How to separate a bed in a studio apartment: original ways

Ways to separate a bed in a studio apartmentYou need to separate the bed if you have only one room. We often have to meet guests, and it is inconvenient to show them a berth. In addition, guests can sit on the bed, thinking that it is a sofa. We have to look for ways to separate the bed.

Ways to separate a bed in a studio apartment

The content of the article

  • Ways to separate a bed in a studio apartment
    • Screen
    • Wooden partition
    • Using a bookcase
    • Canopy
    • Loft bed
    • Hide the bed behind the curtains
  • The original idea to hide a bed in the wall

The easiest option is to put a sofa for guests so that they know where to sit. But very often in the room there is not enough space for this. I have to look for other ways.


This method is good if you want to hide the bed from prying eyes. In addition, the screen is considered an interesting subject of decoration.

Attention! The advantage of this method is the mobility of the screen itself. It can be moved, removed or folded. Also, changing the old screen to a new one, you can change the interior.

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A screen can serve not only as a decoration. There are many designs with mounted shelves, hangers or a mounted mirror.Screen bed

Wooden partition

Another interesting method is a wooden partition. This is better than the original design, rather than ordinary plywood. It should not completely cover the room, so the presence of gaps (like blinds) is desirable. The advantage is that it will not only separate the bed, but also protect your sleep from the sun, will not harm the interior and will not take up much space.

It is important that its color is the same as that of other furniture in the room, otherwise it will not fit into the interior.Separate the bed with a partition

Using a bookcase

The bed can be hidden behind the shelf. The advantages of this method in the functionality of the rack. You can put books, photo frames and various decor items in it. Moreover, the size of the rack can be different, from a few centimeters, to the ceiling.

The disadvantage of this method is that the rack takes up additional space in the apartment, and over time it will be filled with unnecessary things.Separate bed shelving


This idea is suitable if you do not want to install partitions, or clutter up the room with shelving. But still I want the bed to be separate from the room, so that guests understand that this is a place to sleep, and you should not sit on it. The canopy is able to create comfort during sleep.

The advantage of this method is that the canopy will not take up space in the room, and people will understand that this is a place to sleep and you can’t sit on it. The disadvantage is that people will still see a sleeping place.Canopy

Loft bed

A very interesting idea is to raise the bed up. It will look like an attic. You can buy a finished design on the legs. You can get to the bed using the stairs.

Attention! The advantage of this method is that the bed will not take up space in the room. Under it you can put a sofa or other furniture.

The disadvantage is that guests will still see a berth. And to get to it, you have to climb the stairs. This is inappropriate after a hard day.Loft bed

Hide the bed behind the curtains

The standard option that many people use. First you need to pull a fishing line or rope between the walls. Then choose a suitable curtain. It can be dense or transparent.

Attention! The advantages of this method are that this option is the cheapest and most affordable. The curtain is easy to move and can only be pulled when you have guests.

The disadvantage is that the method is normal, but I would like something interesting.Separate the bed curtains

The original idea to hide a bed in the wall

To do this, you need to order a wardrobe, which is installed in the wall. Its dimensions must be large so that the bed fits inside. Thus, it becomes not visible where the bedroom is, because it is hidden behind the sliding doors. This option is very practical, but not suitable if you are used to a large room. In addition to the lodge inside the wardrobe, you can only put a bedside table. Other furniture will not fit there.Bed in the wall

Another drawback in the high cost of buying a cabinet. After all, a coupe is more expensive than a separate design.

Attention! The advantages of this method are saving space in the room and interesting ideas.

There are so many ways to separate the bed. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with everyone and choose the idea that suits your case.

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