Sizes of a crib: what are the sizes of cots, how to choose the right size of a crib

baby bedChildren in the first years of life grow quickly. Most of the time during this period they spend in cots. To create comfortable conditions for them to sleep and rest, it is necessary to select furniture that meets certain criteria. First of all, they relate to height and age. Too big - causes kids a sense of discomfort and insecurity. In the small one, they are simply uncomfortable sleeping.

What are the sizes of cots

The content of the article

  • What are the sizes of cots
  • How to choose the right size baby bed
    • Bed for baby
    • How to choose a bed for a child older than three years
    • How to choose a bed for a teenager
  • Bed size for two children

type of baby bedFurniture for children cannot increase in size at the same time as children grow. For different ages, there are standards that should be followed when choosing children's furniture.

Distinguish between models:

  • for newborns (it can be small cradles or cribs that are used for up to three years);
  • for children over three years old;
  • for teens.

Each group has its own characteristics that should be considered. It depends on how comfortable the child will sleep.

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How to choose the right size baby bed

Manufacturers of children's furniture, developing standards, correlate the age and height of the child. The average statistics are taken as a basis. Pediatricians believe that the length of a child's bed should be 20-30 cm longer than the baby's height. This is the optimal size that allows the child to feel comfortable. If the child is tall, then he will have to change a berth earlier. For small children, it will be enough only to change the height of the bottom (make it higher).


Bed for baby

Bed for baby sizesBeds for children from birth to three years traditionally have dimensions 60x120 cm. There are options 115x55 and 65x120 cm. European manufacturers use the standard 65X125.

Bed for babyThere are cradles for newborns with dimensions of 40x80 cm. They are compact, have special runners for swaying (or are suspended), they are comfortable for babies, but their term of use is very short - up to 5-6 months.

Some parents prefer to save and purchase children's furniture for sleeping on growth. The decision is incorrect for several reasons.

  1. In a large bed, the baby experiences a feeling of insecurity, sleeps poorly, and becomes restless.
  2. The absence of high sides often leads to falls of the kids. Due to the high height of the bottom, this can result in personal injury.
  3. If necessary, cots for children under three years are put to the bed of the parents, which is convenient for mom and calmer for the child.

On the contrary, low children and after reaching the age of three remain to sleep in a crib. For convenience, she takes off the board and raise the bottom.

Important!At three years, it is recommended that the baby be moved to bed for an older age category. Duration is optional. The final decision depends on the growth of the child and his activity.

How to choose a bed for a child older than three years

Bedroom furniture for children from three years old and older is divided into two categories: from 3 to 5 years old and from 5 to 12 years old.

First one has several standard sizes:

  • 70x140;
  • 70x160;
  • 80x190;
  • 80x195.

bed machineThe choice is determined by growth. Models of this category are often made with small sides for 2/3 of the length of the berth, which helps prevent children from falling out of bed. In the dimensional category, models made in a certain topic are particularly attractive: cars, boats.

Models for children from 5 to 12 years old are ordinary teenage or adult models, but smaller (80x190 cm) or standard single (90x200 cm) size.

Interesting: for small apartments or at the request of the child, you can choose the option “attic”. The size of the berth of such models corresponds to the standard.

How to choose a bed for a teenager

bed for teenagerTeenage options are ordinary single models, sometimes with an age-appropriate design. The size of a berth is from 100x180 to 100x200 cm. The option is selected according to the height of the child. In cases of non-standard high growth, it is recommended to make a baby bed to order. A grown child should be comfortable in it. The choice of size is important for any bed design: equipped with a podium with places for storing bedding or an attic model (for teenagers there are interesting thematic models).

Note:mattress selection and design are undeniably important when buying a bed, but size matters first.

Bed size for two children

Two children grow up in the family - you can use models designed for twins or brothers and sisters.

Bed size for two childrenThe size of the smallest double children's bed is 130x125 cm. For other ages, these parameters increase accordingly. It is convenient to use, but takes up a lot of space. For families living in small apartments, this option is not suitable.

double cribMuch more practical to use bunk models. They have a standard bed size. For the smallest, it is not recommended to purchase them. There is a risk of falling from a great height, even with fences (child behavior is unpredictable). The optimal age for moving to the upper tier is from 4 to 6 years, but the final decision is made on an individual basis.

Important: when choosing a two-tier structure, attention should be paid to safety measures - the presence of high sides.

Choosing children's furniture for sleep, you should choose it according to the height of the child, regardless of age category. The next aspect that needs attention is security. Design and compliance with the interior is important, but not essential. The main thing is to remember the recommendations of specialists - the bed should be 20-30 cm larger than the height of the child.

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