface of the potato dries.
  3. Then cut this layer, and wipe the linoleum with a fresh cut.
  4. Repeat the procedure until the stain completely disappears.
  5. Wipe the area with a damp cloth to finish.

On a note! Potato is better to take medium size, so that it is convenient to hold in your hand.

Lemon to help

lemon for iodineWith vegetables finished, fruits come into play - lemon. This remedy is more expensive than potatoes. But if alkali is not able to help you remove the stain, try using acid.

Using lemon, it is also worth rubbing a place on the floor with a slice of lemon, and then rinsing with clean water.

On a note! It is better to use a place with a ponytail for convenience.

The next acid is ascorbic.

If you have an ascorbic acid pill in your medicine cabinet, it can also help wipe away the pollution.

  1. vitamin CCrush the tablet and add water to it to form a slurry.
  2. Brush the resulting slurry on the floor and leave.
  3. Clean up with a damp cloth.

With this tool, you should be careful, since modern medicines are often fake, including ascorbic acid. Therefore, it is better to use it as a last resort.

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