Why can't you sleep with your feet to the door?

how should the bed be A person combines in himself immediately two areas of life: the biological and social parts. Nature awarded him with high intelligence and ability to think. In addition, a person is distinguished by his desire for knowledge of the world and the discovery of new knowledge. The process of development of society and various discoveries are closely interconnected.

Thanks to his inquiring mind and curiosity, man actively developed science and made new discoveries. Nowadays, every day new ideas and inventions are aimed at improving the quality of life. They are actively used and implemented in all spheres of human activity.

However, a person was not always able to find out the answers to questions of interest. Many puzzles remained unanswered, and unknown and incomprehensible phenomena were explained by mystical events, fantastic creatures... In Currently, science has found answers and explanations for most of the mysteries, but fantastic events have entrenched among different peoples in the form of traditions and will accept.

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Why can’t you sleep with your feet to the door according to Christian traditions?

The content of the article

  • Why can’t you sleep with your feet to the door according to Christian traditions?
  • Why not on Feng Shui?
  • Can I sleep with my head to the door?

kicking to the doorIn our article, we will talk about the omen associated with sleep. There is a belief that during sleep, a sleeping person should not be feet towards the doors. This tradition has no definite roots, therefore, it also has several explanations. The most natural and plausible of these is Christian explanation.

According to this version, this custom is associated with a funeral rite, during which the dead person is carried forward through the doors with their feet. It is in this position that a person is sent on the last journey, therefore it is not recommended for living people to sleep like that. Also, since ancient times, people have compared a dream to a "short death", similar in appearance to real death. During sleep, it is not recommended to let evil spirits and negative energy flow through the body and mind. It is advised not to sleep towards the passage forward with your feet.

IMPORTANT: This explanation is based primarily on human perception and the relationship of an unpleasant event and location during sleep.

Why not on Feng Shui?

Another interesting point of view is the explanation based on the philosophical attitude to life and perception of reality. According to Chinese wisdom, everything in the world has its own channels of communication and energy flows. These flows are divided into internal and external, in order to choose the best location, you need to find harmony between the energy fields.

room planThanks to this philosophical direction, places are selected for the construction of buildings and burial places. In the house, according to this teaching, a place is selected for wakefulness and rest, eating and taking water procedures. According to philosophy, the door and window are a source of energy penetration. They serve as a gateway for the entry of energy waves, and these waves do not always carry a positive charge.

In order to ensure a good rest, and in the morning to wake up slept and alert, it is necessary correctly arrange furniture and arrange the bed so that it does not intersect with energy lines streams. It is better to put a computer table in its place, so that fresh ideas always come to mind, and the workflow is a joy.

IMPORTANT: Detailed information can be found in special literature and to equip your room.

Can I sleep with my head to the door?

how to put a bedMany people wonder about the location of the body at night. If you can’t sleep with your feet to the door, then you can decide that setting your head on the doorway will be a favorable decision for the body. But this does not bring anything good for consciousness and relaxation.

There are traditions and superstitions, according to which it is forbidden to go to bed head to the door (entrance or interior). According to some versions, evil spirits can jinx you; according to philosophical ideas, life energy should not be directed through your head. This can lead to anxiety, a feeling of fear, and in the morning you will feel heaviness and lethargy.

IMPORTANT: It is up to you to believe all signs. Scientists believe that in the house it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature, lighting, to prevent drafts, and they are especially felt near the windows and doorways. Therefore, there is some truth in the traditions.

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