Recently, many hotels as a marketing move, began to offer rooms with a "French bed." Intrigued guests are ready for a generous waste for the sake of such an innovation. But is it so new and what the "French beds" are actually we will try to find out.
It is historically believed that the model of such beds has its roots in the late 16th century. The French have become innovators in fashion and style of sleeping places, from here they actually got their name.
What does a French bed mean in a hotel?
The content of the article
- What does a French bed mean in a hotel?
Distinctive features of French beds
- French bed models
- Pros and cons of such beds in hotels
As a rule, this is an attribute of numbers for newlyweds or couples in love. The fact is that such beds are a double view, but they are much inferior in width to ordinary beds and those sleeping on them are forced to "snuggle" to each other.
Distinctive features of French beds
Their distinguishing features are as follows:
As mentioned above, this is the size.
- Gorgeous, even pathos appearance. Such a bed is characterized by rich decoration, many different figures that have gilding, and in in some cases, made of natural gold and encrusted with precious and semiprecious stones.
- It has silk pillows and a bedspread.
- Depending on the model, it may have a canopy. It gives even more sophistication.
- The colors used are light, beige and gold. Often different variations of milk color.
- They are made exclusively from expensive wood.
French bed models
The lineup differs in many ways from ordinary berths and suggests that the owner understands what type of room this bed is for.
- Model Designer. The model rises to the ceiling with its head, and has lights on the back. When folded, it looks like an expensive antique cabinet. This is the choice rather for the cabinet. The solution is interesting, but the design is voluminous.
Model sofa. Folds in and frees up space, ideal for small bedrooms. An interesting approach. Luxury combined with the small size of the bedroom.
- Armchair Model. Many connoisseurs of the French style in furniture are ironic in this model. After all, in assembled form this is a banal chair, and this model cannot be called a disassembled bed. Although, pillows, expensive finishes are present.
- Classic Model. Which retained the style and distinctive features of the “French bed”. Of course, the hotels are located mainly models in this area. As a rule, they have high-class rooms for VIP-clients and other wealthy connoisseurs of beauty.
Pros and cons of such beds in hotels
The pluses include:
Gives luxury to the room. And as a minus, respectively, at times increases its value.
- It has a strong structure and a soft mattress. She will be able to sleep quite well. It has a small height from the floor and for people aged it will be uncomfortable.
- This piece of furniture is abundantly decorated not only with winding legs, but also with many small fabric details. And individual copies also include a canopy.
Of course, the design is gorgeous, and the dream in such luxurious apartments is pleasant, but it should be understood that the complex design and a lot of additional details create a serious difficulty for cleaning staff, which, due to the human factor, are not always ideal remove dust. This is a minus and a risk to spoil the rest for visitors with respiratory problems.
Important! Do not forget that the abundance of fabric parts accumulates dust, which is dangerous for allergy sufferers.
However, there were no special minuses, except for the high price for a hotel room. Yes, and advantages such as strength, luxury can not be implored.