Step-by-step instruction on the promotion of hyacinths in the home

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Live flowers on the festive table will make any celebration unforgettable. But buying them in the winter is expensive and impractical. It is much cheaper and more interesting to produce bulb onion at home. With our step-by-step instruction hyacinths for the holiday will certainly please with a long and lush bloom.

Preparing the bulbs for forcing

In order for the distillation to be successful, and the hyacinths bloom for the holiday, it is necessary to prepare them in advance. Work begins in the summer. For distillation, the strongest and most healthy plants are noted. They dig them out two weeks before the others. The bulbs are sorted, since for successful winter flowering, specimens larger than 5 cm in diameter are needed. They are dried for several days in the shade in a well-ventilated place. Then two weeks stand at a temperature of 30 ° C and high humidity. Then the temperature is smoothly reduced to 16-18 ° C.

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The quality of flowering largely depends on how accurately the temperature regime is maintained. If such conditions can not be created, it is possible to buy bulbs that have already been trained - there is a corresponding label "For distillation" on their packaging. Bought bulbs before planting are stored at 18 ° C.

When to plant hyacinth for distillation

To plant a hyacinth on a pasture on time, you need to know its grade. There are varieties of early, middle and late flowering. From the table you can see when you should plant hyacinth so that it will blossom in the right time.

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Variety of hyacinth Flowering time Term of planting
Early December - January End of october
Average February March The beginning of November
Late April December

Flowering in hyacinths lasts 2-3 weeks, so do not worry that it will fade before the holiday.

How to choose the right substrate and a pot for distilling the hyacinth

For potting bulbs of hyacinths, a pot of at least 15 cm high is suitable. Its diameter is chosen depending on the number of bulbs. They should not touch the edge of the pot and with each other.

At the bottom of the pot drainage is laid-broken shards, a small fraction of rubble and river sand. Then, a substrate with the following composition is poured:

  • humus - 1 part;
  • turf ground - 2 parts;
  • coarse sand parts.

The earth is slightly condensed and moistened. Bulbs before planting should be carefully examined - put only healthy specimens without signs of rot and damage by insects.

For the prevention of fungal diseases before planting in the ground bulbs should be held in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 5-10 minutes.

Planting and caring for bulbs

For planting bulbs, use the step-by-step instruction, then the outbreak of hyacinths at home will be successful.

Selected bulbs are planted so that the tip reaches the top edge of the pot. It is best that the distance between the planting material is not less than 2 cm. The top third of the bulbs should remain above the ground. The space between them is also covered with a substrate. It is slightly condensed and watered.

Read also:What to do with the bulb when the hyacinth is flowing?

Next, the pot is covered with a paper cap and placed in a cool place with a temperature of 4-6 ° C. In such conditions the hyacinth hibernates for 2-3 months. Water the plant very moderately, only when the earth is completely dry.

After the end of the rest period, the bulb throws out the first leaves. At this time, the pot is moved to a cool window sill. When the flower spike grows to 15 cm, the cap is removed. The most suitable temperature for long flowering is 16-18 ° C.

The development of the plant can be regulated by changing the conditions of its content. With increasing temperature and increasing daylight, hyacinth will blossom earlier, and to slow the flowering time, lower the temperature and rearrange the pot in a darkened place.

If all of the above conditions are met, the outbreak of hyacinths at home will certainly succeed, and your the window-sill is decorated with magnificent caps of flowering plants of the most delicate colors - white, pink, lilac, burgundy, blue.

The reasons why distillation may not work out

This can happen for several reasons:

  1. The leaves wore - excessive watering.
  2. A short flower stem - the bulb did not pass a full period of rest at low temperatures.
  3. The flower bud has not grown - the flower bud is formed only during high temperatures. Another reason is that the bulb is small and weak.
  4. The leaves turn yellow - this is due to a lack of light or a draft.
  5. Falling buds - cause in irregular watering.
Read also:And you planted a hydrangea in the spring in the open ground?

Try to take into account these recommendations and follow the step-by-step instructions, and then the outbreak of hyacinths at home will not create problems for you.


Removal of hyacinths in water

This method is simple and allows you to decorate your window sill for the holidays not only with flowering hyacinths, but also with beautiful multi-colored vases under them. Buy them in specialized stores. The vases have an enlarged upper part under the bulb and a tapered lower for the roots.

If there are no special containers, just pick up plastic bottles of the appropriate shape.

We begin the distillation:

  1. Pour cold boiled water in the container.
  2. Put the bulb in the top of the container. Water should barely touch the bottom.
  3. All containers with bulbs of hyacinths put in a cool darkened place.
  4. After the bulbs have released a bunch of roots, move them to the window sill and cover with paper caps.
  5. When the shoots grow several centimeters, remove the caps.
  6. Flowering begins about three months after the beginning of distillation.

Constantly watch the water level and its purity, so that the bulbs do not rot and not dry out.

In this way, you will be able to produce hyacinths in the new year or by March 8 and decorate your holiday with fresh flowers grown on your own.

Planting hyacinths - video

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