DIY clamshell: materials and tools, assembly technique

Almost no one has a large and spacious apartment in which all the elements of furniture, including a spacious bed, are located. Often, it is a double bed that takes up most of the free space in the room, and therefore, placing something else is extremely problematic. This option does not suit anyone, so now it’s become a real trend to independently create your own furniture, because due to this it turns out to create unique in terms of design and comfortable, made for yourself, a variation.

In small studios, it is recommended to give preference to folding beds, which could easily fit there, if necessary, they can be removed. In this article, you will learn how to make them yourself.

What you need to create a clamshell do-it-yourself: materials and tools

The content of the article

  • What you need to create a clamshell do-it-yourself: materials and tools
  • Clamshell Assembly Technique

DIY clamshellIf the clamshell is made independently, and all the rules of work are followed, then such options look much more beautiful than the options offered by the market for a similar cost. Following all the rules, you will be able to create yourself a mini-bed for 10 years. In addition, you can always accommodate a guest for the night.

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The main thing at the same time is strict observance of all requirements and nuances, having assembled a cot according to the instructions, you will have furniture that will serve you for a long time.

At the very beginning of creation, it is necessary to consider what materials will be used, as well as the approximate appearance of the product. The choice is quite large - metal, solid wood or MDF materials are suitable. If you have a very limited budget or simply don’t want to spend a lot of money, pay attention to the last item. Wood-fiber boards are inexpensive, but they have excellent qualities that are implemented in operation. Firstly, the construction of this material does not lose its properties for a long time. Secondly, an attractive visual component is guaranteed. Thirdly, due to the average density, operation under medium loads is allowed. Anyone, even a beginner, can work with this product.

It is best to use materials from wood, because it is much more profitable in comparison with metal structures, because environmental friendliness and heat control are many times higher. This article will discuss the creation of a clamshell from MDF. You will need to stock up:

  • measuring instruments;
  • circular saw;
  • in pencil;
  • grinding corner;
  • drill bits;
  • sandpaper;
  • protective glasses.

Above were indicated only tools for making clamshells with their own hands. It is worth noting that before self-assembly you need to carefully study several articles, as well as videos to better understand the topic, find out possible difficulties and features, otherwise the finished clamshell may not be like it.

Clamshell Assembly Technique

clamshell manufacturing techniquesHow to make a cot-camp bed with your own hands? You need to start the creation process by creating or searching for high-quality drawings, because an inept drawing made without rules can ruin all your undertakings. If you do not have the opportunity to make them yourself, find them on the Internet or ask the master to make them. Yes, it will cost a little more, but then the most important part will be covered. Sequencing:

  1. Depending on the materials used, it is necessary to find two supporting boards, their length should be equal to the length of the mattress, which is bought separately.
  2. Picked up the option, then based on its size, cut the boards of the required length. He will fulfill the role of "sides". It is worth noting that the transverse elements should always be slightly larger relative to the width of the mattress, so that it is possible to connect them with the supporting elements.
  3. Connect the back wall.
  4. At the next stage, a shelf is made, on which the base is subsequently fastened. Using the props, secure it.
  5. Then you have to create your own box designed for the mattress. The design should have the following dimensions (select depending on the mattress you have chosen) - 110 x 1460 x 2000 mm. Attach it to the middle of the bottom. After that, plywood is used to complete the construction.
  6. If desired, the use of any decorating products is allowed. It is worth remembering that the color should fit the general interior of the room.

IMPORTANT. The folding or unfolding mechanism must be created separately, it is more complicated to manufacture. If something is not clear to you in this article, we recommend that you read a few more or read a video on this topic.

The resulting clamshell must be decorated, because now it does not have the appearance that I would like to see. Use of paint is allowed, but you need to be careful.

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