When talking about modern furniture, one often hears about a concept such as latoflex or lamella. We will understand what it means.
What are lamellas for a bed
The content of the article
- What are lamellas for a bed
- Why are lamellas needed?
- Which lamellas are better, their advantages
- Sizes of lamellas
This concept means the slats that run across the base, they serve to maintain the mattress. However, recently, lamellas are increasingly fixed on their own orthopedic basis, which is installed inside the case.

A similar bed base, consisting of slats, is better than solid. It allows air to circulate, thereby facilitating the care of the mattress itself, because it "breathes", and therefore, the moisture that has accumulated in it during the time that the person was sleeping - evaporates. Moisture in the mattress accumulates due to the fact that it is closed by a mattress cover, on it lies bedding, a bedspread. Such slats prevent the appearance of the greenhouse effect inside the mattress.
REFERENCE! The most comfortable plates have an elastic arcuate profile, providing a spring effect when pressure is applied to them.
Why are lamellas needed?
The base of the orthopedic type bed is currently being assembled as a puzzle. It consists of two or three dozen rails - lamellas, which are united by one frame. The lamellas serve as the bottom of the bed; a mattress with orthopedic characteristics is placed on them. Modern mattresses are devoid of bumps on the surface and have a fairly heavy weight. Lamels perform the following tasks:
- Ventilate the mattress, allowing air to circulate.
- Reduce the pressure exerted on the mattress, as well as the load transmitted to the bed base.
- Increase the anatomical capabilities of the mattress.
- Allows you to create the effect of the spring, which is achieved by their shape. Thanks to her, no creaking occurs.
- Extend the life of the bed.

Which lamellas are better, their advantages
All lamellas can be divided into two types, they are either wide or narrow:
- The wide ones include slats reaching lengths of the order of a meter. They are placed one next to the grid, as a rule, they are used in single and one and half types of beds. This type is ideal for any springless mattresses, as well as for mattresses equipped with Bonnel springs.
- Narrow elements are 700-800 millimeters long. They are installed in two rows - one row in each berth. This type of arrangement is recommended for mattresses with independent springs.

If we talk about how the number of slats should be, the best option would be 26-30 slats for beds for two people. Accordingly, for one person, and lamellas will need two times less (13-15). In general, the more there are, the better they can provide flexibility to the bed base and, accordingly, can withstand heavy loads.
All lamellas are different in thickness, length, width, as well as the distance that is between them. The best thickness, it is considered, is 8-10 millimeters, the optimal width is 5-7 centimeters, but their length depends on what width the berth has. Beds can be 140 centimeters, 160 centimeters or 180 centimeters and for each of these types of beds, slats of different lengths are required. A gap is left between each bar, which should not exceed the width of one of the lamellas, namely: 4-7 centimeters.
Lamels have one more classification, namely by the type of their holder. Modern developers install rails on special holders, which can be:
- plastic;
- rubber;
- polypropylene.
Lamels that used to be mounted on tape or mounted on a metal frame have now lost popularity. They were replaced by practical and lightweight fasteners, which make it possible to easily replace this fastener with our own forces if the rail fails.
IMPORTANT! It is difficult to determine which lamellas are better and which are worse. Speaking of fixing lat, it is worth choosing a rubber or polypropylene holder - these holders are much stronger and better than a plastic counterpart.
Sizes of lamellas
Each bed is different from the other, first of all, the size of the place to sleep. Accordingly, the length of the lamella for each bed will require a different one. A double bed, with dimensions of 180 by 200 centimeters, requires for itself a lamella with a width of about 880 - 885 millimeters, a single bed needs lamellas 900 - 990 millimeters long, provided that they go one row or 500 millimeters if there are two rows lamellas.
Reiki differ not only in size, but may also have differences in bending angle. If you are going to replace them or buy separately, then measure both the length and the width of the existing ones so that the ones purchased do not differ. The width of the slats can be - 40, 50, 70 or 80 millimeters, but their thickness is almost unchanged, ideally it is 8 millimeters.