Caring for leather sofa: how to get stains and remove scratches

Leather sofaFor centuries, leather furniture is popular and familiar decorates the interiors of luxurious living rooms and offices. Leather sofas still look stylish and respectable. At the same time they can serve for many years, and even live up to the status of "antique furniture". But on one important condition - good care and respect.

As you clean leather sofa

The content of the article

  • As you clean leather sofa
    • Traditional methods
  • Basic rules of operation of leather sofas

Caring for leather sofa does not require much effort, if you do it regularly and properly.

Every week you need to collect the accumulated dust with a vacuum cleaner or wipe the sofa first soft damp cloth and then dry. This procedure cleans the pores of the skin and gives it enriched with oxygen, which increases the life of the sofa existence.

Monthly sofa should be cleaned with the help of special tools. Choosing a good means to care for leather furniture care - an important task. For expensive items should not use the budget tool unchecked. It is better to buy products of well-known manufacturers with guaranteed quality and compliance of all declared by the manufacturer means of tasks (eg, Boston, Salamander, Softcare).

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Reference! In an emergency, you can use a good means to care for leather shoe care.

Once every six months it is necessary to nourish the skin fat-containing means able to restore its elasticity. You can use special means or oil (linseed or coconut).

The oil was applied with a soft cloth and then wiped dry flannel, cotton or microfiber cloth.Leather sofa to wipe

To restore shine, you can use products containing wax. Rub the skin should be careful not to damage the coating.

Attention! Choosing means to care for a leather sofa, make sure that it is suitable for leather.

Camouflage scratches and small cuts by using a special liquid skin. The difficulty lies in the correct selection of color corresponding to the tone of the sofa.

Traditional methods

Along with special means you can try the traditional methods that have helped to care for leather goods long before the advent of modern means.

The most difficult tasks spots considered skincare. They can be derived by simple means, which are available in every home.

Attention! Stains must be removed immediately, otherwise, to withdraw their own very difficult to have access to specialists dry cleaning.

Stains from wine, juice, coffee, tea can be removed with an alcohol solution. Coffee and tea wipe first with soap and water, then with a damp cloth and wipe dry. Stain coffee can also be derived using ammonia.Leather sofa care

Grease stain by wiping with a dry cloth, you can sprinkle cornstarch or baby powder. At the end of 2-3 hours to soak into the remains of fat powder.

Traces of ballpoint pens, felt-tip pen, lipstick was removed with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol diluted with water or lemon juice. You can use adhesive tape, which is glued to the damaged area. After removal of adhesive tape residues glue wiped with soap solution.

Attention! You should not use acetone to remove stains. It can damage the skin color and break the protective layer.

To remove the gum around it need to lay wrapped in plastic icicles. Chewing gum should be easy to remove, if it did not happen, it is necessary to use a blunt knife or some other object, which will help to remove it.

If the skin has become dull, restore its shine, you can use glycerin. Apply it with a sponge, and then rubbed to a shine with a soft cloth. Shine lasts for 1-2 weeks.

To restore the shine and softness of the skin have long used natural cow's milk. For this purpose it is necessary to warm, moisten a soft cloth and rub the sofa.

If the skin appeared abrasions can remove it with the olive oil. Shabby place wipe oil, topped with a rag soaked in water, her warm iron. The heat absorbed by the oil in the skin, making it soft.

Important! Iron should be just warm, not hot, not to damage the skin.

Finally, apply selected color shoe polish. Try to remove the attrition can also be purified using orange peel, which contains a sufficient amount of essential oils.Leather sofa chair

Basic rules of operation of leather sofas

There are some basic rules on the conditions of operation of leather sofas:
If possible respect for the leather furniture. If it is possible, for example, move to another location kofepitiya, it is better to take this precaution.Leather sofa

The skin does not like ultraviolet light and artificial heat, which leads to drying and the appearance of cracks. Therefore, it is necessary to put the leather furniture away from windows and heat sources (radiators, fireplaces, stoves). The minimum recommended distance - not less than 1 m, but it is better 2-3 m.
In the room with leather furniture it is recommended to keep the relative humidity in the range of 65%. At low humidity dries not only air, but also skin.

Reference! Dyed leather dislikes drying, the top layer it may crack and crumble.

Very often in films shot on classical works, you can see the leather furniture in white covers that dress with long absence of home owners. This non-random directorial reception. The skin really can not conceal colored covers that may be shed, which would entail a deterioration of the skin and the appearance of spots deduce that it will be impossible.

It is not necessary to allow a pet to jump on the leather sofa. Even the strongest skin can not withstand claws and covered with unsightly scratches.

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